Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 it was pouring with t111055 this morning, but is now clearing and going very chilly - with frosts for the next few nights

    Wishy washy's laundry has been running all day long. Housekeeping was in AKA Bill, beds done, chair throws, you name it, it is being washed.............all Dads washing done and duly returned - not that he had realised, but that's no matter.

    Hi Toni, oooo your lovely new boiler is working as it should. We have the remote thermostat thingy - ours is on constant, we just turn it down at nap time and night time, then it might come on once in the night, when the temp dips down.

    Glad it is sorted and it has a wonderful guarantee, which is well worth its weight in gold.

    Sounds like a wonderful time with your neighbour, plus one lady who she had taught, how fabulous. Cooking tasty treats in the AGA, everyone says how the food seems to taste better - cheese on toast sounds just perfect t4591 t4591

    Singing didn't happen, not to worry, the boys arrived and were full of petrol head talk :lol::lol: and you had to listen to it more than once :lol::lol: :roll: :roll: Bless, we love our cars :D:D

    Sleek was most diligent, looking after her house and the two gardens are mice free, courtesy of Slimkins :shock: :lol::lol:

    We were very pleased with the biopsy results, as you say, no harm done, no point kicking up a fuss, some things you have to let ride.

    Dad was up and about when B went round this morning, was a bit more alert and had had some breakfast. A bit more vacant this afternoon, but, sadly that is part of alzheimer's. He was watching the golf though and had sandwiches and milk, so he had obviously been pottering. B squirrelled the laundry back into cupboards - done, no fuss.

    ABs continue, we have asked for a ring back from his GP, tomorrow morning, just to update him on us taking it upon ourselves to stop the alzheimers meds.

    While the Nymphs are busy with the mountain of mists, there are things that Sleek and Mother (if not asleep) can gather, from Pendle and further into the trough of bowland, we have special moss that grows around here and lovely heather. They are both wonderful for weaving and adding colour to the weft and warp. Some of the heather is hard to find and the moss grows only on the peat areas - so, that can be their next challenge :D:D:D

    Pendle must remain on the regular visit list though...................

    I do hope there is not an influx of people to the choir tonight - don't forget the Sisters are on "holiday" this week.

    Mother has recovered from her nausea. She is getting quite unsteady now. Bless her old bones. Sleek will be over later, to tuck her up warm. t4591 t4591

    I had an inkling that you enjoyed the cream horns :mrgreen::lol::lol:

    Angels, yes, we like angels, I think all of us would agree

    This one is like super realistic, love it :o t4591


    Hi Sue - Lovely to see you, any day of the week, you are more than welcome :)
    Sometimes it can be a bit tricky to put pictures on. If they are saved to the google cloud, then it is easier, to make and copy a link.

    Hi Joan - We were very pleased with Dads results, we just take all other things one day at a time and keep on encouraging and supporting, as best we can.
    Thank you for the hugs, you are very kind, both of you. Sorry to hear that Sue has thrush, it is horrid, some Nystatin mouth rinse should help clear that up in no time.
    A biopsy, we will be there with you both, Toni will soon have the cloak vacced and ready for us all to be collected. (((((()))))

    Hi Kath - I totally get the poem, with people being dispensable - my Dad used to say, there is nowhere more lonely, than being in a crowd of people. I guess he was right.

    We become numbers, statistics and data analysis, not humans. :cry::cry: The more the population increases, the more we become grains of sand on a very wide beach

    Thank you for sharing your poem, the aroma of life :D:D The real smells of life, of proper coffee - I liked that bit :)
    We are forever trying to mask, or replicate, the smells of nature, but, only nature can do it in style t115006 t115006

    Dad is certainly snacking more, which is good, whatever he fancies, whenever, it matters not, what time of day, or night really. He is far less chesty as well ((((()))))

    I bet it if great, when a poem rushes into your head and you have to write it down as quick as possible :)

    Ooo, another little love poem, thank you t4591 t4591

    ?I hope any ouchies are not too bad ((((()))) some sparkles too t115006 t115006 Sleek will be over later, to do more obs, then nip round to your Dads, then to B's Dad, she is a busy puskin

    Ginger and garlic noodle bowl, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ta lots. We are having crispy crumbed mushrooms and chippies tonight - shall I save some mushies mi duck :D:D

    Oh, Thank you for sharing that picture for Joan and Sue, Barbara, those puppies are SO SO gorgeous t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Hope you are ok and all is a little more calm, with family. Sending lots of ((((())))) and sparkles to you all. t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol and to all our lovely friends.

    Gone 5 and time I was moving again. T needed, with biscuits, before nap time.

    I will pop back later. Hopefully all the washing will be done by then :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Elephants foot, Cream Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all Im back..glad the phto worked for Sue and Joan
    Aidan thankyou if I started to say what is going on I would never stop..but we will get there..
    Right back to you and dad..its a good job you know all about you say get rid of the chest infection..(((())) will be thinking of you all t4591 t115006
    And thankyou for the lovely Angel pics they are so calming ..I do love Angels :D:D
    I helped myself to 2 elephant foot cream cakes..its a brilliant name for them. I had never heard it before...
    Toni thankyou ... hooray boiler if fitted and working :D nothing nicer than being all cosy in this you learned to make cheese on toast on the friend used to have one and I never got the hang of singing..don t worry we can get some practice in tonight..
    Joan and Sue the puppies are adorable I would have them all if I could :lol: love to all of you (((())))
    Kath thankyou...2 more brilliant poems you really are talented..I think you said you had some published I am not surprised..and must say the noodle recipe sounds nice
    Right I am having an early night
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591

    It is very frosty out and seeing as we are almost in December, I thought a warm fire, with the beginnings of decorations, would be welcome


    Hi Barbara - welcome back :) The photo was lovely, of the puppies, they are gorgeous and Sue / Joan will be very grateful for your techie help :) See, all those magazines have paid dividends. :D:D:D

    I hope things will sort out, as soon as possible. I am certain you will get there, always thoughtful and lots of prayers t4591 t4591 t115006

    Dad was sat watching American football when B took his late evening meds round. He was quite bright, much better than we have seen him of late. I know with Alzheimer's, things can vary from day to day, but, that's how we are working along with it.
    We are not having him zombified with drugs.

    We will let the GP know, when he rings this morning. Thank you for the hugs and love t4591 t4591

    I love Angels too, Dad loved them, as did Mum, it runs in the family :D:D t4591

    Elephants foot cakes, Kath will know, it is something we always asked for when I lived in and around Nottingham. Must be a Midlands name for them.

    I hope your Brother is doing ok, will he have another set of bloods done this week? Hope his chest infection has cleared up. He is in good hands with his GF looking after him and with all the family there to care t4591 t4591

    Did you get your early night - not had one of those since year dot.

    Hi Toni - I trust that choir practice wasn't gatecrashed by dozens of people, eager to join........ :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Putting your heating to the test now, with the frosty nights ahead. All is white and sparkly outside at ours.

    Sleek was over at siesta time - looking forward to exploring the moorland in the trough of Bowland. She has her specimen jars at the ready. Mother isn't sure if she is going out, early doors. She is far to busy, cuddling the radiators on her ottoman of secrets.

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok (((()))) we are two weeks, I think, before your Christmas visit :D:D t4591 Yes, it is Friday, again........ :shock: :shock:

    Still catching up with laundry. Nearly there, not drying any more tonight.
    Just the T room today, see if Dad will have a bacon butty or something tasty. Shopping and a couple of prescriptions to pick up.

    I have been pottering more than anticipated, gone midnight and I have long since turned into a pumpkin :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Cherry Ricotta Muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Brrrr!!!!! s040.gif

    The fire is most welcome and well it is almost December Aidan :) Our wireless thingy is set for on off 4 times, but the thermostat is only lowered at other times like yours. When I was chilly in the day I just turned it up a bit!

    Felt it at choir last night we did! No sisters it was quiet....the lady with amusia was there :shock: luckily she was put with the sopranos which is far enough away from me :wink: Bad Toni! The sisters will drown her out with their angelic voices after their retreat I'm sure :)

    Sleek was on catbay looking at earplugs for cats. their hearing is so sensitive you know.

    She loved the trough of Bowland and her jars are full of specimens. It will give her plenty to do if it's too cold to venture out. She enjoys her herbs and mixing up catomaptherapy tinctures etc. She checked in on Mother before and after (tucked in cosily) but left her to sleep :animal_busy: She also took a good supply of the moss and heather to the Nymphs for their weaving.

