Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,186

    morning all

    I redid some of the soldering Toady as it wasn’t up to the standard of the rest of it, I realised after looking at the photo, but it’s done now.

    Loanda off to doc’s this morning. I’ve just done her triage form.

    I had very weird dreams last nite, no doubt the mxt. At one point I could see inside my motorcycle engine as it was running with the chains and gears and stresses and strains, very weird and quite disturbing. Not quite a nightmare but certainly not a nice dream.

    Just having my 2nd cuppa chatting to Anda whilst she typing on her work computer doing top secret important stuff.

    Off to play some tunes in bunker shortly whilst I don’t have too much pain and a clear head.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 187

    Hi frogmorton I'm having a quiet day today I'm exhausted off sorting my daughter out this morning she was playing up again it's a good job I love her so much and a good job my son is totally different does everything straight away when asked. Yeah he manily focused on my knees I guess they only deal with 1 problem at the time hope you are well and I hope you have a great day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 187

    Hi dachshund I'm sorry your on your own I'm pleased you have a computer to play games on and im pleased you have your scooter to go out when you want to hope you are feeling well and I hope you have a great day.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,186

    well look at that, first post on new page, i do like that when it happens 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,281

    hi Toni / Tone of the non - baritone

    How are you?
    mums ok 👍

    Yes must be tough caring for newborns

    Group was good thanks

    Also went to the scone place and got a warm freshly baked scone which doesn’t always happen

    Felt a bit like when SK has the first post on the page 👍

    yes pm symptoms have settled again thanks Toni
    So I wrote a brief summary of the day’s highlights so far as it were.
    Text shop assistant said March is month of spending more that’s in your golden toad purse - how outrageous 😱
    I ate a tuna sandwich relatively rare delicacy but good for me too, fish can be good for joints of course 👍
    RR was busy in the remote or possibly virtual Artist’s Corner away from my earshot, but he was wearing an artist’s scarf to assert his significance- maybe he took inspiration from the painting below called ‘Man in a turban’ by the actual Rembrandt? Just with the scarf tied around his neck instead of his head of course lol

    Ok ablutions time or nap time- whichever comes first haha

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,281

    hi Skinny Keef

    How are you?

    Top secret important stuff - I see maybe she is increasing methotrexate dosages all round?

    I hope not, lol

    Yes I hate that medicine as well, do you inject it? Or do you take tablets?

    Have as good night as possible bye tc x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,590

    Hi all 👋 well it was not as noisy as yesterday.. it was more noisy 🙄. So put me in not a chit-chat frame of mind I'm afraid, will have to get back in the frame of mind where you remember summer means working round everyone else; shouldn't have to but it does. You forget over winter; nice isn't it, to make someone who hates winter hate summer as well 🤪. Still I found my lost trowel, how much gbh do you think I could do with that? 🤔😂. Back tomorrow folks see you then for a cup of tea please 😘 love to all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,281

    hi Toni or Tone of the vegan cheese - rich cyclone

    How are you doing tonight?

    Yes mum was treated better by BB today thankfully

    Sorry full on sauna situation here

    Olivia’s mum is stuck in hospital according to brace hook

    I must admit I don’t check all the details of people’s lives on brace hook

    But hopefully nothing much is wrong I’ll venture another look when I can ‘brace myself” haha

    Nice M wasn’t too well unfortunately but hopefully she’ll swing back to better mental state next week

    I bought a top from “Text” which was quite rare for me, it was a good one though, polka dot type pattern, kind of sixties style- to be worn before BB drives all dotty, oh no another bad pun

    Yes unusual weather I agree

    Scotch eggs in cake - quite outrageous I agree

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    👋night toady Joan Jojo S knee and everyone tc xx

    Ps the original eye phone - ok don’t blame me- probably not my original pun 😂xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,186

    hey Reshmi, I asked if I could self inject wien he said I was going to be started on it, and he asked why and I said that I had read (on here) that it was tolerated better than tablets and he just said no!
    I don’t seem too bad on the tablets. I am a bit grumpy for 48 hours and have had weird dreams but so far thankfully that’s it.
    the inflammation in my skull and nose/ear cartilage has been steadily reducing which means fewer migraines but I have to be SO careful what I eat so as not to spark off a flare up.
    How are mum and dad today? Hopefully dad being a bit nicer??

