Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    I’m going in to town this morning.

    Toady (()) I looked at the weather on my phone it says rain at 1700. I hope the pair brush behaves it’s self.

    Toni (()) good luck to sleek at the vets. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to your mum take care

    Skinny Keef (()) thank you for explaining everything. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day yes I like the warm weather people seem happier.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    good morning Toni

    How are you?

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    My heat rash is worse but am using S*docrem

    Builders are with us

    Bye for now more later tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 13. May 2024, 16:19

    Hi all 👋 not much doing with me, bit tired from doing more yesterday, and it wasn't a nice night at all, definitely thundery 'curdle the milk' weather. So a quick hello and some potatoes 🌱

    The spuds have grown so so quickly frog, much more so than I thought they would. Pics taken today in the growing bag compared to just the other day. The other two pots have one each in, you can just see my cat scarer looking behind; doesn't do anything, but I like him 😄. Have earthed them up again, the foliage is still very nice looking at this point. Yes how do you regulate things not getting scorched in greenhouses even if you add some shade etc, outdoors I'm always moving things from a to b as the sun goes round and it would be much the same I'd think 🤔. Not looking forward to bad weather, will be heavy rain overnight. Sorry about Paul's hill climb but it wasn't very nice for it, did it affect everyone much on the day? Ah the spaniel isn't a good old boy at all then 🤭 no offence madam/miss. I saw the coos from a distance yesterday, it did clear up by evening; thought I'd better go while I had the chance if not likely today. Did a bit more ceiling, now I have to sort boxes of 'stuff' so that I can do the room justice, won't be a light airy white cube if it's stacked with gubbins will it 😕 glad your painting is coming along (not so the 'men in' prospect 😱); meant to say the cart was looking very nice too 👍️. Have a good not too wild-weather evening, might start GW in good time for once. Love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan you picked the best time to go to town I expect, hope everything ok. I trust the paintbrush to behave more than I trust me, I have my own ways of going about things not exactly 'textbook' 😬 it's a wonder I don't make more mess than I do. More luck than anything else. Definitely ones of those jobs I'm doing just to get it done, will be glad to tidy up after. Rain by 5 that sounds about right it is quite dull & ominous, heavy overnight unfortunately 😕. Hope Lexi & Pepper well and you too xx

    Hi bosh, sorry you still have the heat rash and the builders, not the best combination, hope you get rid of them both soon! We're not talking walk-in freezer, no 😂 not unless you're hobbit-sized and even then, we're talking bijou as the estate agents say. Half a dozen eggs maybe, definitely no egos (ok you don't freeze eggs, poetic licence). I haven't seen Dr Chew (and I can't say I wasn't reminded thank you), will put it on my 👁️player list 👍️. Not enough chocolate in the dessert, oh very marco pierre white 😄 a littley who knows his own mind, glad he's feeling well enough to worry about such matters 👍️. Have as good an evening as poss :) xx

    Hope Drs went well SK 🤞. Pretty impressive technical stuff for 7.07 am imo 😊 have a good evening xx

    Hi Charlestown hope your day is going ok. See pics of spuds 😊 hope weather not too bad for our outdoor stuff 🤞. Not doing much today have just been sitting here online bidding on something on nosegay, I didn't really mean to but no-one else did, so oh well 😳😂😂. Have a good evening, was going to get my extra compost delivered tomorrow but no point it being out there in heavy rain 😔 will hang on a couple days. xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    crikey Bosh I am not staying at that hotel, bet don’t get any bad reviews though, bet they don’t get any reviews at all if they execute every guest.

    Drs was v short and to the point thanks Toady. Migraines are down to the polychondritis the dr thinks not the neck problems. I tend to agree as the last time my throat was all swollen as well. So i guess I have had this for a lot longer than I thought. Stress definitely affects it as I had a rubbish afternoon and could actually feel the inflammation getting worse and my nose starting to swell up as the day went on and things started to go bad.

    So the consultant is going to see me again as soon as i like and probably prescribe that mtx or mxt or whatever it is with a shared cared package with my gp surgery as they can’t prescribe it alone. Gp also gonna give me a different anti inflammatory as Naproxen making me miserable.
    bit sick of all this now. It is certainly taking a toll on my marriage.

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 13. May 2024, 16:30

    Best of luck with this SK and hopefully it's a positive move if everyone does get on board with prescribing - fwiw have been where you are now in my own way and it is 100% down to meds that I'm not still there. So fingers crossed for you🤞xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Yes they surprised me @Charlestown not so much at first but once they got going it was almost like growing in front of your eyes. Little & often for the painting definitely quite tiring in the heat 👍 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    How are you doing today?

    Mums bs is ok thanks 🙏

    I think we must have had the thunderstorm overnight too, even though i didn’t hear it as it’s a lot cooler today

    Thanks about mums skin

    I like the pic of Sleek chopping wood, she looks a bit aggressive though lol

    Last night I also found a bit more heat rash on my stomach and hands, the s*docrem soothed it a lot but it is a bit irritating there’s no doubt

    I like the pool breakfast tray, I just hope the toast doesn’t fall in the water and become chlorine - flavoured haha

    You’re welcome about the photo

    28 degrees- that sounds terrible

    LA is definitely getting better he got a new bow and arrow toy - not to be used on certain phlebotomists haha

    He also ate a massive ice cream almost as big as his face that his thoughtful mummy had added sprinkles and a chocolate flake to, he was in a video call to my mum but as soon as the ice cream appeared he ended the call! Oh dear! 😂

    The builders may be coming in late tomorrow due one of their family members hospital appointment

    I hope so
    have a good evening Toni tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Charlestown what a wicked stroller. Definitely a Harley. Very nice.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you doing today?

    I hope you had a nice time in town

    Have a nice night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi SK

    I hope the new anti inflammatories work better

    Have a good night tc x

    👋 C

    nice pram lol

    Have a good night tc xx

    👋 toady

    Nice pics 👍

    Don’t worry we can freeze anything in our poetical freezers lol

    I am indeed struggling with heat rash, if that’s what it is

    It seems to worsen at night

    If I run out of S*docrem I may have to pop round at 3 am for a stock replenishment please, just put it on the milkman’s tab

    Mum is ok thanks

    We may get a half day’s respite from builder’s tomorrow 🤞

    LA ordered my mum to get connect Lego style toys for his birthday, she said “ what’s the exact name Connect building toys?” - or something like that, to which the aristocrat said very angrily, “Connect! The clue is in the title!” - how very rude of him, just because he’s a titled personage, maybe I should replace the ice cream in his cone with S*ducrem and say, “ oh sorry sir, I didn’t quite grasp the fact that the clue is in the title” 😂😂

    On that slightly evil mima - ish note I will attempt to retire to bed as it’s very much the itching hour 😱😱

    Have a good night toady and everyone tc xx

    Ps pic on the subject of my poor sis dealing with the littleys xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 14. May 2024, 05:00

    Wow Skinny Keef! Thanks for that that was amazing! really helpful. I suppose it's only the same as us lot putting lights underneath ours or go faster stripes. I shall try to be patient with the kids!

    Really well done at the Drs I am so pleased now will the GP please refer you to another Rheumatologist so you don't have to keep paying? I am a bit worried about ongoing costs….. All in hand now. Anti-inflams are just nasty on the belly like it or not I'm afraid.

    Loved that pram wasn't it fabulous?! I even want one a Figgy one for my Grandbaby when she comes.

    Morning Joan Hope you got on ok in town. Brave to go on your own. I bet everyone you normally bump into was so pleased to see you 😊

    All went well at the vets i will post a pic later of Sleek's paws where they took blood but they may start her on solensia? For arthritis I'm sure someone else mentioned it here once. Blood results on Friday.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    A quick hi to Reshmi, Charlestown and Toady. See you all in a bit I have to take Paul to the train station…..and pick up Lucy

    Toni x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Reshmi

    I Hope you're ok?

    I presume you've tried antihistamines at night??

    GlAd to hear your mum is ok. Im sure she at least looks better than that without makeup 😂

    How very cheeky of LA! Tut tut yes try the sudocrem ice cream cone. That'd teach him wouldn't it?

    It's pouring down here now no storm just rain.

    Sleek won't be doing any sawing for a day or so you should see her paws must have been vampire vet nurse😕 ill try to get a photo on later

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 14. May 2024, 07:43

    Reshmi apologies for the spelling mistakes I did that on my phone and I wanted to say i bet your Mum looks lovely without makeup and nothing at all like Gollum. Unlike me🤣 the similarity is remarkable🤭

    Morning Charlestown

    Hope you're ok today. I love the Harley pushchair can you find me a figaro one for my Grandbaby when she comes?😁

    Did I say that the bedroom is now finished the paint smells ok not at all smelly it's not anti mould being a bedroom. Your boy is learning life skills here.

    Spuds do tend to grow fast at least the leaves do while underneath it's a bit slower you still have to wait till well well into June to harvest your lovely new potatoes😊

    Was it you who mentioned solencia for cats OA?

    Morning Toad

    Hope you are ok today too.

    Those leaves have grown like mad!!! Brilliant😊 You might get flowers on your spuds. Sleek likes your cat scarer says it's a tribute to her.

    It's really raining here I'm afraid very very yukky so that's me inside. I've got Lucy so we can do some cooking together.

    I think Paul did the right thing not going to his hill climb bless him it wouldn't have been much fun would it? I suspect a few didn't turn up not just us.

    I will post a pic of poor Sleek's paws they look so sore 😓 Bloomin vampire vet nurse😠

    Yes you must tidy the lovely white cube so it looks perfect.

    Take care Toady I still haven't watched GW either will do so today with some ironing.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) so the paint brush behaved itself you were good not getting paint on anything else. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) I’m sorry sleek has Arthritis I bet she was a good girl having the blood taken. at one time Lexi was on the same has me only she had a syringe. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to your mum (()) she does well.

    Skinny Keef one day you might have a Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (() answer to all your questions.

    Charlestown (()) have a good day we have the sun here.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    morning all.
    that black scrambler was sold a few days ago. Why can’t these bike sale idiots update their websites?

    I booked a test ride on a different one yeaterday and I got a message back saying they would ring me to arrange a time. And guess what, they never rang. Their loss. I stick to BMW. 😁

    Was supposed to be out on the new 1300 today but it’s raining lots here.

    My pain levels are up a lot today, no doubt coz of the rain. Anyone else suffering with the damp weather????

    just watching MotoE from Le Mans which is all electric bikes with a certain UK rider making a come back by the name of Chas Davies who I used to follow way back when he races in WSBK for Ducati. Very entertaining 😁 just about keeps my depression away amd gave me a reason to get up this morning as I actually slept through.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    my rash is improving a bit thanks

    Mum’s bs is okay 👍

    We’re going out for lunch

    Bye for now

    Wppl tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    Good afternoon

    Thanks that’s a good idea about antihistamines but they dry out my skin a lot unfortunately

    I got a bit stressed on Sunday, nothing extremely major but I wrote some poems which helped me

    We went to al fresco for lunch, food was very nice unexpectedly

    Low pollen count today - yay 🎉

    Ablutions time

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps just a “skin update” from me lol xx

    👋 toady and Joan

    Will post again later xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    thats a lovely photo of you in the fig Toni. 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 14. May 2024, 17:52

    hi Toni

    I’ve figured out what’s causing this rash

    The old mattress on LA’s bed it has a fitted sheet which doesn’t stay put sometimes and I noticed the itching started just after rising from that bed

    So at least I know the root cause now and I guess I have to try and find an alternative bed or buy a mattress protector more realistically

    As I wasn’t far off feeling like I had a pox of the aristocrats

    Ok bye for tc xx

    (I’m now on project S*ducrem)

    Ps possible looks for when I next see HD lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋 this is a bit chillier isn't it 😒 not for me ta. At least the rain was not too noah's-flood sized and if it means low pollen count for others then that's good.

