Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi SK

    I hope your neck pain stays away

    I’ll have some crumble if there’s any left lol

    have a good night tc x


    how are you both doing today?

    yes it’s good about the appointment going well thanks

    mum is ok 👍

    have a good night tc xx

    👋 again Toni

    yes I have praised the gastric oracles indeed 🙏

    Kari has 21.4 thousand subscribers wow that’s amazing - a great achievement 👍

    Im going to stop there as early start tomorrow

    good night Toni and everyone take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are ok? Paul will have a bad neck being an electrical engineer he is always leaning forwards can't be good for him can it? Fingers crossed Jaki has some better news today. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady who was in early again yesterday!

    The beetroot look fabulous send some over here I love them😋 Get you all your seeds sprouting where exactly did you start them off? I think you are doing so well. My delphs aren't up at all 😕The risk of frosts....well it is definitley cooler that's for sure - no rain here today either. So difficult to be certain P always used to be cautious until May! Aren't your tulips in pots? If so I'd whip 'em out and pop them back in for bedtime. You should be enjoying them. Yup lots and lots of ant farmers🤢 mildly gross only happened with the potato pots and yes on a lesser scale with beans.

    I'm expecting my RHS hyacinth bean seeds (beans?!) to arrive any day! Watch this space.

    Cutting and pasting? Of course you should employ such time saving tactics. whyever not? some people just do a round robin as a matter of course.

    Oh dear I just noticed you got soaked on the walk to the postbox😣 you should have given them to sleek she absolutely loves posting letters mind actually she needs picking up to actually post them sorry.

    Hope today is as good for us as Orkney so far it looks promising here.

    Morning Reshmi I am very pleased to hear your Mum's bs is ok.

    I do hope BIL brings BR that would be good for him to come without LA to hide behind. That larger than life 🧀 eating lothario, honorary Mafioso member and carpet roller protects him so much. I'm out of breath writing that and I didn't add taxi driving refuse collecting scientist!

    Good that his son in law is helping your dad even if your Mum will be cooking already or have started yesterday no doubt! I'm glad you enjoyed your veggie burger i hope your stomach did too. We must always thank the gastric oracle.

    You found vegan gulab jamun well thank you!

    Glad you are planning to go to the group it's your time and you should go even if a visitor is coming it's really to help your Dad.

    Spock really can be a tad patronising don't you think?!😂

    Kari's art is fun so that's why people join in.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown busy busy eh? Well that's no bad thing as long as you are still resting from time to time. Take care of yourself😊

    Skinny Keef

    I very much hope you are ok and that you just got caught up playing your new bass 🎸 in the bunker yesterday. Or maybe cooking some crumble for when the family are back🤔

    Sending my best ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) nice beetroot you can mix that with anything. Following the Hearst were a lot of cars. I hope you have a good day what ever you do. We have rain coming.

    Toni (()) I asked Jaki she said he’s just the same. Did you see on the news last night in America children were having rods put in their legs to make them taller. Paul has worked hard all his life now he’s left with pain. Sorry. Sue has a problem with her hernia she has to have the camera down she dreads it but now she wants it she does not want to eat. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope everything is alright there thinking about you (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day take care

    love to Barbara and Kitty

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Actually Reshmi the crumble wasn’t that good this week. I copied my MIL and used self raising flour as hers always goes a bit spongy at the edges but I think it’s coz she never uses butter only fat free stuff that I don’t like so going back to normal flour. And I have been lazy using tinned pears instead of standing to peel apples in kitchen. I will go back to apples and proper flour. Let you know when one is ready. 😁 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    The plants I bought Loanda last week were Passion Flowers. Forget who asked now 🙄

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Toni and Dachshund, yes I was in the bunker playing yesterday. I did the same neck exercises last night again and today I am okay too. The longest I have been in the last year without a migraine is one week so here’s trying for 10 days 😁 thanks for your concern

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    unfortunately bill and BR didn’t materialise ( Star Trek related teleportation issues no doubt lol)

    my sis had a meeting near Slough and bill tagged along as it’s his day off (not to the meeting itself of course lol) he went by himself to a restaurant in cabbage- land and condescended to get a doggy bag - I prefer catty bag actually haha - for his family- how very generous of him)

    I assume poor little BR is in the nursery-no day off for him- aww.

    I went to group thanks, it was ok, but RR was complaining that his mum didn’t love him when he was 5 -unlike LA and LA’s mummy - what a strange and somewhat silly thing to say, he’s obviously a few chocolate bars short of a factory haha

    mums bs is ok thanks

    horrible rain isn’t it Toni?

    definitely makes our pains worse

    must admit I committed a cardinal sin or something like that, I had a café eyebrow plucks chai tea latte- mind you haven’t had one for a long time and my leg was hurting, still is really but will improve after ablutions👍

    did you get caught in the rain?

    ok I’m a bit tired so bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi SK

    glad you’re feeling a little bit better

    yes let me know about the crumble please, that would be great, I promise not to eat the whole thing 😂

    Bye for now tc x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 27. Mar 2024, 18:21

    Hi everyone 👋 breezy out there, to say the least 🌪️. Was quite glad of the through draught though, as I decided to paint the next radiator on my list, now it's turned colder, well I would wouldn't I 🤪. Has put me well behind with everything else, any sandwiches going? Don't care if they are yesterday's and slightly curling 😄.

    Hope you're having a good day frog 😀 - my seedlings are all over the place, some in propagators (unheated), top of the fridge, windowsills, you name it. The airing cupboard lot are the least impressed though, nothing doing there at all. Need sun now, these next days/weeks are all important really 😔. The tulips, well they have been under my largest cloche on & off, partly to avoid some of the utter sogginess from rain, & then the talk of frost scaremongered me into thinking it may as well stay on a day or two - the leaves are against the sides now, if I take it off I'd be having to bundle them back in. They haven't opened yet so I'm not missing out on the flowers, I'll just keep an eye on things; it really doesn't look too dire round here🤞. Sleek can come to the postbox next time, it was far too wet for small cats yesterday. Lifting a furry little armful up, not a chore, is it 😉. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, yes rain on the way here too most likely. Nice turnout then for the funeral 👍️ there will only be me at mine (by instruction) and not even that if I can help it 😂. Hope the weather will stay dry long enough for me get to the post today🤞. I have a large parcel to pack now 😬 could have left it but if it doesn't go til Sat it won't get far. Only UK though. The one for Germany is at the shipping centre place and in its container for leaving the Uk, so it says. Love to Sue, sorry she has to have a procedure will it be soon 😕. Have a good day hope not too windy for you :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope things ok with you this afternoon and your leg is hurting less. Yes horrible weather, doesn't help at all. Currently in the nosegay packaging corner, well not this very minute but technically, hoping to call back in later for a coffee and a sitdown 👍️ :) xx

    Hope things ok as poss with you SK 👋 I meant to ask about the plants but I don't think I did 🤔. Toni had a passionflower recently that didn't make it, she will be wishing you luck with yours, me too. 10 migraine-free days, you can do it 👍️ I have every faith. Hope family ok :) xx

    Wave to Charlestown too, am just packing a large parcel for nosegay you'll be pleased to know 😄 not a fun packing job at all but a big box out of the house 👍️. Will be glad of a break now for a bit, currently on caramel lattes as they were cheap 😂. Have a few more seeds coming in the post but you are right, definitely not enough light for indoors 🙄 those couple of brighter warmer days we had would've done wonders you could tell if we could just have had a few more 😣. Hope things ok as poss with you today :) xx

    Love to all, I drafted this earlier and have chucked myself lunch together since so all's good, no starving toads 🥪.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Loanda is a lucky gardener.

    She has no idea what she is doing, but everything thrives. It’s just luck. Sometimes in the height of the summer it goes days without a drop of water and I ask if she is going to water the plants and she says oh yes i keep forgetting. Then she waters it and boom it all explodes with colour and bloom. Like i say, lucky gardener lol.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi toady C and Joan

    how are you all today?

    im ok thanks

    👋toady leg is hurting less after shower and massive naps👍👍

    👋 C yes v pleased with mxt dosage increase thanks

    sorry not a lot of time left after the massive nap lol 💤

    hope everyone’s mor or less ok?

    hope the coffee - ing and nosegay - ing went ok toady?

    today was a shameful glycemic index day I must admit toady

    but tomorrow I will make amends haha 😇

    have a good night everyone tc xx

    ps toady’s happy face - only joking lol xx

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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 27. Mar 2024, 22:49
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 28. Mar 2024, 01:02
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Charlestown, sorry I missed you.

    it’s all gone ☹️

    and, I’ve woken up with a bad head, sigh ☹️

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 28. Mar 2024, 05:52

    Morning Joan if Jaki's Dad is no worse that's probably ok? At least she knows you care. Why on earth would anyone want to be taller? How odd I'm quite short but happy enough some people have very odd ideas. Paul will be ok he just needs to get his head round the pain and not panic about it. He has known good health all his life you see unlike us lot we are used to it. Take care enjoy town today hope it stays dry for you. Sue is doing the right thing having the camera given the trouble she recently had it could be relevant. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    Lovely to hear how well you are doing atm. What are the exercises? Are they the Versus Arthritis ones? I need to get Paul doing them regularly I know Reshmi does neck physio too.

    Sounds like you'd better stick to doing your crumbles your way in future.

    Loanda has clearly got green fingers. Passion flower they are a climber I had two last year and planted them on my arch they did really well, but died over winter so whatever she does make sure she either brings them inside or fleeces them up in the winter. They are so very very pretty and flowered all summer and well into Autumn.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you are doing ok? and your Mum too?

    Love Spock's happy face😁bless him!

    I managed my walk in the dry but my washing got caught that will teach me to try to save energy! I think damp and cold do make pain worse I agree.

    Oh dear me poor RR I am sure his Mum loved him maybe she just wasn't demonstrative. Parents say they love you much more these days than they used to. I remember my Mum saying it only once but i certainly knew she did. Sounds as though he needs more counselling. Your nephews are growing up knowing they are adored❤️

    What a shame you didn't see BR and he didn't get the day off nursery. A bit off that BIL let your dad down too just for a jolly in Slough and some sneaky food🙄 Still what's new with BIL?😉 At least he got a catty-bag for the children.

    Do not beat yourself up for having a nice eyebrow plucks chai latte I mean you don't do it every day like some. It will do you good especially if that leg is still sore. A bit of comfort does us all good.

    take care - the weekend is almost here! ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown how are you?

    I hope still improving and that you do not have snow! Poor people on Exmoor. Hopefully not caused too much trouble.

    I used to love those packet cappuccinos (before i was Vegan) my ex MIL still does she finds them so comforting bless her.

    Glad all good at the dentist for you I see you had a treat afterwards.

    We must be westerly or something like that we get a lot of sun (when it shines of course🙄) although quite often too much in summer it can get too hot being a bungalow.

    Hope your day is good.😊

    Morning Toad

    Sounds like your seedlings are here there and everywhere like mine! I don't have an airing cupboard anymore the previous people did a shuffle round and it went. The boiler is in the garage it's a combi. When it goes I'll have to have a 'heat pump' I suppose. Why on earth am I talking about heat pumps?!!! Ignore me😳

    Yes please do take Sleek to the post box. I agree it's no trouble at all to pick up a small furry being and you can bob a kiss on her head before you put her back down. Then she usually chirrups. Bless her.

    Well done doing the radiator! You can manage with blankies till you're sure it's dry. It is definitely chillier that's for sure and facing the wind is not pleasant at all. Yesterday I was ok going on my walk but coming back brrrr!

    I am very pleased that your best tulips haven't flowered yet I'd hate you to miss them. They can pop out when it's safer. I love my peonies, but every year rain ruins them I think I need to put a golf umbrella over them. every single year🤬

    I have some rather nice vegan brie in the fridge and some wraps and salad. I'll knock you a wrap together Sleek will bring it over in her lunchbox. She has also cut up some very ripe mango to share. Today's lunch sorted if you get carried away again.

    breakfast at the Ivy yum!

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Wow, I was only saying yesterday that with global warming the chance of us getting regular annual snow now is very low. Humble pie anyone? Lol

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 28. Mar 2024, 09:45

    Toni, the neck stretches I do are very simple and I made them up as it seemed like it’s what I needed to do to reduce the pressure in my neck. The pain radiates from halfway down the middle to slightly left. I’m certain something is getting nipped up there by a spur or reduced clearance between my vertebrae. (I have zero clearance between my pelvis and first vertebrae so I know it’s possible).

    I flex my neck to the right and gently roll my head forward and back at the same time it is flexed to find a position that gives maximum pain relief from the headache and neck pain. The headache doesn’t always diminish immediately but the neck pain does. I hole this for as long as I can, maybe 30seconds. The longer I hold position the more it hurts to recover my head to upright so i am careful. I do this repeatedly for half an hour. It is what I have done this morning and it has helped as my bad head is about 80% gone. It would be gone completely had I been allowed to carry on sleeping after the stretches but Loanda went to hang washing out and Sucré decided to have a hissy fit.

