Val's Cafe
Hi all 👋 just a quick one I am overbooked again 🙄 why do people wait to buy nosegay stuff til you have other things to do and groceries coming tomorrow and the sun is shining and you could be in the garden…
Lovely to hear from you frog 😊 and such a dear picture what a little sweetheart 🐦️💕. Sending all good wishes for travel & flights &c &c. The kettle will be on ☕️👋 love to dear Sleek & everyone xx
Hello Joan, it is beautifully quiet here today if it could be like this every day then all would be right with the world 👍️. Hope you had a nice visit from Brenda 😊 at least she has had sun to come back to. Hope the dogs got on ok being bathed too, does one of them like it any better or worse than the other? Hope you have a good Friday, groceries for me tomorrow haven't finished the order yet 😬 good luck with your soil arriving and getting your lovely things potted soon xx
Hi to bosh, I may be a bit all over the place in this post if I start talking about how much a tracked parcel weighs and do you have any spinach you will know I've mixed my tabs & my online jobs up 😬. I have a parcel to send to the Orient 😮 they are paying a King's ransom in shipping, it pains me greatly 😣 that money would cover my current shopping list & some over 🙄. Just a modest list I hasten to add much like your hairclips & necessities type of thing. Sorry you had a slightly odd day too yesterday with disruptions and roadworks, and the temps yo-yoing 😬 glad group was ok anyway, yes if nice M's Dad likes his jacket then that's nice to keep it 😊. Might your earring turn up by any chance? I had a pair once that were slightly different, mismatched on purpose, one had some little bells the other didn't, people kept pointing out I'd lost a bit so the effect obviously didn't quite work out for me 😄. Hope everyone well today and the pollen is not too bad. The dreaded iron prescription I see, hope not too big a dose. Have a good evening and a nice sleep I hope, thanks again for post yesterday I did read it last thing it was v chatty & interesting 😊 look forward to poem sorry I can't lend you a tea-strainer for any stray commas and full stops I still don't have one 😂 one of these days. xx
I wish I could do maths Jojo 😔 totally hopeless at it, always was. Hope being back into routine at work is going ok 👍️ have a good evening :) xx
Hi to Stuart 👋
Hope everything ok with you today SK after yesterday's post wot I missed, I'm sure the caped crusader rebounded from the incident and is forgotten, even though I know you'd have hated it I understand. Hope everything else as well as poss xx
Love to all 😘
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hi toady of toad international posting services
How are you?
Decidedly ookey day here
No earring has gone astray, but it is hopefully not kicking any necklace- vending machines in Hades lol
Stomach is ookey I’m afraid 🤢🤢
Afternoon docs appointment- so an ook of a day basically
Not sure which iron tabs yet but doc did say I can take them on alternate days
You’re welcome about the post
The poem is still brewing I’m afraid
I’ve written it but been to hackered to type it up
Watched T Hag in which a female pirate sang that she was an independent woman and swashbuckler who didn’t need a man, I think that T Hag was made in early eighties- so forward thinking I love it! Lol
👋night toady and everyone tc xx
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Hi toady join the club I'm hopeless at maths 2 they didn't get it from me work has not been too bad I'm trying not to do anything too heavy even though the boss keeps trying to get me to work heavy things. I hope you are well and I hope you had a great day.
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woken up @ 4am stiff achy only watered seedlings yesterday. Ollie says hi.
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Morning all 🌞
Been awake a while had an early tea before 7.
Morning bosh just spotted I sold another item, whether international or just going to Slough it's too early to say 🤔 til I turn my laptop on anyway the nosegay app doesn't work 😄. A positive desert of selling for weeks then 2 days running, the nosegay gods are very unfathomable. Hope you have a good day ahead yourself, glad to hear the iron can be one on one off 👍. And on that sort of subject hope you have a better gastric day 🤞. Good old T Hag and the 80s, it was not a bad time to be a female pirate all things considered 😀 not that I speak from experience having only ever 'captained' a mini hire boat up the river 😂 Toni would be better fitted for the High Seas 👍and a ship's cat too. Will pop in later I daresay all things being equal 👋 xx
Have a good day Jojo hope you can avoid too much heavy jobs, can you & workmates swap the odd task among yourselves or is it not much room for flexibility. Looks a nice sunny day hope the school run was ok 👋 xx
Sorry you are stiff Stuart, hi to Ollie too hope he is ok. Hope your seedlings are doing well it's something to focus on isn't it seeing things coming on 🌱 all I've done is a bit of weeding and planted a couple of things into outdoor position. Tomatoes will be well behind I expect I can never get them started not warm enough here even warm windowsill but I don't really want a heated propagator. Take care xx
Wave in advance to Joan 😘 and hi to SK :) xx
Frog 👋 hope everything all went to schedule with you and see you when we see you ☕😘 xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) The soil was by the front door when I got back from the walk. The post woman was walking up and down she said to me you are not going to get in there are you so she carried the bags of soil to the back gate. I thought that was good of her. Brenda came she put the plants in the pots. Had her muffin and coffee then went when she got home she sent a text and said thank you for a good afternoon. I hope you have a good day
Toni (()) have a good journey back. Sleeke will be please to see you. Thank you for all the photos you put on. Have a good day.
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Jojo (()) I hope all is well with you have a good day
Stuart (()) how is Ollie. Have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) how are you today I hope you feel better love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi toady Im surposed to do dates scan but that manager always asks me to do other jobs as well as my own. Yeah it's nice and warm over here yeah the school run was ok thanks. How are you hope you have a great day.
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Hi dachshund I'm ok thanks I hope you are well and I hope you have a great day.
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hi Toni
How are you?
How was the journey back?
mums ok 👍I did mxt today but not feeling too bad yet - haha
Hope your mxt day goes ok
Poem has been cashed
See below
Bye for now tc xx
👋 greetings toady
Will post to you properly later xx
Vc poem called “ The future in a cup of tea” or “Morning in the café of the VC family”
When the bowl of cinnamon porridge was steaming
Mima had finished her dreaming
But she was worried that the future was unclear
So into the tea leaves, she resolutely decided to peer
She saw a giant sandwich made of cashew cheese held in an elephant’s trunk or nose
She saw BR kicking little Ella, then handing her a rose
She saw a toady gulping down chocolate covered tuna before seeing physio GI Joe
She saw Toni chasing a cabbage down the street, and heard the poor vegetable scream in the woe
She saw poor Skinny Keef swallowing nasty MXT pills
and a hot sauce - marinated doughnut, that of course belonged to Bills2 -
Ollie shouting been filing in claim form ready for monday!
Been out weeding, its breezy & cloudy here.
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hi toady of the seven seas
How are you today my friend?
I bought and had some chocolate cereal today
Very much a one - off but it was a very enjoyable experience
I may be regressing in age, I blame LA lol
Oh those nosegay gods are as unpredictable as their gastric brethren- oh dear
I’m not sure if BR watches the re - runs actually
wasn’t feeling too bad today despite mxt
But the double volcano eruptions have taken place again 😱😱
I meant to say Jekyll and Hide syndrome- I love it haha
Ok bye for now toads
I may try and rest my weary head for a while
👋Joan Jojo SK and S knee
How are you all today?
Bye for now all tc xx
Ps nice gothic vampire fudge xx
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hi again toady
I just wanted to say I’ve found the perfect house sign for House Vesuvius lol xx
Good night again tc 😂😂
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hi everyone.
migraine again this morning. Took emergency pill as I call them and felt better, enough to go out for short ride and meet up with my 2 for Sucré to have an ice cream before skool this afternoon. Bad head came back on ride home so went to bed when i got in. Made myself get up to clean salt off bike and do them dinner.
sorry i have been a bit lazy with posts. I still haven’t got back in the swing of posting all the time yet.
thanks for your kind words Reshmi.
i was looking forward to the better weather and salt free road, it is raining here cleaning the roads up right now and we have no frosts forecast and dry all next week, but I think i gonna be in bunker playing and recording more than I am out, so may have new tunes to post soon. Its just easier on my body.
safe trip home Toni.
wpp in da morning if I remember 🤪0 -
Hi all - what a long day, is it bedtime yet 😣
Turned on in order to log in an hour ago, and was met by Windows wanting to diagnose & fix something, then hung at attempting to repair for ages and finally had to do a system restore for yet more ages - just what I fancied 😕. Oh the relief when it finishes and you see your desktop and not just 'sorry that didn't work' 😱. If only we came with that option ourselves.. shall we say 30 years..
Anyhow I am now well past my best so it's just a quick goodnight sorry, and look forward to seeing you all in the morning, tech permitting, and hope to see frog too 😘 xx
Love to all 👋 xx
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Morning!!! I'm home🏡
Elfie was sat in the window waiting for us and Sleek let me pick her up for a long long cuddle😊
Some of you may have heard about the issues at Gatwick with a fire? We had extra flights coming into Birmingham as a result but nothing major. Still got home ok which is all that matters.
I have had a read back and see quite a lot has happened to everyone.
Joan you have a lovely postie like we do. Brenda too clearly enjoys your company. How are the dogs are they both well? Take care ((())) xxx
Stuart hello to Ollie😊. I hope all is well now? I got 9 hours sleep last night still shattered though I went 37 hours with none and think I may still need to go to bed early tonight. The flight home was overnight. I hope you got some sleep yourself (())
Morning Jojo I'm so glad the children are both doing well at school and parent's evening went so well. Are they competitive? Good you were able to swap shifts and go to it. How are you doing healthwise? ((())) xxx
Morning Keef I did one think after I got home and you know exactly what it was (risky with 37 hours no sleep, but I needed fresh fruit and veg to eat) I went to the local 'No-hop' in the Fig😉 I am also hoping the slat days are done with. I've had enough of it too.
Post when you can look at me the last week or so I've been useless. Sometimes our health or circumstances prevent us. I have some serious catching up to do.
Well done still managing to cook for your two even on pretty bad days👍️
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi How are you and your Mum? Was it MTX day for you as well yesterday? I was in bed for 7 still exhausted and a tad queasy. Still I should feel much better later hopefully. Probably after another early night.
Love the poster for your front door. Would you dare show it to your parents though?
I will kick the cabbage vending machine ( you know they actually have them in France with veggies, fruit eggs etc in them?) Those mafioso boys will teach our LA such bad habits. 🙄 Even if LA gave us leave to kick a vending machine we wouldn't risk our joints would we?
Toni has indeed been on the high seas
I steered this ship rather well I think don't you? I parked it just on the end there so the passengers could go and see a lovely caribbean island.
Great morning tea poem there. Thank you for that. Yes I am happy to chase cabbages to eat. a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
Been googling betal leaf which makes that lovely green cake. Sounds very useful doesn't it?
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady hope all is well and nosegay sales continue to rise for you.
Did you see I said Elfie was sat on the window sill waiting for us to pull up? and Sleek allowed the longest cuddle. Unfortunately she escaped before I could put her in her basket for the vets though🙄 So I had to ring them and remake the appt. How does she know????
I see you have managed quite a bit of gardening while I have been sailing the high seas (very calm actually) wish there had been a ship's cat though I'd have loved that. I did see lots of birds though including the Frigate birds which are a bit like their seagulls (they have them too though) but gosh they do look a tad scary like a pterodactyl from the ground.
Sorry for the rubbish post tomorrow I will be awake again I hope.
Take care everyone
Might not look much but they did fantastic jerk 'respond burger' at night. YUM!!!
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i love it here, i read one post and doesn’t matter who it’s from it’s always kind words and it makes me smile even when i don’t feel like smiling.
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I have some ginger biscuits dipped one in my coffee and it broke I was fishing it out. I hope you have a good day. Have the lost box turned up.
Toni (()) yes I saw the fire. You got home with out too much disturbance. Yes Sleek knew what you had planned. Have a good day.
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Stuart (()) Ollie’s opp is on Monday is it. Good have a good day. Love to your mum (())
Jojo (()) have a good day I hope you feel better now
Skinny Keef (()) you are a friend I missed you when you left it’s nice you are back with us. You have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())
take care
joan xx2 -
welcome back Toni
How are you?
Mums ok 👍
Just walked to the dad - vending machine, unfortunately it was empty lol
Bit tired
Bye for now Toni tc xx
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yeah Toni how are you?, tell us all about the cruise please.
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thanks Dachshund. xx
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Sucré has conjunctivitis in the eye that had the batman mask incident last Tuesday. Loanda says its not connected as it would have shown up earlier than Saturday morning and said he probably picked it up from skool. But I still feel bad, or wven worser than I did. Got him a tube of cream / ointment from the lovely lady in Boots when I picked up my drugs this morning. I hope it clears up or he will miss his skool trip next week to a well known war museum.
It was musical beds again last night he ended up in with me at 1am and Anda got in his bed, she needed an uninterrupted nite.
i took her tea in bed this morning and then did us all pancakes for breakfast.