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 106

    Hi all

    had a rotten night sleep 2 heat patches, cream, pills, hot water bottle & still feel like I have been run over by a stem roller!

    My Doc appointment is 8/4/25 @ 8am.I'll be gld when the heat comes & no more damp, cold

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 6:27AM

    Morning Joan. How are you today? Arya is doing a bit better she keeps having a reaction to her milk though a rash on her face the Dr isn't happy so he's chances the formula again. Take care of yourself Joan get your washing out if you can someone said the rain is back after today 🙄((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart I am so sorry what an awful night you had last night. The good news is spring is getting closer and the clocks even go forwards at the end of this month sending (())

    Morning Jojo it is a good job your lad is so much easier to deal with than your daughter. Girls can be a bit trickier unfortunately. Trust me I know with my step daughter (who lived with us from her being 8) I had 3! Physio mostly dealt with your knees mind you they are the usual trouble for you aren't they? Your poor back that's a newer issue. Hope your day is ok today ((())) xxx

    Skinny Keef was first on a new page!!! Good to see everything back to normal😊

    My friend has had (for 12 days so far) this cold/flu that's going round and already had antibiotics, but still feels so very very awful she doesn't understand why she feels almost worse now than 12 days ago. I felt so sorry for her when I was talking to her yesterday on the phone. I do hope that your Anda gets some help too and some reassurance that she will get better. Oh they booked my friend in for tests on 27th March first available date!!!!

    Weird dreams eh? Luckily for me no I have never had those, but your motorbike one seems totally reasonable now given that you have been working on one of yours. I hope it wasn't a frightening one though was it?

    The meds do seem to be working though I know it can seem frustratingly slow but you are getting there. Have you done your first 3 months yet?

    Good luck all round at yours ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are feeling ok today? Very glad to hear BB was behaving a tad better yesterday towards your lovely Mum too.

    Forgot to say I love my rhyming nick-names thank you☺️

    Poor Olivia I do feel sorry for her stuck in hospital I hope all is well with her and the little one though. Bless them both fingers crossed they'll be home soon. I avoid brace hook like the plague where possible.

    I am going to wear a mask in al fresco today because my sister and friend are both poorly and are part of my cat feeding tea while we are away. I don't want to catch whatever it is either and neither of them knows for sure where they caught it.

    Glad you got to the group, but oh dear poor nice M. I do hope she gets the help she needs if things don't settle back down for her😕 You have no idea who much i imagined RR would wear scarves around his neck. I also sometimes imagine he might wear a jaunty hat?

    I called into Text the other day too I didn't see your top though. I did see a lovely lovely dress for my holiday but it was about 3 foot too long as I think most of us women in here can relate🙄 (especially Toady). Still I got the socks I was after. They do some lovely comfy cushioned soled ones there.

    Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Yes I will also have to adjust very soon to next door (new neighbours who no doubt would not consider themselves 'new') making a racket the 3 small dogs barking at me etc……

    Huge adjustments we need to make don't we?

    just give that a stir it'll be perfect for you.

    Elfie is a tad disappointed that you didn't spot his photo yesterday, (I've explained why, but he is only 8), and more so listen/comment on his theme tune. Did you also see 2 of my Sleek-sitters are down with colds/flu? I am back to masks until I leave and will do the same on the flight for definite. Feeling a bit dispirited myself to be honest.

    Good news about the trowel which I think could do a fair bit of GBH, but you'd have to catch your victim first which is the tricky part. I have all my tools together atm safely in my tool bucket waiting for me. With their little bit of pink tape around their handles too so i can spot (in theory) where I have left them after gardening/committing ABH😉

    Take care Toady - here's to a better day ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Did you see on the news last night the people out picking the Toads up from the road. Have a good day

    Toni (()) have a good day sorry about Arya i hope she will soon tolerate the milk. I remember the trouble my friend had with her step daughter she used to get out the bathroom window.. not long till Sunday

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) I have the dogs for company. Have a good day think what you were like at your daughters age.
    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope Loanda (()) gets something to help her. Sorry about your bad dreams. Love to Sucr’e (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx