Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    reading that post from Toady about the calm seas reminds me of a story i may yave already told.
    as u all know I used to go off to Spain on my bike for winter. This usually involved a ferry to Santander. One year I was returning in March and the stevedore put 5 straps on my motorcycle to hold it secure when normally one across the seat is sufficient. When i got upstairs i asked one of the senior crew if it was going to be a rough crossing and he replied “Rough? No no no it very very calm! But with big waves!” 😳

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,355

    hi toady

    how are you?

    To be honest although I’ve read your posts not much is registering this late in volcano and sauna land

    I have not purchased more naughty sugary kids’ cereal

    But as for full my sugar - related sins - I will not confess lol

    Ookey weather for me really

    My skin is already getting a bit dry and itchy

    LA said bad witches only exist on the internet- wise little chap 😂😂

    BR is making pretend tea for little Ella at nursery- what a gent haha

    👋 hi SK you’re very welcome, I hope Sucre feels better soon

    👋Have a good night toady Toni SK Jojo Joan and S knee tc xx

    Ps Doormat idea for toady lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236
    edited 23. Mar 2025, 07:24

    Morning Joan it's lovely to be home. It was an amazing trip but always lovely to be home too😊 Sleek must have read on the calendar that it was the vets. Shhhh! don't tell her I've rebooked it😉Busy week ahead for me lucy's ambulatory EEG at the QE so back to the hospital Mon Weds and Thursday🙄 Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart how is Ollie? Going to be ok for the vets this time do you think? You too I hope you had some sleep last night (()))

    Morning Jojo It's nice not to take painkillers isn't it? I really like the idea of dodging them myself the rest of the world doesn't have to take them all the time do they🙄 Ah well such is life. Glad to hear your back has been ok though. The holiday was great thanks we had a lovely time, but I so missed my little cat. Is Michael cooking Sunday lunch for you ready for when you finish work today? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing? Your Mum too is all well with her? Keep away from the Dad vending machine it has been known to explode!

    I couldn't find your second post I hope all was ok? I have been using a lot of moisturiser myself I think that briefly drier weather and the various spores about are possibly to blame.

    Perhaps EF were visiting? Or you went to see them? I feel quite out of touch, but I'll soon get back into the swing of things.

    BIL would love it in the Caribbean the food he could try and the portions were not at all stingy! Paul put on 4lb🤭

    Seriously hope you are ok and you have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef yes it's supportive and upbeat here even if one (or more) of us is in trouble. It's always been like that since Valval opened the cafe probably around 15 years ago.

    Conjunctivitis! the bane of my life when mine were little they catch it off each other unfortunately the little ones at school/nursery. Nothing at all to do with the accident with the elastic strap. Hope it settles for Sucré.

    Adorable he loves to get into bed with you two❤️. Very sweet of you to make Anda a nice cuppa and take it to her in bed.

    ok the cruise was fabulous. Maybe the aircon was set a little high i mean I was in the Caribbean and wore my jumper in bed the first night! Learnt how to turn it down after that though.

    Learned some extra 'tagalog' too while I was there. As you know my niece (in-law) is from the Philippines and so were the cabin stewards. One even gave me a list of sentences to learn to surprise my niece. We visited Antigua, St Kitts, St Maarten, British Virgin Islands, Guadeloup erm ending up in Barbados. It was very very very hot I noticed improvements in my lungs and shoulder, but did my back in just before we did the last bit which was a stay in Barbados for a few days. The hotel was beautiful we had areal sea view but my back did not help. Had to lie down a lot there and got a bit sick of listening to what Donald Trump was up to interfering in world politics. Gosh he has a high opinion of himself. Sitting was too painful for a few days so lying down was best and not on a beach sunbed.

    Take care Keef ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady little Vi!!! She is a good girl reliably popping up year on year.

    Any sign of wildlife? Our speckly blackbird for instance or mousie's descendants? I got outside yesterday managed to cut the side grass (the new patch - lots of moss in it) and emptied out the greenhouse in preparation for my cucumbers and toms later on this year. Glad I did it it as it's raining this morning.

    Yes those frigate birds they are actually rather beautiful don't you think? Huge though when they are flying above you!

    Like you I now need to wash my hair. Woe is me, but must do it today. Lucy is at the QE most of this week so a busy one ahead. Got to go Mon, Weds and Thurs Bless her I hate that drive now can't go on the train with 25 electrodes on her head can we?

    Elfie has been very clingy since we got back - as has Sleek to be fair - though he was very helpful to Kari and Tia while we were away apart from getting caught nipping out of the cat flap.

    oh the sea there is very calm so it was no problem the only issue was a bit of travel sickness on our way back from the 'Death in Paradise tour' in Guadeloupe on the coach. I had managed to secure a front seat, but an older lady had a 'turn' so they put her there on the way back. I took a pill and wore those sea bands on my wrists. I think all they did was give me pins and needles😂

    kept taking pics of flowers!

    Caribbean rice and peas - sure they are more like kidney beans though!

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 229

    Hi frogmorton yeah it would be nice not to be doped up on painkillers but every time I skip them I regret in the evening it makes me angry and in pain and makes me feel more tired so it's not really worth it In the end. Yeah my husband is making a Sunday dinner for when I get home Im pleased you have had a good holiday. Yeah we miss our pets when we go away I'm going away at easter we not taking the dogs this time so we miss the dogs and cat and guinea pigs. And I'm weird so will miss my lizard and insects I'm in the bug keeping hobby.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,253

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day. When I have coffee I always have a mug there’s not enough in a cup. I only have two mugs a day. Charlie has got the internet working he’s looking for Yorkshire Terrier puppies he wants one for company for his yorkie cross.

    Toni (()) I’m sorry your back hurts I hope it doesn’t take too long for the pain to ease. Have a good day. I hope Lucy’s appointment’s at the hospital go alright.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Stuart (()) is it tomorrow Ollie has his opp good I hope it goes well. Love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) have a good day You are managing well.

    Skinny Keef (()) you are doing well. Have a good day all of you. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,617

    Morning all 👋

    I left Jojo out yesterday 😮😳 so sorry! I went back to read what you had put & remind myself, then never came back, like a dozy twit 🙄. Hope things not too bad with you at the moment, yes stiff knees are a nuisance aren't they because it's the functionality as well as just being unpleasant. Be nice to go back for taking them for granted, it annoys me so much seeing sportspeople like footballers throwing themselves along the ground you just think noooo 😱 but we all once didn't think about them 🤷‍♀️. Ooh what insects have you got?! Have a good Sunday hope work ok if you are going in xx

    Morning frog, gosh a tiring list of trips but all thrilling things to see 😊 and yes you must have reams of lovely photos. Imagine the old days of a few reels of film and waiting to get them developed. Nice to have the improvements you felt from the warm temps, we must try & muster up a warm summer 🌞 I shall make it a priority 😄. Sorry about the extra rest involved by doing your back in, glad it was no nearer the beginning but a nuisance - as for listening to any news with 'him' in, well no, worse than backache! 😱 Sorry about the travel sickness too how very thoughtless of that lady to have a turn 😬 thumbs down for sea bands then 😕. Hoped you would have a quietish week to come back to but obviously no 😔 all the best with Lucy hope all goes well. And Sleek when the time comes. All quiet in the garden today as it's dull & damp, but yes speckly blackbird & mrs are generally around as are robins etc, no mousies, I'm still hoping there might be a this year's 'intake' along sometime 🤞. Nice to get your side grass done just before the rain, need a few dry consecutive days don't we for tidying & sweeping; things just get nice & crispy then it's a shame to get damp again. Have a good day once the hairwash is over with 👋 love to all 😘 xx

    Hello Joan, oh I never hardly have a mug but I buy new ones when I see nice ones for some reason 🤔🤭. Do hope Charlie finds some nice people to look at puppies from I'm sure he'll be savvy enough to check all their credentials out. Yes nice for his to have company 🐕️👍️. Have a nice afternoon it's a bit gloomy but stopped raining now 😘 xx

    Hi to bosh 👋 pretend tea at nursery, that's the idea, start as you mean to go on 😀☕️ good work BR. What a brilliant idea of LA's about the witches, at least the internet can be turned off, well in theory don't have much self-discipline in that line 😬. Must get on with some actual chores today not just filling the kettle and timewasting. I love my doormat thankyou 😄. Hope your day is not too sauna like, and sorry your skin is feeling the heat already 😔. Take care see you anon 😊 xx

    Good story Keef (and first post 👍️) I don't remember it 😄 I would have been off that boat like a shot 😱 no braving the elements for me, far too soft 😳. Hope your day is going as well as poss 🤞 xx

    Hope Stuart & cats doing ok too

    Twelveses ☕️ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 229

    Hi toady yeah stiff knees are a nuisance I do try just to ignore the pain especially at work as long as I've had my painkillers there is little more I can do to help it yeah I'm at work today it's not going to bad just doing my normal jobs. I hope you are well and I hope you have a good Sunday. I keep tarantulas praying mantis and jumping spiders and I even have a small scorpion I'm pleased my kids can see insects for what they are and get to enjoy holding them.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,617
    edited 23. Mar 2025, 13:19

    Omg Jojo eek don't let them out in the cafe will you 😲😄 joking aside I do like and appreciate insects and never use insecticide ant powder or slug pellets or whatever, and humanely catch spiders, but that bit is definitely not fun for me I just can't do spiders except little ones. Tarantulas I can look at a picture more than a house spider though I think that's the same for a lot of people, but in the same room, maybe not.. 😬 very good for your kids though 👍️. Hope you do get your normal jobs to do and no heavy extras xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,355

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you?