    The white box has fallen at the first hurdle rather, so far frog, had a go at sorting a few more of my Dad's books yesterday with not much success 🙄 I start off well then am never as brisk as I think I will be. I do wish people wouldn't sign books etc, some of them would be bad enough as it is but when they are signed & have related letters, bits of cuttings & all sorts in them, it's that much harder. Get quite cross that I let myself be hostage to things, it's like fighting with yourself, and the half that only wants a clothes rail with a few groovy items on it isn't winning 😄. Onward & upward I suppose 😑 a few things have been out-piled at any rate. No rain today but have only been out to feed the birds &c. Yes have to have a little token Sleek-cat in the garden 👍️ even if makes me jump occasionally. Such a sad picture, why two paws?? 😣 at least she will have no shortage of fuss and sympathy from all of us, who better to understand about sharp scratches. Kiss from me til she can visit again 😘 . Poor you as well of course, having to take her. Hope you & Lucy got on nicely, were you doing batch cooking & freezing type stuff, or baking anything nice 🥧 ('looks hopeful..'). I am going to start GW right here & now - no Monty I believe - never mind it will be Friday again in 5 minutes 😬. Have a good evening might get a walk in if I pull myself together a bit by later 👋 oh you mentioned the SB stuff, yes we did touch on it I think I had reservations but I can't remember what they were atm, will look again 👍️ xx

    Hello joan, yes didn't get any paint anywhere I shouldn't, not even my hair this time 👍️ unless I find later that a drip flicked off somewhere half way across the room and I didn't notice, has happened before 😄. Looks much better but the little bit of wall below that I've been doing at the same time will need a 3rd coat I fear 😕. Getting paint rollers dry isn't so easy now the sun has gone in. Never mind it will be done soon.

    Hi bosh glad you had a surprisingly nice al fresco lunch, you had set your expectations quite low had you 😄. I've had a cup of tea there before and maybe some chips a very very long time ago that's it I think 🤔. My nearest one doesn't have a cafe at all not even for tea & coffee which is a bit annoying when my old Co-op did. I'll just have to have one in here if anyone's making (yes I'd like it at TEA time, the clue is in the name 😮 oh dear oh dear, yes a little bit of evil mima-ishness is called for there. Never heard of those toys myself I suppose to littleys it's unthinkable not to know this stuff!). Glad the rash is a bit better the cooler nights should be better for the itching hour 🤞. Have a good evening :) xx

    Ugh sorry the bike sold SK that is annoying, you might have had your heart set on it, forever moaning about people that can't run their websites efficiently 🙄 as for not phoning you back.. 😕. Hope everyone ok today sorry the damp is a factor, don't think it is with me especially 🤔 unfortunately that's what we're getting for a while 😣 blah. Hadn't heard of MotoE, search says 11 May for LeMans, I guess you're watching it back? enjoy anything else you have lined up :) xx

    Hope your day going ok Charlestown, not very inspiring weather, haven't done much at all. Glad I'm just emulsioning it's so low odour you don't een really notice even while you're doing it, the radiator paint was quite strong can still smell it when they're on one day it will wear off I suppose! Have a good evening :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you today?
    mums bs is ok 👍

    Yes she’s a strong character thanks 🙏

    I’m a bit tired but ok thanks

    The rash is a bit itchy but it’s slowly improving thanks

    Have a nice night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi toady

    The clue is in the name / title - yes very cheeky indeed lol, we’ll be saying that for the rest of lives won’t we? Like adulk haha

    I have to be up before the milkman tomorrow- well not quite

    So goodnight toady SK and C take care xx

    Ps don’t eat the cookies toady lol xx