Just once in your life

mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
edited 20. Mar 2010, 08:00 in Community Chit-chat archive
If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:


  • only49
    only49 Member Posts: 1,207
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    this may sound soppy, but i would love to go back my 20's and meet hubby again and have my son all over again, and even if i was in my 20's i would of had more kids other than just the one, still better to have one than none at all. :)
    sylvia :)stern02.gif
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    she is always with you in your heart
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    I know just how you feel....my darling mum died in April 2008, just after mother's day so I too will have mixed emotions tomorrow. Mum was 84 and I miss her terribly. Dad died last year so it's been a tough time.

    ((()))) hugs for you for tomorrow. Iris x
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    she is always with you in your heart

    I know Val, but I'm ashamed to say, I still cry, not every day, but most days. She was my life. I know she is here though. Thanks for that. x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    she is always with you in your heart

    I know Val, but I'm ashamed to say, I still cry, not every day, but most days. She was my life. I know she is here though. Thanks for that. x
    i still have my mum and even if she does drive me mad love her loads and never miss giving her a cuddle you can see she is getting older but still tell her to go do what ever it is she wants to do while she can. i am very lucky i know and can not imagine how would cope with out her
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dorcas wrote:
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    I know just how you feel....my darling mum died in April 2008, just after mother's day so I too will have mixed emotions tomorrow. Mum was 84 and I miss her terribly. Dad died last year so it's been a tough time.

    ((()))) hugs for you for tomorrow. Iris x

    Hi Iris,
    ((())) hugs for you too. You've had a rotten time too eh. It's not easy sometimes is it. I lost my dad in 1994, he wasnt very old, I thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen, but we struggled through. Then mum went, then I knew what 'hurt' really meant.
    When dad went I felt like my heart had broken, then it started to mend, albeit with a huge scar. Then when mum went, someone just took my heart and shattered it so it could never be mended, that the only way I can describe it.
    Anyway, sorry to depress you, but, hey, we come out smiling dont we, because thats what they would want.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow. (I'm not a mum, so no pressies for me)
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
    So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:

    In answer to the original subject, I'd love to meet Jack Nicholson, and NOT keep it clean. :oops:
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    valval wrote:

    she is always with you in your heart

    I know Val, but I'm ashamed to say, I still cry, not every day, but most days. She was my life. I know she is here though. Thanks for that. x
    i still have my mum and even if she does drive me mad love her loads and never miss giving her a cuddle you can see she is getting older but still tell her to go do what ever it is she wants to do while she can. i am very lucky i know and can not imagine how would cope with out her

    Hi Val,
    I hope you and your mum have a lovely day tomorrow. Give her a hug from me. x thank you.
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'd love to go back to June 2006 and just give my lovely Mum one more hug and kiss before she left me. I miss her so much that I cant describe it. :cry: (mothers day tomorrow, not happy) :cry:

    So sorry, very sad time for you. It really really will get better you know. Of both parents, I think losing your mother is the worst.
    Do hope you get through the day ok. Now it is your turn to make yours happy.

  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
    So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:

    In answer to the original subject, I'd love to meet Jack Nicholson, and NOT keep it clean. :oops:

    Norty girl :lol::lol:

    I would love to have learned to dance.......you know all the old fashioned dances...waltz, foxtrot, ch cha cha....and been able to wear all the fabulous dresses that go with it!
    oh and have a handsome man to lead me. Iris x
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Now, what would I like to do the mostest.

    I think we have had this thread before. I suppose the thing I would like to do the mostest is show one of my pictures and everyone likes it so much and I sell it at a humendous figure, say £450,000.

  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    been thinking of this but not sure i would love to go back and say goodbye to my gran she lived 200 miles away from us so when she had heart attack did not get chance to say good bye and did love her so much but she is with me when ever i need her i feel her there giving me a helping hand just need one more cuddle
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.

    (((hugs))) i wish you could have this as well would give you mine as well
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    been thinking of this but not sure i would love to go back and say goodbye to my gran she lived 200 miles away from us so when she had heart attack did not get chance to say good bye and did love her so much but she is with me when ever i need her i feel her there giving me a helping hand just need one more cuddle

    awwww, Val, I know how you feel. Do you know mate, they're watching us always. I actually apologise to my mum everytime I cry, because I know she would be mad at me for being so sad. I KNOW they can see US, I KNOW they can HEAR us, but it dont help not seeing and hearing them. But they're about, no doubt about it, mum gives us signs, sometimes spooks us.
    Anyway, think I'm on the wrong thread to post 'spooky' stuff.
    hugs to you ((()))
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.

