Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    midnight cuppa anyone?

    Reshmi you do seem to be having a bad time atm. I do hope you’re okay. xx

    Hi to everyone, Stuart sorry you little one’s op got cancelled.

    Saw mum yesterday, rode over on Beemer. She very confused, keeps thinking I am her brother. ☹️ was frozen when i got home despite heated jacket liner and i had to clean the salt off the bike double ☹️☹️

    Toni, I have freshly made blood orange cake. Does that count as fruit??

    Hi to Dachshund, Toady Jojo and anyone I have forgotten, brain not working, been woken up by disturbance and some idiot in a parked up car hooting every couple of minutes.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    Good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    first post new page wooohoooo!!!!!


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,243

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) the sun has been here all weekend it’s still chilly. I hope you have a good day.when I did my order yesterday I saw marmite nuts I never got any I like marmite I’ve had marmite crisps they were nice.

    Toni (()) sorry your friend is not very well. I hope she feels a bit better soon. and Kari (()) I’m not sure who it was. Charlie gives up on things if he can’t get them to work that’s Sleek has a nice car ride to look forward to.

    Stuart (()) good luck for your appointment and Ollie’s. Sorry your mum has a stiff neck.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) is she feeling better now after the injection.
    Skinny Keef have a good day sorry about your mum (()) love to Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (())

    Jojo (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    JuSt a very quick hello and im ok everyone 👍

    hope you're all OK. Hope I can post properly later when we go to the hotel off the ship

    MiSsing you all. Loved Reshmi's poem❤️

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 115

    Still looking after my ankle exercise a problem, potted up my dahlias, put my 16 tomatoes into the next size up.

    JoJo How's the meths?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    hi Skinny Keef

    How are you today?
    In my opinion blood orange cake definitely counts as fruit lol

    I’m not too bad thanks, my blood pressure is less high now

    Mainly I just feel tired but the doc may give me iron tablets for that I guess

    Have a good afternoon tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,602

    Hi all 👋 so so cold! ugh 😣 can't expect otherwise really but a few warm days give you the taste for it.

    Yes very chilly Joan and same tomorrow, looks a bit better after that 🤞. All quiet here today not doing very much. I have never seen marmite nuts! that's a new one, what a thing to make quite salty I would have thought 🤔. I don't buy many flavoured things crisps I bet there are even more odd ones than when I last looked. Hope everyone well and the dogs, have a good new week 😘 xx

    Hi to frog, glad you were able to nip in 👋 lovely pic 😊 hope the hotel is nice. Nothing doing here just a quiet Sunday - I mentioned to Reshmi I painted my nails yesterday, in fact with a brand of polish the first 3 letters of Elfie's name - you know the one - I think he thought that was a bit much of a coincidence and was slightly alarmed me and Sleek were going to 'make him over' especially as I have P*xi stuff too 😄. Have a lovely evening 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, sorry yesterday was rather 'well'-ish for you 😔 I would conjure you a three-headed hound to balance things up a bit on your side but my spells are still very novice-like I would probably only manage a three-headed hamster 😬. Hope a bit better today. Have not done much myself, just a few chores and rustled up some lunch but peeling a few marrots doesn't really count as an achievement. No I have never tried D*ablo on account of not needing to avoid sugar as such, well it might still be good for me to do so, but I don't actively so haven't tried those brands really. I'm glad there are things your mum can have though 😊. As to nosey manicurists etc, well I've never had a manicure and haven't been to the HD for centuries 😉 all I remember is that they were often more interested in talking to their friends than paying attention to me or my hair, and as my answer to any of the usual questions (are you going somewhere nice tonight/have you been on your holidays) was always No, it was all a bit deflating. But I would avoid anyone ferreting around for info on FB definitely, very uncomfortable making, and for just the reasons you mention. You can tell some people aren't hoping to hear positive things about your life they sort of want company in whatever they are experiencing maybe. I did have a nap yesterday thanks but I hadn't stayed up after the milkman anyway, although sleep broken up like that is never quite 'right'. Will probably have a nap now too, hope your evening is ok 😊 xx

    Wave to SK, it truly is cold sorry you had a cold ride home even with the heated kit. Sorry as well of course that your mum is still thinking you are her brother - did she have more than one sibling? Hope family alright and you have a better night, a plague on noisy idiots 🙄 xx

    Potting on your toms Stuart, and dahlias, oh gosh you are well ahead, I'm certainly not I just have a list with not much ticked off 😬. I bet things are looking good 😊🌱 lovely to be getting into the growing season. Take care and hope the ankle is no worse 🤞 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,323

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Glad you’re ok

    Lovely picture

    Mums ok 👍

    Thanks about my poem

    Which island did you visit today?

    Mum didn’t have low blood pressure today thankfully 👍👍

    Mum and dad went to visit EF and give them some food today

    So I at least could control the thermostat for a few hours and managed a proper nap after my shower - thank Mother Nature for that - a hiatus from poor innocent mums thermostat control

    I did manage a cup of Earl Grey- or is that Lady Grey? Shall we call it Toady Grey? I think that’s a great name for a genre of tea 😂, well i managed some tea at Cost A Packet but a dog was present but luckily seemed to be generally having a nap - kennel- thermostat must be giving him issues no doubt

    Goodnight Toni tc xx

    👋 Joan how are you? Yes mum is feeling better now thanks

    👋 toady i understand but a little less sugar in the form of tasty stomach friendly chocs can’t hurt maybe

    Sorry I’m too tired to impart the usual witticisms lol

    Good night toady Joan SK Jojo and everyone tc xx

    Ps Cake created by RR lol xx