Joint pain - not getting far with GP
After going back and to for several years, I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee following x-ray and blood test referral from the GP "just a wear and tear disease" was how the GP described it to me which I'm not too happy about having read more information on this website. I've been waiting for a…
Could I have polymyalgia rheumatica? Help with diagnosis pathway
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here so saying hello :). Also looking for some advice… If you have a PMR diagnosis, how was this process? I have had OA for many years in several joints and generally manage it OK. At Christmas I developed symptoms which are 'textbook' PMR. I saw my GP in January who has ruled out RA or PMR on…
Methotrexate help
Hi Everyone, I am 37 and I have psoriatic arthritis. Only diagnosed November 2024 after 4 years of pain. I started methotrexate two days ago. First medication I tried I was allergic to it. I have had nausea all weekend, and pains in my abdomen. I’m only on 7.5mg this week. I’m just worried going up to 10mg next Friday. The…
Psoriatic Arthritis - Newly Diagnosed. Fatigue how much is normal.
Hi 👋 I was diagnosed a couple of months ago and put on meloxicam. It’s helping with the pain but I am so wiped out all the time. my question is can I expect to be fatigue free again or is it just something I have to live with? Thanks
30yr old recently diagnosed with RA
Hi all, I’m Katie and was diagnosed with RA about 9 months ago it has recently got quite aggressive and they are going to start me on biologics. as well as going back on steroids. it has been quite draining and at times struggling with my mood, which is normally when I feel like I can’t do much for myself. has anyone…
Help and advice with diagnosis and medication
Hi, I'm new here and wondered if I could ask for some advice and support. I am 34 years old and was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis around 5 months ago and started on the biologic drug Cimzia 5 weeks ago. Although I have been advised to give it up to 6 months to really have an effect, I…
Recently diagnosed with GCA
Hello, I am hoping for an inspirational story from someone suffering with GCA. Fortunately, it was caught before visual loss as my GP spotted the signs so I know I've been very lucky. I have been on steroids one week and started other meds. However, although some of the aches and pains have gone, I'm feeling so fatigued -…
Avoiding a flare up
Hi, I am still waiting for my xrays to come back for formal diagnosis but seem to have arthritis in left knee. I am also now wondering about the awful foot pain I had all summer? I am 55 and have a very active job in a school. I have had a really rough couple of weeks, awful pain and fatigue, I seem to have come through…
PsA Newbie!
Hi guys, I have recently been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis at age 31. As pleased as I am to have an explanation for why I can’t get down the stairs in the morning, I’m struggling to see a day when things will be better ☹️ and that’s what every day is right now, a struggle. I have a young child, a full time job and a…
Steroid injection.
Hello, I’m new here. I’ve recently been diagnosed with bilateral basal thumb arthritis which is causing a lot of pain. I also have arthritis in my feet and knees which was only diagnosed at the end of 2023. I have an appointment booked next week to have steroid injections in both my hands. I was wondering what to expect…
Recent diagnosis of OA
Hi everyone. I am posting here because I found out this afternoon that recent pelvis xray results came back, and they have shown that I have osteoarthritis in both hips, tailbone and lower spine. I am female and only 30 years old but do have a family history of OA with early onset. Results show there is overgrowth at the…
Feeling Ashamed?
Hi there, I found out I have osteoarthritis a year ago and have been dealing with chronic pain since then, I do think my weight along with genetics (my dad has had two knee replacements in his 50s) has added to it. I have to use a walking stick and, am always in some degree of pain. - some days are better than others. I…
My first post!
Hey guys, This is my first post so hopefully I’m doing this right😅 I’m Michael and I’m 31 and in the past few months my life has been turned upside down basically! When I was younger I played football all day every day and there was one time I scratched my knee playing on astro and didn’t think anything of it. This turned…
Child Proof "Pill Bottle Lids"
Did you know you can remove those? (Careful around children though, do it at your own risk) Not sure if these are the same in the UK but in Canada you can do this. I made a video of it
Patient education session (biologics)
Hello everyone, this in my first post here. I have a patient education session tomorrow because I'm due to start on adalimumab for PsA. I've got a list of questions, but are there any obvious ones I may be missing?
Non Specific Arthralgia
Hello, I recently visited my gp to ask for help in discussing my pain with work and he said the Rheumatology report notes I have non specific arthralgia, could anyone help with what this means please? At a previous appointment with Orthopedics I was advised I have wear and tear (i think this means osteoarthritis?) in my…
Supporting a friend through Arthitis.
Hello everyone, A close friend of mine is waiting on a diagnosis.It is mostly confirmed to be Inflammatory Arthritis. Confusion reigns because she is in her late teens. She finds it hard to do a lot of things like writing, lifting and sometimes even texting because of how hard her wrists make it for her. It's also…
Can I request my MRI report?
So been referred for some scans and tests to try to get to the bottom of long standing (5 years) si joint pain. I've had an x-ray in Jan and was given a brief synopsis of my results within a week. Then had a long wait for my MRI which was about ten days ago. My referrer (msk triage service) texted me today to say they have…
6 weeks into methotrexate... when do things get better?
Hi everyone, I'm on my sixth week of taking methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis (newly diagnosed) and I'm yet to see any improvement in levels of pain/stiffness and my inflammation levels in the blood tests are still high.😩 How long did it take for anyone else to see any improvement? Did you take painkillers whilst you…
Mid foot Arthritis
Hi I am new to this groupand have diagnosed with mid foot arthritis ( in both feet)last year, option I have been given is surgery which I would prefer not to go down yet, I just wondered if anyone has and advice, tips on how to manage the pain?. Thanks Jo
Friends in NI?
Hi there, Just a post to see if there are any Northern Ireland based people on here! I'm based towards Larne. 31 but with the personality and hobbies of an 87 year old woman 🤣 love plants, dogs and reading. Wanting to go back to the gym but terrified of busting myself more lol. Currently awaiting a formal diagnosis, but…
Saying Hi!
Hi there, First time poster! I'm currently awaiting a formal diagnosis but the consultant has confirmed I have inflammatory arthritis of some type. I'm currently 31, I injured my left knee 7 years ago simply by crouching down. I tore cartilage, worked with an orthopaedic consultant on and off until my right knee became…
Osteoarthritis in both feet
Hi, I’m a new member, in my 50’s, and I’ve just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both feet… I have an appointment with the doctor in two weeks to “discuss options” but the news has already affected my mental health. I am usually a keen walker - I used to walk 20 or 30 miles a week, but this has reduced to maybe 5…
Newly diagnosed early onset degenerative osteoarthritis in both hips.
Hi everyone, I'm devasted to be here. I'm sorry for the long post but I'm just lost. 2 years ago, I thought I pulled a muscle in my groin / leg. It took a long time to heal and I didn't go to the doctors. Fast forward to March 2021 and I had the covid vaccine. About 10 days later, I got the same pain in my groin, but…
Managing emotions/thoughts whilst waiting for test results
So am a fit and active person, youngish (early 40s) who has been living with fairly high levels of chronic pain for 5 years. As far as I knew it was non specific unexplained pain. (I've watched Lorimer Mosely so well aware pain without damage is totally possible) So I have just been been following all the general guidance…