    Trisher, you make me feel very humble. I'm going on about my mum and dad, and I had lots of years with them. Its nothing compared to losing a child. It must be unbearable. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows how proud you were of him. He is with you now, he knows that tomorrow is Mothers day, and he will give you a sign that he is there. How could he not? You are his Mum, always have been, always will be. He's just around the corner, not far away.
    lots of love for you tomorrow. x
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    losing someone you love changes your life forever, no doubt about that.

    love and hugs (((()))) to everyone who lives with life's sorrows. Iris x
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.

    Trish, my heart goes out to you.......

  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
    So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:

    sorry Mellman, I think I've started a discussion that wasn't originally meant. Didn't mean to post sad stuff, but just had to say what I felt.

    Anyway................ apart from Jack Nicholson, :oops:

    I would like to win the lottery tonight, pack up work, get a house that had enough land to keep two kune kune pigs. love em.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
    So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:

    In answer to the original subject, I'd love to meet Jack Nicholson, and NOT keep it clean. :oops:

    Oh you little devil!, it's true what they say, still waters run deep!!.

    Well you lot I really meant what activity would you do, but I'll let you off as I know how you all feel as my brother was killed riding my motorbike in 1991, I would give all I have for just another 5 minutes with him to tell him how much I respected him and how much I miss the old bugger, he's in my thoughts every day. One of the songs played at his funeral was by Extreme it's called more than words, we also played stairway to heaven, So many people turned up on the day they were standing outside, he was well known as he played in a local band, he played his last gig at Reading rock, that's where his ashes were scatered.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.

    Trisher, you make me feel very humble. I'm going on about my mum and dad, and I had lots of years with them. Its nothing compared to losing a child. It must be unbearable. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows how proud you were of him. He is with you now, he knows that tomorrow is Mothers day, and he will give you a sign that he is there. How could he not? You are his Mum, always have been, always will be. He's just around the corner, not far away.
    lots of love for you tomorrow. x

    We have all lost people that meant a lot to each of us. You should feel the same as I do, why? because they were important to you.

    They are part of you and your journey through life, like me.

    All we can do now is get on with one another, share our sadness, help in any way we can with arthur.

    Please don't feel humble, lets say it is nice to meet you

    love Trish xxxx
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    trisher wrote:
    To have my darling son back with me, tell him how proud we were of him, give him one last hug also tell him how much we miss him, and how much we loved him.

    He died a year ago aged 24. I miss him so much there is a part of me that will never recover.

    Trisher, you make me feel very humble. I'm going on about my mum and dad, and I had lots of years with them. Its nothing compared to losing a child. It must be unbearable. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows how proud you were of him. He is with you now, he knows that tomorrow is Mothers day, and he will give you a sign that he is there. How could he not? You are his Mum, always have been, always will be. He's just around the corner, not far away.
    lots of love for you tomorrow. x

    We have all lost people that meant a lot to each of us. You should feel the same as I do, why? because they were important to you.

    They are part of you and your journey through life, like me.

    All we can do now is get on with one another, share our sadness, help in any way we can with arthur.

    Please don't feel humble, lets say it is nice to meet you

    love Trish xxxx
    Trish, I love you, and its nice to meet you. x
  • quietwaters
    quietwaters Member Posts: 288
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    mellman01 wrote:
    If you could do anything in the world just once what would you like to do, for me I would love to climb up mount Everest.
    So what would you lot like to do, oh and keep it clean OK!. :roll:

    In answer to the original subject, I'd love to meet Jack Nicholson, and NOT keep it clean. :oops:

    Oh you little devil!, it's true what they say, still waters run deep!!.

    Well you lot I really meant what activity would you do, but I'll let you off as I know how you all feel as my brother was killed riding my motorbike in 1991, I would give all I have for just another 5 minutes with him to tell him how much I respected him and how much I miss the old bugger, he's in my thoughts every day. One of the songs played at his funeral was by Extreme it's called more than words, we also played stairway to heaven, So many people turned up on the day they were standing outside, he was well known as he played in a local band, he played his last gig at Reading rock, that's where his ashes were scatered.

    Oh Mellman, thats so lovely. I think we all have a stairway to heaven, I love that song. And doesnt it just show how much he was loved and respected by the fact that people had to stand outside ??? (that happened at my dads funeral), its lovely to know so many people loved and respected him. He will be very proud of you for telling people about him. xxx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    What activity???? That's different............

    Just once in my life I would have loved to have leapt out on stage into the spotlight, wearing tight leather gear from head to foot and yelling "I Wanna Hero" into a very large mic!