Sucré helped me cut and fabricate some brackets for handguards on the new motorcycle that I bought when I wasn’t posting on here soon after my diagnosis when i was feeling very sorry for myself.
we stopped halfway coz I’d had wnough as I could feel my head getting bad again and we all went off to one of those awful indoor soft play areas☹️I honestly think this polywhatsit is gonna finish me off with a really bad bout of inflammation in my head, but until it does I am gonna do as much as I can especially with Sucré and as many miles on the bikes as possible. Not to mention playing as many tunes as i have time for on the guitar, unfortunately feeling unwell often means i am out of action as it does for many on here but i’m really trying hard not to let it get the betterer of me.
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Hi frogmorton I'm so pleased you got back from your cruise I hope you had a great time away. Yeah me and Michael are so proud of them yeah they do sometimes like to challenge each other. I'm not too bad thanks sometimes get really stiff In my knees when I go down in the morning. And I've been sometimes forgetting to take pain killers but my back is not too bad unless I'm lifting heavy stuff. I hope you are well.
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Afternoon all 👋 it promised rain, and then never bothered 🤷♀️
Wave to the returning frog 😊 very glad all's well, apart from a disappearing Sleek, I never breathed a word honest and she isn't with me. Poor you 😬. At least she gave you a welcome hug and not the cold shoulder 👍️ and Elfie was in the window like a little sentinel 😀 lovely. Very pleased to hear the sea was calm for you 👍️ is that the luck of the draw, just prevailing conditions, or does time of year etc affect things too? Beautiful pictures, and those Frigate birds!! 😮 how do I not know what they look like, heard of them, so must have never seen photos except on the ground or something. They're amazing 😊. Not much going on with me, just busy with nosegay and bits and pieces, hairwashing & such horrors 😣 not much happening in general either so if you haven't read as you go along, don't bother now obvs, nothing newsworthy. Gardening not as much as I'd like, but will get a run at it soon hopefully - oh original Little Vi is flowering 👍️. Hope everything and everyone well at home, how is your friend? Glad Fig is running well. Have a nice quiet Sunday, love to all 😘 xx
Hello Joan, oh I've done that with biscuits 😂 some are worse than others. Have rescued some if quick but sometimes it's just too late and there will just be a mushy bit at the bottom of the cup. Glad you had a nice visit from Brenda and she said so too, that was nice 😊 all systems go for your plants. I only just noticed, my terracotta pot I bought with the rosemary in, doesn't have a drainage hole! Wonder why not, perhaps it missed out at the manufacturing stage otherwise they were all like it, which is odd 🤷♀️ unless they just thought you'd only want it indoors. Funny you asked about the parcel I had another email from PO but it did not make much sense, probably an automated type thing, I will think whether to claim for it but probably wouldn't get anywhere. Have a good Sunday 😘 xx
Hi to bosh for yesterday, laptop behaving today thankfully 🤞 especially as I have not booked my parcel in yet, for the U.S., they are always a bit of a pain as it is, definitely don't want to be stuck not able to print a postage label 😱. Have had a proper chance to catch up with VC Tea poem ☕️👍️ it's all there isn't it, such a good thumbnail sketch 🤔 pen portrait? neither is quite the phrase I want, never mind you get the idea. What is in the tealeaves next for us I wonder 🤨 well it was hairwash for me today and buckets of conditioner, so the HD would be happy, but that's more than I can say as it will not do the least bit of good I expect, still a bird's nest 🪺😄 that may not display, not sure. Anyway that always tires me so I am a bit phantom-like myself this pm, positively transparent. Tea and a nap 👍️. Hope the double volcano has settled a bit - how are EF, any visits due? and hope your day was ok, have you got any further incidents of chocolate cereal to declare? 🧐 Take care :) xx
Hope Ollie has been better in himself last couple of days Stuart. I don't suppose he was much help with the form-filling, unless the shouting was shouts of encouragement, but dinner more likely I suspect. Hope you are a bit less achy in the warmer temps, take care :) xx
Oh 'eck Keef poor Sucré and poor you 😟 shouldn't take too long to clear up with treatment afaik and yes may well be a coincidence so try not to fret - hope he is ok for the trip 🤞. Take care yourself too hope you feel up to resuming the bike brackets soon, we are all kind of living under the limitations of doing what you can when you can which sucks ofc, but yours is as good an attitude as it gets that's all you can do 👍️ and you never know what's on the horizon with different treatments etc. Hope your rest of weekend is as ok as poss xx
Love to all and hope any irregular posters are doing ok 😘 xx
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btw Earth Hour 2025 is at 8.30 if you want to turn stuff off, much good may it do us 🙄
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