alison67 Member Posts: 70
Hi all,

would just like some opinions really. I recently started back on mtx after a 5 week brea and am currently on 7.5mg.
I was taken off to see if the headaches i was getting subsided, but have found out that they are due to anxiety, which is mainly about my health, and, panic attacks have returned also.
I;m seriously thinking of taking a six month break from treatment as i can't stop worrying about the negatives of mtx.
Has anyone done this, and if so, how did you get on?
I know it may sound like a silly thing to do but this anxiety thing has really took hold and my g.p just referred me to a site online to do a course on it. If i'm not worrying about my meds then i'm worrying about any other health condition going, i.e- brain haemorrhage being the main one as this is what both my da and aunt died of.
Sorry to drone on but feel so desperate at the mo. Thanks for taking the time to read this,x


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,876
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Alison

    People do take breaks from treatment and I expect any of our forum users who have done this will reply to you but everyone's experience is different and this is something you need to discuss with your medical team. It may depend on how active your condition is whether they would agree to you taking a break.
    I know you've had Psoriatic Arthritis for a long time and I wonder if there is another DMARD that you've tried and would feel better taking at the moment? Worth discussing with your team.
    It really sounds as if your anxiety is affecting your life and needs addressing and I'm sending you a private message about this.

    Best wishes