Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hello all 👋 a quickish hopefully sensible post from me minus too much maundering, have been trying to make the most of the weather rather than lurk indoors online.

    For once I, me, was up early too frog, what a difference it makes, you get stuff done don't you and then it's still only early. Wish I could do it easily but it's so against the grain. Have been rounding up next garden jobs, sorting out runner bean plot, preparing to put other things in pots etc. Well done your 'beanstalks' 😊👍️. I think my delphinium (established, outdoor) is still with us 😀 had nearly given up on it. No joy getting any new delph seedlings to thrive though, how about you. I'm up to date with GW in the nick of time before next ep, Sarah's garden omg 😍 and what a setting . Think I spotted dahlia David Howard, keep wondering if I can fit that somewhere 🤔. Yes all v interesting points about seeds, as you said. And another one for not weedkilling your paving, brilliant 😊. Glad you got some jobs done with Charley 😊 that sort of progress is always gratifying, innit, restoring order. When is Tia back? Hope all well in the meantime. Saw the coos from mid distance yesterday, not sure I would ever get to the patting stage tbh 😬 or if it's discouraged even. There was a chap with a drone which was rather annoying 🙄 not photographing everything, including oneself, I do hope; oh well good luck to him, I wouldn't if I was him! Also got adopted by a pug who decided it was coming for walkies with me instead of its owners 😬. Someone had put a bag with balls for people to take and play with their dogs, because they had lost their own doggy not very old, how sad is that but a nice thing to do 😥. Love to all :) xx my smileys have been small for ages btw but not b&w 🤔.

    Hello dear Joan thank you for telling us how things went. Nice that people you know and carers too were there, and that it was a lovely service, were there any hymns if you don't mind me asking or was it all other music. Well done I'm glad it was fine no rain for you that wouldn't be nice, if the weather changes now at least we have had a spell of sun. Must walk up the street later and take some misdelivered post, if I put it back in the postbox they wouldn't get it til after the weekend and they might want it. Love to you & the dogs 😘 (()) xx

    Hi to bosh hope all's well 👋 glad you didn't have to get the royal doulton and doilies out for the builders 😄 and hope if it was an early start today too that was ok, I even had an earlyish one myself, much cooler out then. So sorry that there's a sequel to chicken nugget pox episode 1 🐓 poor littley, and your sis too, hope he gets well quickly. Nasty to be poorly in hot weather 😔. Have a good evening glad nurse was nice and hope you sorted your mxt out too. Take care and your mum :) xx

    Oh dear an offy sandwich SK how infuriating 🙄 in that case glad it was no worse. Back on form and soaking your daddad with water, jolly good 👍️. Oh well that's one bike you don't have to buy, good luck with the other, glad yours is now your own, lock stock & throttle so to speak. Good luck for Tues and hope they do read your stuff ahead and not as they go along 🤞. xx

    Another hot one Charlestown 😬 bit much but was nice early on and better than the alternative if I have to choose. Hope you're having a good day. I'll be out later plotting where to put the snail things, I also have some tall mesh tube things the sort of thing they sell to protect saplings, wonder whether to try some of each; just worried the snails will abseil down those somehow and drop onto the other plants from above 😱😄. Have a good evening & weekend 👋 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    I’m glad that the service for Sue was lovely

    I’m ok thanks, I just dislike the heat

    Thanks about the bloods I have to have them done fortnightly at the moment

    Mum is ok today thanks

    We’re having Indian - style beef mince for the evening meal today which is really tasty - although of course I know not everyone likes to eat meat, it’s also good for fatigue as it’s full of protein

    Have a nice evening Joan tc xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi again - missed you earlier bosh, sorry about that. It is indeed at evil-toad-potion levels of heat, I have to agree, I think I put too much of something in, I wonder what it was 😱. Sorry you got baked coming from docs (and oh no not someone with some sort of nasty M connection, how ookey, hope there aren't too many of those!). I left it til just now to go out and even that was hot enough. Went back to Li*l, bit silly but a sort of get back on your horse when you fall off things after the other day, and felt better 👍️ picked up some fruit and salad and a couple of plants. Those spanakopita do look extremely nice, I bet you have to make them properly yourself I can't imagine a readymade version being the same (if there is such a thing). Hopefully being Sat you can have a quieter day, only a walk of your own accord, etc. Have a good night :) xx

