Folliculitis & immunosuppresants



  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi Wonky - you sound as if you are in the wars as well as me. I spent this evening at the emergency dr having a nebulizer as my asthma is bad. Today is the 3rd week without Mtx so am worrying too about joint pains getting worse. I am also having bloods on Wed but I can't see me having mtx next week either. The gp tonight didn't know whether to refer me to casualty or not but there was a 7 hour wait so she sent me home with 30 mg steroids for asthma :shock: which seems high to me but might help the arthritis!
    I do hope you can see your doctor tomorrow and that you feel a bit better.
    take care hun
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI All

    quickly popped in to see how peeps were getting on.

    thanks for your messages they mean a lot.

    Ironic - the path is fantabulous thanks :wink: and we are getting the garden sorted this week I think :D

    Heating isn't on here .... just extra layers :roll: as hubby would overheat if I put the heating on .... he is a real east coast man and rarely feels the cold :roll:

    Salamander - hope the steroids do the trick for you .... don't worry about being on 30mg dose for a little while - I had 60mg for 5 days ... joints were fab but I was bouncing off the walls :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    right ... off for a bath now and then bed.

    hope to have more positive news tomorrow.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,136
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Wonky

    Sorry things have been so bad for you :(

    I missed it all being away.

    Imagine coal tar for eczma :shock: you poor chick!!

    Hoping that your belly is happier now without the naproxen and i am right in thinking you are back at the docs tomorrow? A lot to take in this :)

    And Sal - I hope the steroids help too :( Naughty asthma :x


    Toni xx
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    off to see GP at 4.20 today.

    just written down war and peace of symptoms / actions taken etc over past 3 weeks :roll: :roll:

    hope to be back on later with positive news.

  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Wonky

    Good to see you did get an appointment today. Do hope you got some help and can soon start to feel better. I have been thinking of you. (((( ))))
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    evening all

    sorry to be in so late but this afternoon washed me out.

    GP has given me some Lansoprazole to take to give my stomach some help, and then after a few days I can start taking the naproxen again and fingers crossed that will do the trick.

    Bloods tomorrow morning and a throat swab for good look since the throat is partying again :roll:

    She admitted that the rash looked the same to her, and that she didn't know how long a MTX rash might take to go once MTX had been stopped, so I have to ring the rheumy nurses answerphone tomorrow and tell them that the GP has done all she can, and can they please see me ASAP to give their opinion!

    So ... .arthur is still playing games with most of my joints, the rest have gone on holiday :roll: my hubby was fed take-away tonight cos I wasn't going to cook :D and the dog is fed up with very slow short walks :wink:

    all in all a fairly rubbish day, but hopefully tomorrow will be a better one!! :roll:

  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Och Wonky :( I'm sad you are not getting any better flower. :roll:

    I do hope rheummy see you really soon and can say for definite that it's the Mtx / or not that's causing you all these problems!

    maybe you need a Dermatologist to look at the skin rash?

    when will the swab results be back? at least the lab will be able to tell what's causing it and give your doc info on what antibiotics to give you. I do hope so :roll:

    You just have to rest.... nothing else for it.

    avoid eye contact with the dog and hubby meantime so you don't get all guilt tripped out. :lol::lol:

    love n more healing ((((hugs)))) as the last ones weren't strong enough. :wink:

    Iris x
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh IRis thanks for all the hugs .... wow they are strong ones this time !!!!!!

    to answer your main questions:

    I do hope rheummy see you really soon and can say for definite that it's the Mtx / or not that's causing you all these problems!

    If all else fails I have an appointment on Sept 10th - not sure I can expect an appointment before then with what I know of the system here.

    when will the swab results be back? at least the lab will be able to tell what's causing it and give your doc info on what antibiotics to give you. I do hope so :roll:

    last time it took a week exactly - that's why I started the new ab's last week. at that rate it will be just when I'm at the hospital :wink:

    as for a dermatologist, we'll see what the new consultant says first .... nothing like making a great first impression on the man is there :oops: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I'm not as bad as I could be precisely because I am resting whenever possible. Can't do anything else!

    thansk again

  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    call me naive but why can't you be seen sooner? can't the doc ask for you to be seen at the rheummy day ward? or fit you in to an out patient clinic?

    would it make a difference if you phoned and spoke to rheummy secretary?

    it just all seems to be taking such a long time.... and meanwhile you're suffering... it isn't jolly well fair. :roll: :?

    (sorry nearly ranted there... didn't mean to... but I am worried about you :oops: )

    Iris xx :roll:
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dorcas wrote:

    call me naive but why can't you be seen sooner? can't the doc ask for you to be seen at the rheummy day ward? or fit you in to an out patient clinic?

    would it make a difference if you phoned and spoke to rheummy secretary?

    it just all seems to be taking such a long time.... and meanwhile you're suffering... it isn't jolly well fair. :roll: :?

    (sorry nearly ranted there... didn't mean to... but I am worried about you :oops: )

    Iris xx :roll:

    calm down Iris :wink: Wally won't be able to take the strain :shock: but I'm touched you're worried about me but I am honestly doing all I can.

    I dont' know exactly what is going on just at the mo, but my consultant retired last month .... two new consultants (and I mean new as in first post new as I understand it) have started, clinics are heaving already and they are cancelling more than they are sending out from what I hear. :shock:

    I was originally being seen at the end of September, so 10th is an improvement anyway. I'll let them know how awful I'm feeling when I ring, but I am not letting myself build up false hope - been there before :wink:

    At other times my GP has indeed chased them, but at the moment I know more of what is happening than she has been told :shock: so she's left it to me unless I need her to chase them.

    thanks again - you're a pal.

    hope Wally behaved today?

    WOnky xx