Could I have polymyalgia rheumatica? Help with diagnosis pathway

Susan123 Member Posts: 3
edited 9. Mar 2025, 12:59 in Living with arthritis

Hi everyone, I am a newbie here so saying hello :). Also looking for some advice…

If you have a PMR diagnosis, how was this process?

I have had OA for many years in several joints and generally manage it OK. At Christmas I developed symptoms which are 'textbook' PMR. I saw my GP in January who has ruled out RA or PMR on the basis of blood tests. I am waiting for physiotherapy at the end of March. However my pain and stiffness has got worse, especially overnight and in the mornings, its really affecting my sleep and my mood, I feel very low as everything feels so hard. I called the surgery today and explained my symptoms and they explained I needed a routine appointment to discuss pain management. I did get a little upset and said I felt there was something more than my OA at play and wanted reassurance as my symptoms have progressed. They have given me an appointment for Monday. I want to ask my GP if she can rule out PMR on the basis of one blood test and for a referral to a rheumatologist/more investigation. I do feel like a bit of a hypochondriac but my symptoms are very real. I'd be interested to hear of peoples experiences of being diagnosed. The pain/stiffness is symmetrical in my shoulders, arms, neck, thighs and hips and feels very different to the discomfort I feel with my OA. I am 60 years old so I am in the right age range to develop this condition. Thank you in advance.


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 884

    Welcome @Susan123 to the online community

    We are glad you found us and hope that we can provide you with information and support as you work your way through the challenges towards a diagnosis and beyond. We are hearing increasingly the numbers of people who have had to be quite firm with their medical team in order to first of all be listened to and secondly to be referred to some specialist help. I hope that the first steps are taken on Monday when you have your appointment.

    I attach some links which I hope you find interesting

    I have included the exercise video link which many of us find very helpful.

    Do let us know how you get on at your appointment.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Susan123
    Susan123 Member Posts: 3

    Many thanks Poppy, I really appreciate it !

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @Susan123 not much time left until Monday to do anything, but I was near paralysed with PMR and the PMR diagnosis wss something the Rheumatologist wrote on my hospital discharge notes.

    I would say one thing I took away from that is, once they looked into what was going wrong, how overwhelming it was to have so many things going wrong at the same time, that I didn't even know about before.

    The pain management was important otherwise you just grow weaker and weaker from not moving about.

    Identifying any weak spots that might be rubbing up my joints the wrong way, was important too, because ultimately it seemed to be everywhere all at once, because thats what it does. Your system doesn't exactly know where the real hot spot injuries are, so it does its best to just attack everything right left and centre, and needs you to intervene big time as to what the real things are that might be setting it off.

  • Susan123
    Susan123 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you Baloo and I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you are OK?

    I am seeing a consultant rheumatologist in April. I have had another blood test which has come back normal, and my GP thinks its unlikely I have PMR if the test is normal but I need to see a consultant. Rheumatoid arthritis has been ruled out with a blood test. I wonder if it could be something like fibromyalgia…I hope the consultant can help with the cause. Thank you again for sharing your experience.