    Charlestown I have rescued these poor marigolds from Li*l, sat outside wilting dry as dust 🙄 wish I'd demanded someone go & water them, you never think of these things til after. Should've bought a couple more really but awkward carrying on foot & with other shopping. Given them a good soak will report back, if they survive they can be anti-snail guinea pigs for me too. You reminded me, there are snail trails over and into my gardening boots, anyone want to check inside them for me 😱😬. Hope you have a good night, this weather is draining. Going to water a few things outside and call it a day myself :) xx

    night all 😴 xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hey Reshmi, I always used to love the hot whether. Not so much now, just makes me grumpy if it’s much over 22deg C. Pain and heat don’t go any better than pain and cold. I think we have the Goldilocks Syndrome 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni

    How are you today?
    Sorry if I’m repeating myself

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    I had to speak to the grumpy receptionist after the bloods and she implied that I should be carrying the clinical letter from rheumo around with me at all times, silly lady

    No vampire nurse so that was good 👍

    Kitchen is progressing thanks

    LA has the pox now I saw him briefly on video call and I told him about when he went to a restaurant with us when he was very small and he got in a mood when he couldn’t get another Dino toy and he sat on the floor, he didn’t believe me and checked with his mummy, then he told me he doesn’t have tantrums anymore because he’s almost an adulk lol.

    Ok I’ll stop for now

    Might right more later possibly

    Bye for now Toni good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi SK

    How are you?
    mums blood sugar has stabilised thanks

    Sorry didn’t manage to read back properly

    Have a good night tc x

    Hi C

    Sometimes i prepare food, but I need to get back into cooking properly

    I’ll try and explain more tomorrow

    Very tired

    Have a good night tc xx

    Good night everyone take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    fresh brew any one?

    Tempted to call it a night again and go to the bunker but gonna see if I can get some more sleep first, unless any one else is up lol. 🤪

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 11. May 2024, 06:13

    Morning Joan. Of course you'd be looking at Sue's coffin she was in there and that was the last time you'd 'see' her. Totally understandable. It sounded like the eulogy was lovely full of stories about the two of you and lots of people came. Bless her I think she was probably looking down on you and proud of you. You are right your beloved sister was suffering and now she is resting. I still can't believe I won't ever see another message here from her😕

    Yes I am very pleased that Barbara's husband's op is so soon. She needs him well doesn't she?

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    I'm very glad to hear Sucré is ok again now poor little chap. Sounds like you all had great fun outside getting soaked in the lovely sunshine. Better do it again today as we (possibly not you I think it's west) are having storms tomorrow later on.

    Glad to hear you have made contact with the GPs and they will read the report prior to your telephone consultation. Nice and assertive.

    How much just to test drive a bike?! What?!!!😮 Shame it wasn't for you, but perhaps the 1300 will be eh?

    I think Hill climb tomorrow at Shelsley Walsh. Paul is taking his TR4A.

    I was up at 1am but only went as far as to take a painkiller….

    Take care and keep taking the naproxen while you are flaring. Dr Toni's advice😉 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Glad to hear your Mum is ok hope you are too? and a 'normal' nurse that's good maybe not so good next time. Perhaps she'll be on holiday when it comes around🤞 Shame the receptionists aren't away permanently🙄 Why should you carry any letters around? They all go to them as well🙄

    How are the boys doing? Are they over the 'Poxe á La poulet' yet? Glad you saw LA on teh video call at least we can keep in touch that way these days. How funny him realising he used to have tantrums. Did he laugh about it now that he is virtually and adulk?

    The kitchen too did the builders meet their 2 week deadline?

    That spinach and feta pie looks rather fabulous I have to agree.

    Well done getting your walk in. Kari came over and we went for a bike ride on the electric bikes it was great fun.

    Take care and keep cool if you can ((())) xxx

    PS Paul is feeding a family of 4. Well he was with the number of biscuits he ate last night😕

    Morning Charlestown

    How are you this glorious sunny day.

