My Consultant Wants me to be Hattie Jacques



  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning DD - how are you today?
    Thinking of you - from an equally drugged up and falling rapidly back into that black, steroid driven hole. Tilly x
  • abbie41
    abbie41 Member Posts: 55
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I think it sounds like you make the best out of things, being positive really helps. :)
    You have a reason for the weight gain, its not like your eating masses of cakes etc.. as for the rudeness, You deserve better x
    Im new to this and I have a very hot temper, if any of the doctors/nurses upset me they will regret it lol! :lol:
    luckily the rheumotologist I saw for the first time was a nice little chinese man who made me laugh, so I hope your nurse has a change of attitude in future appointments xxx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all from a hopped-up DD. Haven't felt so well in ages and yes, I know it's totally fake and I have to be careful but, ye gods, it makes a change. This morning I have begun the Herculean task of cleaning my office (not touched since Xmas). I have done half of it, that's enough for today. Slept like a log (no night hot-flushes for a week or so now, is it too soon to say that's over? Probably) and this is my reward for being a busy girl, a nice sit down and natter with you lot. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • marion1952
    marion1952 Member Posts: 963
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How are you today DD?

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello and thank you for your kind enquiry, most thoughtful of you. I am a little fragile today. I mis-behaved last night and I am paying the price. Naughty girl. I will be back on track tomorrow, however, have loads of stuff to do and hopefully will find some energy to do it! My toes are killing me - and the back of my left heel, apparently a common site for PA. It's a new hurt - most interesting! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • marion1952
    marion1952 Member Posts: 963
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi DD

    Do you think the heel problem is Achilles Tendonitis? I get that when I have a flare up of RA in my right ankle.... It tends to be acccompanied by Plantar Fasciitis too - a great combination!

    Glad that you seem to have had a good night on Saturday anyway, albeit that you have paid the price today!!

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Marion, thank you for the thought. No, I'm certain it's the arthritis, my consultant prodded it on Wednesday, it's been coming and going for a few weeks, and she added it to my joint total. I find the DAS prods really unsettle everything for a good few days afterwards - they're not gentle, are they? I hope you are well today, I'm nearly back to myself! Shocking behaviour, will not be repeated. (Yeah, right!) DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning DD ... does that mean you are tackling the other half of your office?!

    All my teaching stuff is muddled up in boxes in the loft ... kindly but unsytematically packed by my TA's ... :shock: :roll: :?

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nah. I'm not that good! I have a load of ironing to do, and that takes its toll on feet, ankles, knees and hands. The office can wait iuntil tomorrow, and yes, it's the teaching stuff. Loads of it, most of it never used.

    I saw an interesting girl (hurrah! She's not a boy!) on Saturday. She's 11.03 years old, reading ages of 7.11/8.00 years, so not good enough, obviously. She told me quite proudly that she had finished Toe-by-Toe, a detailed and quite specialised reading scheme, which is extremely beneficial for some. She had done it WITH A DINNER LADY and they didn't do the 'silly words' bit because the dinner lady couldn't read them. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh. It's the 'silly words' bit which is so important as it teaches how to synthesise sounds. Neither had she done the syllable division exercises because the dinner lady said she didn't need to. I despair. How the hell are schools able to get away with this type of learning support? I have nothing against dinner ladies, a school cannot function without them, but they are not teachers.

    She didn't know her vowels or why they are important. She only knew 15 of the 23 individual letter sounds. She's left handed, dyspraxic, and all over the shop. She has a speech impediment, only slight but enough to make a difference. This is gonna be a good 'un! Can't wait to start with her. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My head is the same in the running of our school - as long as there are enough adults in a room - doesn't matter what training, knowledge or expertise they have .... !!

    I hate it when resources aren't used properly or work is tackled before a child is ready - as far as the child is concerned, they have "done" that .... their parent's think they have learnt it too ...

    Sounds like you have a challenge on your hands ... enjoy!!

    Oohh, I'm a bit envious .... I don't miss the c**p management at our school - but I do miss the kids!!