    I am so very pleased to hear how much more alert Dad is off the Alzheimer's drugs. Clearly they were not for him. :x I'm sure the GP will trust your two's judgement on the matter. I have a feeling Dad will eat something tasty at the tea room :D Paul's Mum used to not know what was wrong with her (and she didn't have dementia) when she got a chest infection. Once the ABs have done their job it was fabulous to see her appetite return :)

    Thing is he may need a longer course of ABs than the Dr is happy to prescribe....don't want his chest bad again. Making his own butty and milk well almost brought a tear. Poor man didn't even realise he had an infection :(

    Really I ought to do more ironing today if I have a minute.... :? You have done enough making us these lovely muffins love cherries t4591 and getting Dad's washing done unbeknownst to him t4591

    Oh my goodness that angel is very realistic almost spooky! Lovely :) as for the cream cakes....oh dear me I did it again!! chocolate as well as pastry as well as cream :shock: :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Barbara my neighbours have lived in their house for such a long time 40/50 years (I must ask) so they are well-used to the aga. She may not be physically fit, but her directions were really good.

    You sang alright last night but you had to sit near the tone deaf lady :shock: Did she put you off? I'm all for inclusiveness but really :roll: You have to draw the line.

    ((())) for family troubles I hope things are settling and t4591

    Good morning Eeyore!!!(Kath) Great poem and I could definitely hear the meaning of it. Very good indeed you are very clever. Thanks Interesting that some poems fly into your head and need writing down super-fast. So you must have a writing pad beside you?

    I 'got' the lion poem too :)

    Ginger and garlic noodles yum-meeee! Ta v muchly :)

    Joan and Sue we all ADORE those puppies here!!!!!!!!!! Want to pick them all up. The mum looks to be doing a good job doesn't she? I hope Sue's oral thrush clears up. Lucy used to get it a lot had some yellow drops on a tiny spoon to take.

    Love to Carol - countdown is lowering rapidly! and mig too :)

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem
    I wrote this when having chemo. Wasn't sure if I ought to share it as it's rather rude, so I hope nobody takes offence. Hope it makes you laugh - it's only nature after all. :wink:

    Porn On The Lawn (OOOO Matron :lol: )
    By Kathleen

    While gazing through my window
    one lovely, warm, spring day,
    I saw a shocking sight -
    I almost looked away!

    A little lady Wood Pigeon,
    looking very coy,
    was being wooed most ardently
    by a tough Wood Pigeon boy.

    He strutted his stuff
    and puffed out his chest,
    but our lady pigeon
    didn't look impressed.

    She ignored him completely
    as he cooed and bobbed his head,
    but she just concentrated
    on a moldy piece of bread!

    As she bent down to eat it
    he took this as a hint
    and tried to jump upon her back
    his eyes were all aglint.

    She flapped her wings and knocked him off
    she really wasn't ready,
    he didn't care, but tried again
    but wasn't quite so steady.

    She flew up to the fence
    where he followed her with glee
    but she promptly turned her back on him
    and then began to wee.

    This shocked our boy and he jumped back
    and promptly lost his balance.
    If she could laugh, I think she would
    and looked at him askance.

    But he didn't give up trying,
    for that I'll give him credit
    and as I watched quite scandalised,
    his deeds I'll have to edit.

    He tried it on the rockery
    he really had the horn!!
    As she finally gave in to him
    I watched porn on the lawn!!

    Toni, glad you 'got' the poems, it can be a bit hit and miss if you're not in the right frame of mind or on a different wavelength. It's like listening to Wagner when you have Ed Sheerhan on your mind. :lol:

    Aidan, WE HAVE SUN. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
    GO DAD, yes he is definitely NOT a zombie. I've never heard of elephants foot cake, but Chris has. Now I've tried it I'll expect one every day. :lol: he Cherry Ricotta Muffins were yummy too.

    Barbara, thank you for posting Sue's photo of the gorgeous labs. They look like chocolate coloured Labs to me. :D

    Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan)
    This vegan salted caramel chocolate tart is everything delicious and decadent. With a crunchy almond + chocolate crust, a layer of luscious salted caramel and the most luxurious chocolate ganache, it’s hands down one of the best vegan desserts. Ever.