    Glad you enjoyed your holiday 👍👍

    That’s really great

    Mums ok 👍

    I am fine thanks

    I actually forgot to do another instalment for you as I got so tired lol

    BR and LA will be visiting together at some point for a trial run - but just for a day

    BR has already put his breakfast order in with Abu / Granny - he has white bread and his brother has brown

    That’s good all the more blearios for me haha

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps pic of the hairdressers’ day off xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,355

    hi Toni

    Don’t worry you’ll soon get back in the swing of things

    And I’m so glad your shoulder felt better in the heat

    Mum has a diabetes appointment early tomorrow morning just a routine one I think

    I’m half asleep but ok lol

    I was watching the video of LA pretending to be a French horse again

    Hard to describe but so funny he’s got the flared equine nostrils right

    Rice and peas looks great

    👋 have a good night Toni toady Joan Jojo SK and S knee tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,236

    Morning Joan how are you? Are your newly potted plants doing ok? and the dogs too of course? My back is much happier now thank goodness we had a lovely vegan meal out yesterday at the Figaro cafe in chesterfield (well near there).Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo well there you go scary babies you are leaving behind for your hols. Who o earth feeds them for you? my daughter has a few bearded dragons they are scary enough, but sp****s😣nooooo!!!!! Having said that as you aren't scared it is very good that your children aren't too.

    Hope Sunday dinner was as good as normal? Up to standard?

    I know what you mean about painkillers, but not much worse than trying to sleep in pain. Have you tried taking something milder instead like ibuprofen/paracetamol? Might not be enough but might be. ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuart is it today your Ollie goes to the vets? Fingers (and paws🐾) crossed al goes well this time for him (())

    How are you doing today Skinny Keef? I hope you were ok yesterday nothing wrong. Just spending time with the family maybe cooking Sunday dinner for your two maybe? All ok here hospital all week for Lucy's EEG that will be fun we have to go in every day except Tuesday for battery changes. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Is your Mum ok too? good luck for her diabetes appt hope all is deemed well be the powers that be.

    Gosh! both of the boys in one go?!!!😯 That will be tough going. All adulks will be needed to survive that visit. Your sister will really benefit from the rest though. I am sure BR must be desperate to come though a little nervous having his bro there will help him.

    You may have a french horse in the house with you (or two!) flared nostrils and all!

    Glad to hear we don't need to start stock-piling blearios for you. That was a worry. You just need some white bread.

    The rice and peas are tastier than they look they have coconut milk and thyme and allspice l think, and spring onions so actually very tasty.

    Hope your day is good take care ((( ))) xxx

    Morning Toady

    All the birdies but no Mousie yet. Hmmmm….🤔maybe it needs to warm up some more. While we were away the blossom came out and it got so much lighter in the mornings! Lovely. This weekend the clocks go forwards though?

    I am going to post a rubbish pic of one of the goldfinches in the garden eating the verbena seed heads I left on for them. (I know plenty of weeding to do yet) I couldn't get any nearer unfortunately though so they are bad pics

    The colour of them was so gorgeous honestly in real life.

    We do need some drier weather don't we? Yesterday started out very wet indeed, but it did dry up a bit. Bessie bott is back out now cutting the greenbelt land grass for us. I will keep an eye on her the moles had been very very busy while we were away if one comes up at the wrong moment she has been known to get 'banked'.

    Hairwash done so I can focus on Lucy's appointments it will be a busy week for definite. Not much fun either. To be honest going back to the QE does not bring back good memories for either of us.

    Better get me dressed Paul needs waking up for work at 7. Take care Toady have a good day ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,355

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    ps RR in artist - garb lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,253

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we had a corn snake in our garage it’s not a proper garage we call it our garage for the scooter. I hope you have a good day. It’s colder again.

    Toni (()) No Corrie to night. Yes the plants are boing alright the label of the rose is higher than the plant. I will be thinking of you and Lucy at the hospital.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Stuart (()) al the best to Ollie today. Love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) at least you don’t have to take all those for a walk.

