Will i ever lose enough weight?

Got told befire covid started that i am going to need more operations but i am too obese for the hospital to do this so if i want more painful but needed operations what help me long term or hopefully a new knee that i would have to lose weight i vowed to lose weight walked out the clinic and buy the time i got home that bar of chocolate in the fridge had to be eaten hence all this time later. I am even more over weight now and me knowing im not as mobile as i used to be due to the arthrtis i was just making my problems worse and i resembled someone who is 9 months pregnant with twins and i didnt like what i saw. Then my daughter got very ill and is still recovering now it finally gave me the kick up the bottom i really needed and for the 2 weeks i have stuck to eating less calories a day and swapping bad foods for low calorie alternitives and healthier options and i have now lost half a stone starting weight 15s 11oz now 15s 4oz and i am determend to keep going and fit into a pair of white trousers in a size 12 i brought years ago but have not wore and hopefully the benefits to my health and showing my doctors how serious i am will get me the new knee i really need but and too fat and too young at the moment to have, being in acute pain 24 hours a day is no fun and i will do anything to make my life better.



  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    Well that is fabulous @Kezzacare

    Half a stone in two weeks is a great start why don't you keep posting here and see if anyone else fancies joining you on your 'journey'.

    Those trousers are calling you!

    Best wishes


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Wow! What determination! Plus a real plan and goal at the end of it. You are amazing!

    It's odd, but good, that we can do things for our kids but not ourselves. When my two were young it was their school photo that got me through some days and forced me to cook them a decent, nutritious meal when they got home. They're now Dads themselves, cooking for their own sons.

    Keep going. You're doing great. And losing the weight will help with other health issues too ☺

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • TUL50
    TUL50 Member Posts: 19

    That is fantastic news @Kezzacare .

    Set yourself realistic goals though - your long term goal is to fit into those size 12 trousers, so break your journey into smaller, achievable chunks. For example, my ideal BMI puts me at the 10 stone mark. I look like a twig at that size, so I'm aiming to get down to 12 stone. I've already lost 1/2 a stone too and I'm sitting around the 13 stone 12 mark. My first goal is to get to 13 1/2. Once I've plateaued there, I'll start on the next goal which is getting to 13 stone.

    Do not be hard on yourself if you feel like you have messed up and eaten something inappropriate. If you feel cravings or hunger, have a drink of water. If you still feel hungry after 10-20 mins, you are definitely hungry, so eat something. Only have suitable snacks around you - if you work in an office, it's amazing how quickly folks will gather round when they see you eating nuts, seeds or dried fruit - they want in on that action I can tell you 😛.

    Also, in my experience, its wise to only confide in people you trust to support you. I've been guilty of policing a friend's food, because they had little sleep and needed some sugar to keep themselves going. I get where they are coming from and that's ok. They (and I) didn't indulge too much, but we were back on track at the next meal.

    Don't be disheartened if one day the scales are not your friend, because you can bet they will be three days later. It's so important not to weigh yourself every day, so be strict with yourself about weighing in. I still use a Wii fit balance board!

    Anyway, good luck on your journey and keep us updated. You totally got this x

  • Anja
    Anja Member Posts: 1

    Please tell us how you did this would love to loss 1st

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 897

    Hi @Anja welcome to the community

    We are glad you found us and are here to provide information, support and friendship. There are many of us who would love to lose some weight and some who are desperate to do so because they are in need of surgery. So from time to time members run an ongoing conversation to support each other with tips and menus etc. Maybe this is something that can be started again.?

    I attach some links which I hope you will find useful




    We look forward to hearing from you again soon, do let us know if you have any tips to share on weight loss.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.