    There is another stretch I do if the above doesn’t work but my osteo said it was dangerous.

    the above sometimes works sometimes not, today i have been lucky. I’m just chillin out now hoping the last bit of bad head will go.

    i hope you are okay.

    sorry for the long post but you know i will always give a detailed answer if you ask lol.


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Forgot to say it is quite frustrating because I cannot pin point a cause for today’s headache other that perhaps sleeping in a bad position. Normally the car is to blame or maybe the bike but I haven’t left the house/bunker since Monday evening.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) Have a good day. Good luck wrapping the parcel you must be an expert at wrapping up parcels now. Have a good Easter. The clocks go forward on Sunday.

    Toni (()) yes it’s the same when someone has an an accident their life changes and they can’t cope with it. Paul will do alright he has you to help him understand it all. Thank you for thinking about sue she can’t eat anything or she’s sick she was in hospital about a fortnight ago for 24 hours she had a bug it affected her hernia that’s what she is having the camera for. Have a good Easter everyone. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry all your problems love to your mum (()) happy Easter to everyone

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day and a good Easter love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) to descale the coffee machine you get descale for a kettle and pour it in the water tank with half a water tank of water then then you run half of that through then wait 8 minutes then run the rest through then fill the tank twice and ru that through then it’s done. We use Oust descaler. Have a happy Easter.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310
    edited 28. Mar 2024, 12:39

    Good afternoon everyone wppl xx

    ps bill is cooking lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋

    Revolting out there.. just hoping for a half decent day to catch up on after yesterday.. snow or no, it's just horrible (where is it getting all this rain from?! 🙄 never ending).

    Thank you (& Sleek) for the nice lunch frog it'll be one bright spot in a horrid day, anyway. I was hoping for a bit more seed sowing and pottering but can't fancy it in the gloom. Wish now I'd brought a few more pots indoors, at least give the compost in them a chance to dry out a bit. So sick of everything being muddy & messy. Yes your poor peonies, if it's not the rain it's the wind, it's not a fair fight is it 😕. Not sure what Sleek and I will do with ourselves today 🤔 cut out paper dollies? Seems like about the level 😄. Yes blankies and hot water bottle will do til the rads can go on, I could just isolate the one of course, but I hate tinkering with them. Heat pumps, well la la la I'm not listening, can't even face it. Hope you have some reasonable not-spoilt-by-weather things to do yourself - are there many Easter village things going on? I thought bin collections may be off for Good Fri but no, so that's another job not to forget. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, yes I am fairly well set up for parcels but there is always an occasional funny shaped thing you don't quite know how to go about or won't fit any box 🤔. Chap hasn't picked this one up today yet, hopefully soon so I can lock up & shut the rain out. I will try not to forget the clocks 😬 shame to lose an hour's sleep, it takes a while after they change not to feel late all day. Hope not too cold where you are would not want that snow they have in the South 😮 xx

    Hope your day is going ok bosh, probably see you later 😊. Yes that is my happy face, my socializing face, my party face, you name it (not that I go to parties), but I wish oh I wish I could do the eyebrow!! 😫 it would be such an asset in life! Hope EF ok and no-one was stranded in Slough trapped by some sort of cabbage (force) field 😱. Rained on me going to the postbox again last night, a bit mean I thought when I'm only going to post letters for others' benefits, not exactly going for fun 🙄. Nothing to post now so I suppose it will be fine tonight 🤷‍♀️ palm trees and glorious sunsets no doubt. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi keef, sorry you can't pinpoint the bad head 🤔 could be sleeping though, none of us know what we're doing unawares. Hope family ok. Not jealous at all that Loanda is one of life's natural gardeners 😄 no seriously it's great if everything goes like that for her, I can just imagine it would, she sounds like one of those 'in tune with the universe' people 👍️. Look forward to hearing what else she grows if we ever get a summer. Take care :) xx

    Glad you got out the dentist in one piece Charlestown, at least you went to the chippy then not straight to the sweet shop 🤭. Last time I was at mine a kid was asking Mum can I have my sweets now before they even left the room, dentist was shaking his head. I just sold a couple of things out the loft, at least it's less stuff my roof will try and leak on 🙄 must go and have a check in a minute since the heavy rain last night. StaceyS has won an award I see, for the programme 👍️. I am doing the kitchen drawers & cupboards now; why have I got a corkscrew & several bottle openers, I don't drink 🤔😂. I bought some cowslip seeds, and a Dierama called 'Blackbird' because of the name haha 🐦️. So impatient to get on now but I'm not sure it's ever going to dry up 😒. Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Kettle on, love to everyone 😘 xx