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day. I hope you haven’t got a Migraine. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    morning all.
    bad head today. Supposed to be going out on bike to meet Anda at diy store to finally get timber to finish planters (i was too ill to finish them last summer) but not sure that is gonna happen.
    i was indeed cooking sunday roast for my two and Anda’s ‘rents too. I did some marinated lamb from our butcher. Could not have done it today feeling like this.
    read back and had two or three points to reply to but now have forgotton and going to have to admit defeat with head and go lay down. Wppl.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    cruise sounded fantastic. Did u bump into Clapton in Antiga? (Spelling). Laters all xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 229

    Hi frogmorton my dad gives them water I feed them before I go. Yeah my Sunday dinner was lovely as usual. I hope you are well and I hope you have a great day. I can't take ibuprofen because of my asthma I tend to just take paracetamol when the pain is mild.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 229

    Yeah that's true dachshund but I do have 2 dogs as well that needs walking so I don't get off the walking duty. I hope you are well and I hope you have a great day.

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 120


    Ollie had his op today. got a bad head.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    hey Toady, I did indeed get first post, again! Woohoo!

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 229

    Hi skinny keef how are you feeling now hope your day is going ok for you.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,355

    greetings Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    Her appointment was also ok thanks

    No major changes with her meds

    Sorry running late with stuff

    Need to ablute - not sure if that’s a word lol

    Bye for now tc xx

    👋 toady Joan SK etc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,617
    edited 24. Mar 2025, 17:45

    Hi all, what super weather 😊 sorry anyone who doesn't like it though, will try not to forget, it's like someone else saying 'ooh lovely winter'.

    Lovely little finch frog 👍️ clear enough to appreciate a little bird enjoying the seed heads and the sunshine. I do see one very occasionally, finches are supposed to love the scabious seeds but I never seem to have an influx. Do you know what the little bird on your plate was (abroad)? Had almost a 'dunnock-y' little beak, not sure what family that might be, where you were 🤔. Pleased for you that you are making some inroads into your lawns & maintenance etc 😊 it is nice weather looking ahead too so hopefully we don't have to rush at things, is what I am telling myself. I am garage tidying and generally plotting and mumbling - I split and pinched out a supermarket basil up today in the hope of doing better at getting a nice plant than I usually do. How is the greenhouse, did you get finished? Do hope the first hosp appt of the week went well 🤞 yes of course a trip you would rather not 😔. 2 to go 😘 - hope everyone else well at the moment. Is Elfie a little less clingy now or are you still finding his stripey little limbs winding round you if you sit still a minute? 😉 Love to all and dear Sleek too 😽 xx

    Hello Joan, a corn snake! 😮 oh gosh! Escaped from somewhere I presume, oh dear. How did you know what it was, did you already know what they are like? I had to look up. Probably took a fancy to your 'garage' wonder where it will go, it wouldn't do well in the wild would it poor thing. This is Jojo's sort of line of country isn't it, yes good point about walking her pets 🤭, well if people took their tarantulas for walkies I would be crossing the road fairly sharpish 😬. It was a cold start but it warmed up nicely once the sun got round. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hi bosh, I love that picture of the artistic knitted ensemble, very snappy 🤭 actually I would seriously rather men dress that way now, than in all this so-called 'athleisure' 😣👍️. Very glad your mum got on well today 😊 she will be relieved even if it was routine. Hope if the potential littley visit happens it all goes well, funny about the bread order 😄 I suppose it could be worse, requests for speciality loaves with pumpkin seeds or sundried something or other 🤭. Nothing happening with me today, all quiet, hope you have a quiet afternoon/evening too :) xx

    Pleased to hear Ollie is back hope he does not feel too sorry for himself Stuart. Hope the head improves 🤞 all the best xx

    Same goes for your bad head Keef 😕 hope it settled and let you get on with some stuff. Do you notice a difference nearer your mtx day tends to be worse before/after etc? Hope everyone well and Sucré is doing ok xx

    Hope your day is going ok Jojo 👋 nice and sunny except everyone has the same idea and it brings out the DIY-ers and the car revvers & tinkerers 🙄 there was no lawn mowing all over the weekend though, wonders will never cease. Have a good evening :) xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    hi Jojo, not too bad thank you. We had to go get Sucré from school as his conjunctivits was bad again. And I managed to get drops rather than cream from the pharmacy today so that’s much nicer for him. We all ended up at Niff’s for dinner (that’s Anda’s mum) and I rode over on the KTM as my head had finally settled down. Just got in, they stay there on a Monday as Anda goes into the office so I home alone. Really hoping for migraine free day tomorrow as I have stuff I want to do.
    thanks for asking, sorry for the long reply.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    hey Toni, meant to say earlier, but left my fone in garage at Niff’s all afternoon, I hope all goes well at the hospital. I know it gets a bit draining being there day after day from when Sucré was in the special care unit for two months, so hope everything okay. Do u get free parking?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,228

    hey Stuart how is Ollie???