Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,301

    hi toady of the toad cruise liner (oh no that’s Toni lol)

    How are you doing today?

    Mums ok 👍

    Thanks about Olivia or Oliver - shall we just call her or him Olive? Haha, a better name than Martini of course lol

    Yes a cooler day today, not so bad here in Reading - on the Riviera lol

    But unfortunate that turned a bit ookey in biccie cupboard land

    So the nosegay parcel has grown legs and run away to Cambridge of all places!

    My goodness a bit posh, I hope that he or she returns, a prodigal parcel perhaps lol

    Who regrets his running away without doing any physio or eating any bananas or singing without preparatory voice exercise 😂, yes yodelling in the mountains needs proper preparation, I understand

    Thanks about mum and the bread maker, yes the bread maker is new, before she’d just made some types of Indian flatbreads.

    Unfortunately the bread my dad today, using the aforementioned machine, upset my stomach, he made some clementine juice bread or something like that haha

    Tasted nice, but very much a gastric enemy I’m afraid- also a bit unbalanced Hatter - ish surely??

    all that citric acid can’t be good for anyone’s stomach in my humble opinion

    Mum seems a bit better today in actual fact today thanks

    She wasn’t dizzy, maybe the cooler weather is helping 👍

    At the moment I’m fighting the thermostat but unless Darth Vader yodels from the loft I can’t see that changing 😂😂

    👋ok this mini - segment is for both toady and Toni

    For World Book Day BR dressed up as Dr. Seuss’ The cat in the hat 🎩

    Only one hat unfortunately not 5 haha

    But he was grumpy as his daddy took LA’s picture first - oh dear favouritism shown towards Beruvio lol

    LA dressed up as Harry Blotter or whatever the calligraphers call him - sorry lots of silly jokes today

    👋 hi Joan mum and I are ok thanks 🙏 how are you?

    👋good night toady Toni Joan Jojo SK and S Knee sleep well bye for now and tc xx

    Ps I was aiming for an image for “my family put the “bun” in “dys - bun - ctional” yes last silly joke of the day lol, but this was the best image I could find xx