    I am so sorry that the daytime aquafit was so rubbish. Imagine that no doors on half the changing rooms you do not want to be getting cold. Mean life guard kicking you out too.

    Yes you have your bike now you don't need them😕

    A free health check is good though and a BBQ😊

    We can't ever see the Northern lights due to being in a bungalow we can't see low enough over the hedges. Hope you saw them. We had 26 yesterday and phew did I know it!

    take care.

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you.

    Those poor little marigolds I am most unimpressed. I get so angry when I see that happen in supermarkets. They should not be allowed to sell them if they are going to neglect them. I shall call the PSPCA.

    I achieved very little outside yesterday for me - a lot for teh village. The cart id out for the summer. I will take a pic later. Also Kari came for a bike ride and a cuppa and we sat outside smelling the wisteria and moaning about how behind we are! Ooops!

    Never mind today maybe? we are due a storm Sunday so then we will be able to weed again they are beating me this year.

    Yes wasn't Sarah Raven wonderful? The seeds. I might start trying harder with them myself. More weeds in between slabs yes. I do love them P always did that too. I worry about slipping as you know at my age I am rather prone😁

    Awww how sad the bag of balls😕they should rescue another dog….. I have alos acquired a dog! A spaniel! From the coo field keeps coming in. I rather like him though maybe a pug is quite nice. Luckily so far Sleek hasn't seen him, but he's been her two days running. I can drive today! Penelope is coming over to Tia's😊 she isn't back till the 17th.

    My smileys are small but at least colour today!

    take care Toad see you soon and yes getting up early is fabulous! I love it. Would prefer 7 though for my health.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Morning all 👋 just a quick early cuppa again, check on any windowsill plants and do some chores ahead of breakfast, think how productive I would (almost certainly 😉) be with nice weather more of the year. Does seem like a waste 🙄.

    Even by bedtime the marigolds looked like different plants, frog, lovely to see 😊 they are grand this morning, will post later. Hope the others survive should have got some more, really. Must try and keep them safe now no point saving them for snails' benefit. One of my garden lupins is just smothered with greenfly 😣 I saw one ladybird yesterday, I said I had a job for it could it fetch a few friends please. Look forward to cart pictures (surely it's only 5 mins since it's last outing 😱). A bike ride and sitting with your sister by the wisteria is as good a use of time as any chores 😊👍. Hope Pen runs well for you she will be happy for an outing while it's sunny. Send Sleek round to mine if there are spaniels about, she will be best off here (assure her there are biscuits, plural, unlike at yours rumour has it 🤔🤭). Lovely summer breakfast, will go and see to mine - have good day :) xx

    Love to Joan and will see everyone later 😘 xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) No hymns just Sue’s favourite music going in it was sisters then in the middle it was angels leaving it was bat out of hell. I was asked if I wanted to go in before the coffin or after I didn’t want to hold anyone up so I went in first they said they would be hiding behind a tree till I went in. Have a good day.

    Toady (()) I expect Paul is looking forward to tomorrow. I had a text from Barbara her husband’s op is the 22 of May. Yes it will be nice when it’s done. I can just see miss sleek with her back up making noises at the spaniel. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum(())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good weekend sorry you have the problem with your ears not to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) sorry you had a problem at the Aqua fit it’s embarrassing when there’s no where to get dressed I’ve had that no cubicles you have to get dressed in one room everyone I did it has quick has I could. Have a good day.

    Thank you everyone for caring about me (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    Her bs is ok 👍

    Who invented this weather then?

    I think toady has been fiddling with the universal thermostat again lol

    Don’t be deceived by LA he is having tantrums every 5 mins haha

    His birthday celebration is coming up soon, about end of June I think, soft play area party in “Slug” , his mummy has already emailed invite, a bevy of lady babies have already replied!
    more later

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps I’m going to that shop 😂 xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Toni, I looked to see how far away that hill climb is. 3.5 hours ride unfortunately so I won’t be coming.
    my Swedish brother just sent me pics of the endurance racing in Spa Belgium. I think he is there as a spectator rather than working. He was a team leader with Formula Renault for many seasons and has done some F1 stuff too. His son works for Öhlins suspension and knows the guys who work with the MotoGP teams. Honestly they have some dream jobs between the two of them. He can do anything with an engine. I am always picking his brains about oil types and mapping etc.

    i was just in the bunker playing some tunes but I am more into the motorcycling atm. Must be the weather and the fact I al watching the MotoGP from Le Mans. That was always my first stop if I rode down through France. Brit Hotel just off the motorway at Le Mans. Nice parking space under the foyer canopy for my bike.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋

    These look a bit more like it don't they 😍 what a difference.

    Warm afternoon but overcast with it, so it's tolerable outside. Quite agree with you SK the weather is never just right as far as I'm concerned either, it just goes from winter coat to short sleeves, we just want some middling please. Have a horrible feeling May ended up being the best bit of last year for quite a while, so trying not to think about that in case it's the same. Sorry I missed 1am tea 😔 I've been listening to some guided imagery stuff on utube which is quite good but tend to go to sleep on a virtual train trip somewhere and wake up in the middle of something else completely 😄. Hope everyone well, have a good Sun :) xx

    Lovely music Joan just right 😊 I don't go to church but I had a background of churchgoing family, and hymns tend to stay with you even if you don't on reflection agree with the words. That was a good plan for everyone to make themselves scarce til you went in 🌳. I walked around a local churchyard the other day, what made me feel most peaceful was watching the blackbirds to be honest. Have a good Sunday I have avoided the forecast but I know there is talk of storm weather. xx

    Hope having a good Saturday bosh, universal thermostat notwithstanding, I think I've set it to hades instead of auto 😱 sorry about that. Chat later I expect, will try and get a late walk too if poss. 😊👋 xx

    Marigolds looking happier aren't they Charlestown 😊 hopefully they have watered the others they must do them sometimes surely. I will get them potted on. I like your idea of hosing the staff too 😂 . Haven't been outdoors too much but planted out some toms in their pots. I have some basil coming up indoors 👍️😀. Started a leftover bit of painting, I didn't want to but it was looking at me 😣. Hope your day is ok not too bad for sleeping last night or a late morning. I was up early and and functioning more or less but I don't look like that cat in frogmorton's post in the mornings, ever 😂. Have a good Sunday 👋 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    ^ I will go for a walk a fair bit later when it's cooler probably, I have my eye on a couple of handy bits of 2" x 4" timber in a local skip 😄 well not a skip exactly, outside somewhere they have been refitting a shop, but I do like a good skip. I considered going to pick up more plants but it's a longish walk for 2 days in a row so best not; at least these ones are ok thank you & will be in flower in no time by the looks of them 😊. Hope you see the lights, I just checked apparently it might be possible in the Midlands; depends on position I expect but will look out 👍️.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    i had a sneaky siesta this afternoon. When I woke up i have pains in the ends of my ankle bones. What an earth is going on now?

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    saw this online. Absolutely love it. Might have to test ride this one next 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311
    edited 11. May 2024, 19:24

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    BR is over the dreaded pox

    But poor LA is still suffering

    But he does seem happy that he’s allowed to eat extra ice cream aww 🍨

    Toni to be honest this is going to be a difficult task for me to read back at this stage

    So I’ll just blather on in my normal manner lol

    Thunderstorm warning here for tomorrow- so I may not leave the house tomorrow but never mind

    LA smiled indulgently at his “childhood tantrum” of sitting on the floor

    BR address my mum by saying “ hello my friend” - how cute

    Horrifically hot day isn’t it? My goodness

    How are your eyes at the moment?
    Mine are pretty bad even though the “Bet” office say the pollen is declining- I could ask the scientist, but he said that I’m 100 years old now - yesterday I was zero years old!

    My goodness these eye drops have side effects- haha

    Have a good night if possible, if not I’m sure we can rent space in toady’s freezer, but I’ve eaten so much “shared - with - family” - vegan dark chocolate cake, I may not fit inside - how very ookey of me 😱

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    Ps a skilled feline lol xx