Dla...successful but now feeling guilty



  • mrsdalloway
    mrsdalloway Member Posts: 161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    :lol: yep you and me both I don't think we are unique or maybe we are? Surely that is the nature of the problem and the reason why it mashes our heads in that one day you can get up and feel like cleaning the house from top to bottom (yeah ok I have never really felt like doing that but you get my drift!) and then the next day I get out of bed and want to take a hammer to various joints! This is why as stated before surely dla should be given and special dispensation given to RA sufferers in that lets face it, it isn't going to get any better is it? We will have different meds and they will control it but unless some miracle happens some time soon this is it god that sounds depressing! Anyway rest assured I feel a lot better now knowing it isn't just me who feels that way I thought I was going around the twist! x
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,398
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Don't forget that DLA covers a whole range of disabilities not just ours.

    Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that changes daily/weekly/monthly/yearly and the benefits people are aware of this. When we feel 'well' we never know how long it will last (we all hope forever :roll: ).

    If you seem to be in remission and it's lasting a long time you will think about going back to work, I would think once you're applying for jobs that's the time to tell the DWP. You could always ring them to clarify - if you get to that point.

    As for working and still claiming DLA - I think you're only supposed to work 16 hours a week maximum - not sure about that though - remember it's always best to check with them.

    Hope this helps.

    Luv Legs :D
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Make the most of it while you can, because there may come a time when they stop it after 2 years, unless the system changes again.

    I am in a lot more pain, with further problems and moving around is very difficult, but I get there. Just because I put down on the re-assessment form that could move about with 1 or two sticks depending on how bad I was, they have come back that as this is the case I will not be getting the motability component and only the care component, so I will be dropping £46 a week which was the top I believe.

    I am appealing and have written to my MPI spoke to Welfare Rights who advised me to get medical reports. How can they make this decision without medical reports? They seem to change the goal posts every time.

  • topgirl
    topgirl Member Posts: 290
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It does seem such a difficult prosess....
    Keep trying as i believe 50% of people turned down win in the end...
    You sound like you deserve it.....
    Seems a lot of it is down to GP's not putting enough on forms...
    Good luck
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Two things.

    Firstly, to claim DLA your condition has to exist for at least three months prior to your initial claim. It would therefore be reasonable to expect any 'change in condition' to last for at least three months.

    Secondly, many people claim both DLA and IB and the government have been looking at this with two reports.

    When DLA was introduced it was thought that it would be received by a relatively small number of people........ The first report states that there are 1.7 million working age claimants on DLA, 300,000 of these are in employment and 1.25 million who claim Incapacity Benefit and goes on to describe the government's intention to move 1 million IB claimants back into work by 2015.

    So it looks as if the cash strapped MPs who, as one £65,000 plus expenses MP recently put it, "have to exist on rations", (just joking, of course), have a complete misunderstanding of the plight of DLA claimants. While Arthritis Care try to get the message across, whether they are really listened to is another matter.

    Joseph 8)
  • topgirl
    topgirl Member Posts: 290
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for posting the article...
    It makes very interesting reading....