my neck and shoulders hurt!

suzster Member Posts: 1,328
edited 2. Aug 2009, 14:03 in Living with Arthritis archive
my neck and shoulders have been really painful recently.
for about a week or so my neck and shoulders have got really painful. just trying to turn my head causes terrible pain that can reduce me to tears, along with it i keep getting headaches and a queazy feeling which i think is caused by the pain.
if i try to pick anything up my arms join in and hurt to. i'm not sure if it#'s a flare or what!
it seems to happen every now and again, usually lasting about 10 days then it just goes, until next time!
i mentioned it to my rheumy who said it was just part of RA.
i've tried different pillows from soft to firm and even a memory foam one but nothing helps, it just seems to subside as quick as it starts.
sorry to moan but it really is very painful and i can't read or do much because looking up or down causes a shooting pain like if i try to turn my head.


  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi I get this. I have been told I have RA in my neck as well as cervical spondylosis. I have to say it is the worst pain I have ever had. I am taking slow release morphine and tramadol, which helps. I have also had my steroids increased which really helps. The pain radiates down my arms, into my head and down my spine. I have nerve pain, joint pain and the muscles go into spasm. It is extremely uncomfortable.

    I am really sorry that you have this, as I know how painful it is. It must be worse with a little one as well. Maybe your gp could increase your steroids to settle the flare? Try heat wraps on your neck it does ease it a little I find. I hope it settles soon for you.


    Deb x
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, Yes, I get this, but not as badly as you. Well, sometimes I have periods when it is really bad and I can't move my head and it goes through my shoulders and down my arms. The really bad pain, so far, has only lasted a few days and then its on a much less painful level for a while, but it never goes away compleatly. When I had my MRI, the rheummy said this is caused by the small bone spur irritating the nerve.
    I hope your bad pain does't last too long. I have had muscle relaxers for the really bad times, when I've had to see the GP.
    Gosh, sorry to go on about me, take care and get some advice - you may find the old heat or cold pack treatment, whichever you prefer helps. I like heat on the back of my neck. :wink: Love Sue
  • carol71
    carol71 Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've only joined the forum today and this is only my 2nd post, but what you have just describes is the pains I am experiencing.

    I only found out I have arthritis yesterday. The doctor told me over the phone when he got back my xray results.

    I wasn't expecting it at all I just thought i'd a trapped nerve or something that was causing the pains to travel down my arms and into my fingers.

    I have 2 young children one of whom has special needs and I'm already fining it hard to cope with his meltdowns.

    I'm off sick from work at the moment as I work in a supermarket stacking shelves and am fining it painful to lift my arms at the moment higher than a few inches.

    Carol xxx
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    suzster wrote:
    my neck and shoulders have been really painful recently.
    for about a week or so my neck and shoulders have got really painful. just trying to turn my head causes terrible pain that can reduce me to tears, along with it i keep getting headaches and a queazy feeling which i think is caused by the pain.
    if i try to pick anything up my arms join in and hurt to. i'm not sure if it#'s a flare or what!
    it seems to happen every now and again, usually lasting about 10 days then it just goes, until next time!
    i mentioned it to my rheumy who said it was just part of RA.
    i've tried different pillows from soft to firm and even a memory foam one but nothing helps, it just seems to subside as quick as it starts.
    sorry to moan but it really is very painful and i can't read or do much because looking up or down causes a shooting pain like if i try to turn my head.

    This sounds like what i had last wk the headache lasted7 days and i had shoulder neck and arm pain also and it made my eyes blurry i felt sick and i passed out with it. the doc said i could have carpol tunnel and the neck thing was separate to to posture prob but i am un sure as ive not had it before joanne
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    yes, you are all describing exactly how i feel, i felt like i would pass out as it was so painful, made my head thump to, i'm kind of glad i'm not alone with it.
    oh carol that sounds awful, i have a 2yr old and a 10 yr old and with it being summer holidays i felt bad telling them i needed to rest but the pain was unbearable, i took extra morphine and paracetamol which only lessened the pain slightly.
    i'll talk to my gp about it next week if it doesn't go.
    thanks for replying everyone!
  • carol71
    carol71 Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sue pillow wise have you tried a v shaped pillow to help support your neck. It was sugested to me by a friend and I found it helpful.

    Carol xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    that sounds really awful and i feel like crying in sympathy :( I really hope it passes very very quickly for you and for you too Carol - life sounds very ahrd for you too.
    Wish I could help
    Toni x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    carol71 wrote:
    I've only joined the forum today and this is only my 2nd post, but what you have just describes is the pains I am experiencing.

    I only found out I have arthritis yesterday. The doctor told me over the phone when he got back my xray results.

    I wasn't expecting it at all I just thought i'd a trapped nerve or something that was causing the pains to travel down my arms and into my fingers.

    I have 2 young children one of whom has special needs and I'm already fining it hard to cope with his meltdowns.

    I'm off sick from work at the moment as I work in a supermarket stacking shelves and am fining it painful to lift my arms at the moment higher than a few inches.

    Carol xxx
    feel for u it must have been quite a shock hope they got u sorted on some meds that help good luck :D
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, I totally agree those v shaped pillows are brilliant. I would be lost without mine, it does really help.

    Sue, I find it hard to manage with a 16 and 11 year old. I don't know how you do it with a 2yr old. I just can't imagine it. heres hoping your flare settles down soon.

  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Sue
    Sorry to hear you've been feeling crappy. For the past few days I've had horrendous pain in my neck and shoulders. Its been feeling like I've been wearing a yoke most of the time. Sleep has been nigh on impossible and I've been reduced to tears a fair few times. I have RA damage in the neck but have had for ages. I've recently come off my drugs, only having steroid course now so I think thats the reason to the flare. I can't find a comfy position at all. Its highly annoying.

    So I said bugger the diet and had some cornish fudge. Made me feel a bit better. I also think rest, wheat bags or tens machine may be good to use too.

    Hope you feel human again soon.
    Jen xx
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thank you so much everyone for your kinds words. i'm feeling a little better today so hopefully tomorrow i can come here and catch up properly! take care all.