    For almond + chocolate crust:
    1 cup (140 g) almonds, ground (how finely you grind/process the almonds will determine the texture of the crust – I personally prefer coarsely ground almonds, which give the crust a nice crunch)
    1 cup (96 g) almond flour
    1/4 cup (30 g) cocoa powder
    1 3/4 oz (50 g) dark chocolate, chopped
    1/4 cup (60 mL) maple syrup
    1/4 cup (60 mL) melted coconut oil
    For salted caramel layer:
    1 - 1 1/2 cup (200 - 300 g) vegan coconut salted caramel sauce, sufficient to form a generous layer on the bottom of the tart shell/crust (Note 1)
    For vegan chocolate ganache:
    8 3/4 oz (250 g) dark chocolate, chopped
    3/8 cup (75 g) vegan coconut salted caramel sauce (Note 1)
    1 cup (200 g) coconut cream (Note 2)
    1/8 cup (15 g) cocoa powder
    pinch of salt

    For almond + chocolate crust:
    Get a 9 inch (23 cm) loose base tart tin ready to have on hand.

    In a large bowl, mix together all the crust ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture that holds together well when you press it together. It shouldn't be too sticky.

    If the crust mixture feels too sticky/wet, add more almond flour. If it's too crumbly, add more coconut oil or maple syrup.

    Press the crust mixture into the loose base tart tin, so that it forms an even layer on the base and up the sides – make sure it's snug with the tin sides.

    Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until firmed up.

    Gently remove the tart shell from the tart tin by lifting up the loose base. You may need to gently warm the sides of the tin with your hands to help loosen up the tart shell.

    For salted caramel layer:
    Spread the vegan coconut salted caramel sauce into an even layer on the bottom of the tart shell.

    Refrigerate until needed.

    For vegan chocolate ganache:
    Combine all vegan chocolate ganache ingredients in a saucepan, and heat them on medium-low heat until the chocolate has melted and you get a smooth, glossy mixture. Allow to cool slightly (until warm).

    Pour the ganache over the salted caramel layer, smooth out the top and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight, so that the ganache has time to set.

    Serve straight out of the fridge (or allow to come to room temperature by removing it from the fridge 5 to 10 minutes before serving), with a sprinkling of sea salt.

    The vegan salted caramel chocolate tart keeps well in a closed container or covered in cling film in the fridge for about 1 week.

    t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    it’s been quite busy in our lives at the moment and the hours seem to fly by. We have a very full weekend so I will not be about much on here. But I promise I will give you a full update on Monday. When I have more time.
    I am fine thou and am getting well back to normal self again thank goodness. We have an open morning at the church tomorrow as it’s the last Saturday of the month, and on Sunday it’s the Christmas fair on the street where this church is so we will have the church open to the public after the morning service. Until about 4 pm. So it’s all go over the weekend.
    Just to cheer you up a couple of pictures of Ggc

    First one of our Kian who is 4 months in about 9 days time 17.06.40.jpg?dl=0

    And then Lillie in her beaver uniform on Remembrance Sunday 20.10.50.jpg?dl=0

    And lastly Lillie and Graycie sitting on the war memorial after the parade. 20.11.16.jpg?dl=0

    Next time I will put up some of Rubie I do not have many of Faye and Ashley but will see it I can dig out some. You have not seen.

    Must go and sort my things ready for tomorrow as we are usually out around 9 in the morning so an early start.

    Love and sparkles to you all yes Aidan I believe it is 2 weeks to Ramsgate.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591

    Thoughts are with those who were killed on London Bridge also with those who are injured and have lost their loved ones. Terrible to read about. t4591 t4591

    The bystanders who tackled the terrorist, to the ground, are true hero's t4591 t4591 They surely saved many more people.

    Silver says hi - on a very frosty night - :shock: :shock:


    It is ninny walking weather - even though the decking is salted, it is still glistening :shock:

    Sorry I didn't get in earlier, just one of those one step forward, two back kind of days :? :roll: nothing bad, just could not catch up.

    Hi Toni Glad you liked the fire, we needed a roaring fire on a chilly winters eve and it is December on Sunday, so a garland or two is ok :)

    Heating working well I trust :) As it should do. Sleek said the new boy lar is nice:)

    I am sure you did feel the chill at choir, :shock: oh no, the lady who has amusia, turned up for choir :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: sorry, I didn't mean to laugh...............