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi DD

    That poor girl :(

    I bet her parents are bald by now - with pulling their hair out :roll:

    Incredible :shock:

    I hope she gets on ok and does really well with you and reaches her potential :(


    toni xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Her parents put her through the Dore programme, a 'miracle' cure costing up to £3 grand. Mr Dore went bust a couple of years ago - charlatan. She starts work with me next Tuesday.

    Pain immense today. Still on 20mg of steroids but the arthritis is winning the battle. Ouch. DD

    Postscript (10 mins later) Of course it's winning the battle, I should have humira'd last night. I totally forgot and I wouldn't have done it anyway as The Husband wasn't here. Despite having been on this for nearly a year, I still cannot do a jab on my own. DD has an Achilles heel and this is it. My first jab was so traumatic (I'm a toughy, I don't do trauma) I drove home shaking and crying. I am much better at doing myself but the memory of that dread event lives on . . . . DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi DD,

    Glad its working and well injecting your self is never easy....... I hope you will be able to reduce soon without losing the benefits through..... Sorry I worry about preds flower, though agree they really do do a job....... Leaving you a ((( ))) and a hope for a much better time of it. Cris xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh skezier, you are a darling. Life has improved substantially since I upped the pred to 20mg per day. Yes, I had a setback on Sunday (!) but everything is so much brighter and better. So what if I turn into an even fatter fattie? At the moment I don't care. I will stab myself in the stomach tonight with gay abandon, then retire to bed with a lovely cuppa. Ain't life grand? DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HEY DD

    You humira'd yet??

    just wondering.

    Dont feel a whimp at all around me - I hATE needles so much a shake - my teeth chatter and I swear (yes in the community)


    Toni xx
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Doing it it tonight, after I have cooked boy food for dinner. Boy food and footy. God, I spoil him. Off to the co-op soon to get something nice - I want a treat. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good luck with the stabbing DD!

    Like you I never did it unless G was around cos I was too scared.

    Enjoy whatever treat you buy for yourself!

    Tilly x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mars bar ice creams and Cadbury's chocolate covered peanuts. Fed up with the diet as I am going to be fat anyway. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Her parents put her through the Dore programme, a 'miracle' cure costing up to £3 grand. Mr Dore went bust a couple of years ago - charlatan. She starts work with me next Tuesday.
    Oh yes - remember seeing this on the news ... so many desperate parents get sucked into these "cures" ...
    Pain immense today. Still on 20mg of steroids but the arthritis is winning the battle. Ouch. DD
    Nightmare. Guess you'll have to give him what he wants and rest, take meds and wait it out ... Vile disease.

    I know it's not in the same league, but I hated doing my clexine jabs into my tummy post op ... the stuff stung once inside ... had to insist I did it each morning before I got up - so the thought of it didn't ruin my day. Does the humira work straight away or make you feel worse first?

    S would definitely approve of Mars icecreams ....

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just done it. B*****d stuff stings for a good long while, which is why I do it at night so I can go to bed. Have eaten Mars bar ice cream and am steadily working my way thro the sweeties. I am feeling sick but I will not let that defeat me! The Husband has been my stalwart, as ever, made me tea and scuttled back to the footy. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • ironic
    ironic Member Posts: 2,361
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh DD sooo sorry you have to do that. Big hug. Enjoy the treats and the cuppa.


    Lv, Ix
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You are very kind ironic (who likes driving in her car, 'tis better than a Jaguar.) Feeling lousy now, off to bed. Life sucks. DD (who will be recovered tomorrow, meth stabbing day, hurray!)
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Feeling lousy now, off to bed. Life sucks. DD (who will be recovered tomorrow, meth stabbing day, hurray!)
    Hope you fall asleep quick. You'll look like a pin cushion.... do you have both these jabs every week? :shock: :roll: :!: Needs must, I guess ...

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Im sorry you are having a ruff time. :( sending you hugs and sympathy by the bucket. from joanne
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you suncatcher. Had a lousy night, humira twanged and sparked for a long time, despite me doing all the right things: I guess it all just depends on how close to a nerve you get, wish they showed up in your skin as bright green lines or something! I hope you're having a good day today. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben