


  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all
    Just popped in while they children are occupied.Lucy loved the Trisher bunny slipper story she said its verry rude to put bunny slippers down in your bottom :shock: (her words).
    Now you have got me drooling over cream eggs...OH has banned chocolate for me so I feeling mega cravings!
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elizabeth, glad your little 'un is recovered and OK. My daughter loved the Trish bunny slipper story too and she's 42!

    I've popped in for some cream scones and a builders and I will sit here over by the fire. I've got a crossword puzzle, so let's see, 16 across.......

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,215
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    Just back from Lichfield Market where I bought some Samosa's and Onion Bhaji's to go with the spiced fish I'm making tonight.
    You live near lichfield del??? I do too!!!
    Toni x
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodness :shock:

    It has been quiet in here today. Hope you are all ok and just busy with family stuff and not poorly. I tend to forget it is Saturday and people have stuff to do.
    Just grabbing a brew and I'll have a peek in the biccy tin. :D


    Take care all, hugs to those who need them.
    Chris xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am around, Chris, dividing my time between neglected chores here and the forum for light relief!

    I'll have a bicci, too, while I sit down for 5.

  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm here! I haven't had a busy day at all as am unwell, most of it spent in bed with the cat sleeping on my legs (she's getting heavy now, 4 kls so it's like having a sack of potatoes on me :) Also been chatting on the phone and checking out posts here.

  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie, how are you? I'm having a hot choccy and a digestive :)
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm better than I was, thanks - had a touch of the old bronchials. Still having to go slow at it all, don't want to upset it again!
    Potter, sit, potter, does get done eventually!

  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie and Sally

    Sorry you not feeling well Sally, hope you are soon better. ((( )))Cats truely know the meaning of relaxation eh! Would you like a cuppa?

    Annie, I do tend to forget people have lots to do at weekends, but bit worried Trish hasn't been in again or picked up my pm. Hope the asthma not back. Hope your bad cold on its way now?

    Will leave the kettle on incase anyone calls in later.

    Chris :wink:
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blimey, have we all got bronchitis and asthma here? I'm still not over the chest infection and my doc says I'm run down, which is why I'm relaxing here!

    Would luv a cuppa Chris! And a biccy or two, though I shouldn't really x
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    There is an endless and bountiful supply of tea and biccies in here, though lately those cream cakes with the cherry on the top have been going down a storm :D
    Do rest up if you need too.
    Chris xx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sally36 wrote:
    Blimey, have we all got bronchitis and asthma here? I'm still not over the chest infection and my doc says I'm run down, which is why I'm relaxing here!

    Would luv a cuppa Chris! And a biccy or two, though I shouldn't really x

    I've got both, Sally, and Trish's asthma was playing up yesterday.

    Chris, we last exchanged PM's about 2am - she said she was feeling better then, but I know she wasn't at all good before. She hasn't picked up my PM today either.

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evenin All,

    Hope everyone’s ok? Cris x

    Hi Sally,

    What is it about cats and legs or heads? Mine just have t sleep on those bits and like you say you know when you been catted....... :wink: Hope you soon feel better and yes I have been following you about....... Cris x

    Hi Annie,

    You want some all buttered shortbread of the Cornish persuasion as well as bickies? Hope you have a decent night x

    Hi Chris,

    How goes it Flower? Yu got Dips back or Velcro I sort of lost track of where they all are :wink: I got sale tomorrow unless it quickly rains or is cancelled does that count as light duties :lol::lol: I know what I would like to happen but we had sun all day and its nice to see it. Any sign of Trish? xx

    Right a huge builders and I shall sit by the fire for a bit but sorry do smell of sheep :oops: but going to blame her g045.gif .............
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Cris, love a bit of shortbread, thank you. My cat is a head sleeper, too. It gets very warm when she decides she wants some company in the middle of the night.

    No sign of Trish at all today. She was not too good yesterday.

  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Cris

    Hope you are recovering love, and hope you are ok tomorrow if the sale does go ahead. No dipstick is back with you at the moment as he wanted to check up on you and missed his buddies, but I'll borrow him again please sometime. :D Happy annivesary, hope we didn't embarrass you! You have been so supportive and fun it was nice of Joan to do the thread. I prob. wouldn't have noticed the date. :oops:

    I'm at work tomorrow too so won't be up late but was hoping to catch Trish, thanks for the news Annie. Hope she is just resting and not struggling too much.

    Will fill up everyones mugs.
    Chris xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie,

    I wish I had A head sleeper :lol::lol::lol: I fight every inch with at least 4 of em and the leg ones...... well at least they keep me warm...... I get very cold easily and it could be worse..... Mr Stink gets about 10 on him :lol::lol::lol:

    Sorry she wasn't too good I was rough yesterday and couldn't really hang about. More shortbread? xx

    Hi Chris,

    He is on his way cus he doesn't like his auntie Ellie at all today :roll:

    I finished doing my rabbit in headlight bit now and just can't believe how many posts I have done :oops: :oops: (((( )))) xx

    You two want refills and Sally did you have a bit of shortbread?
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI all

    quick hot chocolate please ..... to give me the energy to catch up on all that's been going on in here today.

    had a tough evening so hoping for a laugh :wink:

    you've never let me down yet so I know I'm in the right place :wink::lol::lol:

    hope you are all ok and that you have a good weekend.

    hugs (((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All, hope everyones ok or as well as can be expected.

    Hi Cris,Did you save me a cup & some of that lovely shortbeard. I must make some i havent done any for ages. I did make some cherry shortbread a few months back but you could have hammered nails in the walls with it :lol:
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ooooh shortbread? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D let me at it!!! :wink:

    well perhaps not all of it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: as I might make a pig of myself, one piece would be lovely if that is ok? :wink:

    made a leek and potato soup tonight so have left a pan on simmer should any of the night owls call in and want a bite to eat. Fresh bread on side too ............ if I haven't already eaten it by the time anyone arrives :oops: :oops: :lol::lol:
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    night night all

    hot milk did the trick and now I'm feeling sleepy.

    hope you all have a good night's sleep.

    see you later today :roll: :roll:
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Debs and Wonky,

    Tons of shortbread and oh leek and potato soup sound good as well....... and fresh bread.......

    You both want a builders cus I am having one before I turn in and wait for a few cats to land on my head...... xx
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Night Wonky,Im i the only 1 in here?
    Is there any cakes left i fancy something nice & creamy. :wink:
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    go on then ..... persuaded me ...... another builders it is thanks :D:D:D

    and another piece of shortbread maybe ........ :D:D
  • chile168
    chile168 Member Posts: 384
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone, any tea? :D
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sorry I'm out of here folks ..... as hubby is coughing and coughing so I think he needs looking after.

    see you later xxxx
This discussion has been closed.