    At least you were far enough away to not be distracted :? :? and you are right, the Sisters will be back next week and will drown her out with super high singing and jazz hands. It might put her off :lol::lol::lol:

    I wondered what Mother had in her ears, bloomin ear plugs, put in by Sleek no doubt :lol::lol::lol:

    We saw Sleek heading off, over the fells, into the trough, she was going at serious speed, a girl on a mission, jars all blowing in the wind.
    There was a whiff of something herbal, I am assuming that her catomatherapy mixture was given to Mother, for aged bones. She did tuck her in very nicely, bless, she makes a very good nurse.

    Dad has been ok, he was not over taxed, going round Sainsb, has been having snacks and drinks and watching sports on tv. All in all, an improvement for sure. Chesty though, so keeping an eye on that. His AB's have finished, but the GP said come in on Monday if he is still coughing. Might need another course. Infections do have a big effect on elderly people, especially if they are not eating and drinking enough.

    Did you get your ironing done? If not, there is always another day, ti won't go anywhere............Sleek could wave her wand if she really wanted to :roll: :roll: t115006

    The muffins were yummy, I only had one, well, maybe two...........

    Dads laundry all away, as if nothing had happened :)

    I keep looking at the angel, it is what they call hyper realism I think :shock: :shock: spookily lovely if that makes any sense.

    One too many elephants feet I see - tut tut :lol::lol: worth it though :)

    Has Paul recovered from his classic car envy :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Kath, love the poem, not rude at all, t'is true, the birds and the bee's etc.
    porn on the lawn, great title :lol::lol: t4591 t4591 Matron was highly amused

    You have sun, a sunny day duck, way to go Nottingham m0150 m0150

    If you want an elephants foot, every day, then so be it, there will always be one in the cafe fridge :):D:D

    Let me at that chocolate and caramel tart. I cannot resist ganache, I could eat it by the shovel full :lol::lol: ta lots luvvy t4591 t4591

    I see it will keep for about a week, not a chance :D:D

    Hope the ouchies are not too bad (((((())))))

    Hi Carol :) I see you are busy away, don't worry, we will be here, for a good catch up on Monday. Just take lots of care, with the events of Friday - everyone has to be so vigilant, not just in London, these things can and do, happen anywhere. ((((()))))

    Wonderful that you are back to your normal self. Good to hear. A busy week end with the open morning then the Christmas fair in the street. t4591 t4591

    Thank you for the lovely pictures, Kian growing up so fast, Lillie looking so so proud in her uniform and with Graycie, they are all adorable t4591 t4591

    I was right, two weeks to Ramsgate, I am doing well with my counting down. One week 6 days now...... :D:D

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and things are settling down. Niamh will be there, to sleep over, and have her grown up bacon butties this morning - bless her.

    Keeping the thoughts and prayers for you and yours. t4591 t4591


    Hi Joan and Sue - I hope you are both ok and keeping nice and warm :) Lots of love to both and to the doggies too. Did you manage to get all you needed on Friday ((((()))))

    Quiet evening, pottering about, catching up on ski jumping and then some golf.

    Dad will be round for coffee and croissant this morning :) B will go and fetch him, it is too cold for him to be walking round.

    Time I was moving again.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Oatmeal with Blueberries and Cream - Winter food :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Brrrrrrrr! even colder today looks like it has snowed, but it's ice :roll: r075.gif

    Aidan thank you for the Oatmeal with Blueberries and Cream it was perfect heartening food. We are off to a vegan food fayre this morning with Kari me and Paul. Will wrap up! Good idea for B to bring Dad over for his croissants I hope he eats them all up!

    That's a lovely magical sparkly picture there Sleek had a look and said it looked familiar....she has been out early doors with Tommy cat collecting spider's webs (the ones made specially for the nymphs) and Tommy didn't break even ONE!!! They took a nice hot bowl of fish bone broth back to least you'll find her thermal cup easily enough today :mrgreen:

    Just like I was after the elephants feet :mrgreen:

    Sleek's jars were full on her return and much bubbling going on in the ickle house.....catomatherapy is a serious business and of course she has made something for her beloved Tosca's bones :) Ooops were the earplugs still in her ears :shock: It was kind of funny this is the first time we've had someone who can't actually sing at choir, but honestly :roll: There is one lady who squeaks on the high notes that's all.....come back sisters all is forgiven!!!!

    Laugh away it IS funny!

    Dad sounds way better eating snacks and drinking. I am glad he is seeing the Dr on Monday a second/extended course is almost certainly what he'll need bless him t115006 t4591

    Did I get my ironing done? Nah!! Ended up visiting Kari and checking out the new B&M then visiting my ex MIL :wink:

    I can see Silver!! Hi to you Silver from all of us here t4591 t115006

    Another dreadful dreadful incident in London yesterday I was so upset to see it on the news (usually I dodge the news). Such brave people I agree. Thinking very much of the poor people who have lost family or friends t4591

    I hope it's warmer with you Carol with open Church today :shock: I am so very very glad you are back to 'our' Carol :D Christmas fayre too?! busy busy now some pics for us to look at....

    They are all adorable :) Kian has grown so much! so alert! Lillie looks very smart in her Beaver uniform and dear little Graycie clearly adores her t4591

    2 weeks to go!

    Kath I love the poem it made me laugh and gosh if anyone ever watches birds its so totally true!!!

    Good distraction from chemo too.

    Very good analogy there Ed Shearon and Wagner. Yes sometimes you do need help to 'get' a poem don't you? and to be fair they can mean different things to different people too. So long as they are appreciated though.

    The Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart was YUM! hoping for more treats today it's the vegan fayre in Burton so Kari Paul and me are off there later.

    I hope Joan and Sue are ok ((()))

    and Barbara too and all the family xxx

    Take care everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Kathleen how is all your pain ((((((()))))) yes there is chocolate and black puppies there.
    . Carol wasn't Lillie cold without a coat ((((((())))
    . Aidan I hope you are doing alright (((((())))) love to your Dad (((((())))) The Doctor gave sue the Nystatin it did not work he had to wait 3 weeks for an ap that's why she has the hospital ap she's trying live yogurt.
    . Toni I hope all is well with you how's the Migraine ((((((()))))))
    . Thank you Barbara for putting the photo's on ((((((())))))
    . take care love to Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..only just..on my phone again..but like I say messier to hold to my eyes and enlarge..I think
    Aidan..thankyou for the muffins..they were very moorish..I am so please to hear that dad us snacking at least..and he us brighter..and I agree you dont want him like a zombie.. you got your ironing done..I'm afraid mines here looking at me..
    Thankyou for the hugs we will get brother had bloods on Thursday his chest is a little better but he is still on ABs..
    Niam had her grown up bacon buttys at 8 o'clock.. then back to bed...she is no trouble..we sat by the lovely fire you lit :D
    Hugs for you all...(((())))
    Joan you are very welcome..and I will be under the clock on Tuesday for Sue..((((()))) and thankyou again ..
    Carol I am so glad you are back to your old self..and looking forward to seeing the little ones..the photos are adorable they really are..
    Toni arent the wireless stats good..I am glad you are all nice and warm..don't worry about the ironing it will be there whenever..says me keep looking at my pile ..and thankyou for the hugs..I did my best at choir but think the lady really did put me off...(((()))
    Kath I really laughed at your poem just what I needed... :lol::lol: you are so clever..I think if things but then they get list in my brain somewhere...
    Thankyou for the hugs.. it is true love for my brother and girlfriend and about time at 66..
    Right better go Niamh is going to hoover for me..she has already dusted she says.. :lol:
    Love to everyone I love this weather sunny and cold will do...
    m0150 t4591 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    By Kathleen

    His speckled breast puffed out with pride,
    head slowly turns from side to side,
    and now and then his feathers tweak
    while watching all with upturned beak.
    The Mistle Thrush is keeping watch,
    this Rowan Tree his private patch.
    Red, juicy berries are his treasure,
    he eats them one by one, at leisure.
    Should a Blackbird fly down, tempted,
    the Thrush's fury will be vented
    as feathers fly and sharp beaks clash,
    the Blackbird falls, and in a flash
    makes his escape, and flies away.
    Once more the Thrush has won the day.
    Many try and many fail
    to take the prize, to no avail.
    The Mistle Thrush, voice like a bell,
    stands proud. Stands firm. The sentinel.

    Barbara, I'm so glad my poem made you laugh, we all need a good laugh now and then. I'm also glad your brother's chest has improved. So Niamh went back to bed after breakfast, bless.

    Joan, it's my eyes hurting today. They are so dry and no amount of drops help. Not as serious as Barbara's eye problem, but very sore.

    Toni, it was awful to hear of the attack on London Bridge. WHY DO THEY DO IT? b007.gifn025.gif
    I knew you'd enjoy the vegan salted caramel tart, I hope Kari had some too.

    Aidan, Hi Ho Silver. :lol: Glad to hear dad is still improving and eating better. Snacks are good to build his strength up and drinks of course. Would he enjoy a cuppa soup? I could enjoy Oatmeal with Blueberries and Cream all day, ta duck.

    Carol, such gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing them. Kian almost 4 months? It seems like only 5 minutes since we were all on tenterhooks waiting for his arrival.

    Image: Vegan cottage pie

    Vegan cottage pie
    Behind a deliciously crispy potato topping lies a rich mushroom and lentil vegan cottage pie filling. Perfect for those winter days – and it counts as 4 of your 5 a day, too

    2 tbsp rapeseed
    1 red onion
    1 large carrot
    2 sticks celery
    3 garlic cloves, 2 finely sliced, 1 crushed
    1 tbsp fresh rosemary
    1 tbsp tomato purée
    250g chestnut mushrooms, quartered
    15g dried mushrooms, rehydrated in 150ml water
    1 tbsp plain flour
    300ml vegetable stock, made with ½ stock cube
    400g chopped tomatoes
    1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    2 x 410g tinned lentils, drained
    400g baking potatoes, sliced very thinly
    Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6. In a large pan, heat 1 tbsp oil over a medium heat and sweat the onion, carrot and celery for 10 minutes until very soft and starting to caramelise. Add the sliced garlic and rosemary and continue to cook for 1 minute before adding the tomato purée. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

    Add the fresh and dried mushrooms to the pan with the flour, reserving the liquid. Fry for 2-3 minutes, then add the mushroom liquid, stock, tinned tomatoes and balsamic. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until the liquid is starting to reduce.

    Add the lentils and continue to simmer for 10 minutes, or until the sauce is thick and glossy.

    Meanwhile, blanch the potatoes for 4-5 minutes, until just tender. Transfer the lentils to a large pie dish. Arrange the potatoes on top so they overlap in circles. Mix the crushed garlic with the remaining oil and brush over the potato. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until the potatoes are crisp and golden.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591


    It was like snow Toni - very thick frost this morning :shock: :shock:

    We needed the heartening oatmeal breakfast, to give us some winter hooman fuel :)

    A vegan fayre, how lovely, hope you all have a great time with LOTS of tasting and some buying too :) Hi to Auntie Kari & Paul

    Dad beat us all too it, he had walked round here, arrived just before 10am :shock: :shock: Go Dad. He ate most of his cheese and mayo croissant, had water, coffee and tea - Matron was determined to get extra fluids in :D:D

    The Dr stopped his furosemide last week, but I think he needs them again, his legs and feet are very swollen. Plus he is coughing plenty, so Monday it will be back to the GP.

    He nodded off for a while so B had a bit tidy up of his desk / jewellery area - all clear now. I had a fuss round my computer and discovered lots of dust lurking :roll: :roll: the shame :oops: :oops:
    Threw lots of old pens, bits and bobs that tend to congregate. Cleansed all my crystals, all nice and tidy again.

    We watched some nordic cross country skiing and then some of the golf from Kruger National Park, Leopard Creek (lots of wildlife, with big teeth) :shock: :shock: I think the golf resort is fenced, which is a very good idea.

    Oh the whiff of that fish broth, woke me up at 7am, felling quite queasy :mrgreen::mrgreen: It is the thought that counts and Mother was enjoying it, bless her.

    She was watching Sleek and Tommy, doing their exploring from the broom cam. She is most impressed by Tommy's improvements. t115006 t115006

    Elephants feet cream buns are so worth it though. We used to get them at a week end and take them into work on the wards at City Hospital.

    Mother has taken to her bed for a while, bed on my bed that is, so I am leaving her to it, I am guessing Sleek is coming over with her blend of essential oils t4591 t4591 there is a slight whiff of pine resin and camphor

    So, you have a lady who squeaks, instead of hitting the high notes and one with amusia - oh dear, what does the choir mistress think :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Don't you worry, the Sisters are warming up as we speak :o:o:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Going to B&M is way better than ironing :D:D I would have gone with that option too.

    Silver was happy to pose for a piccy. t4591 t4591

    We don't watch the news, I look at the Daily Mail online and Sky news on my phone. Peoples acts of terrorism under the guise of religion, is just beyond me, how day they say it is that God is Great and then stab people at random

    Her Majesty has spoken out at the bravery of the bystanders, who helped tackle the killer to the ground. I am sure she will personally award them a medal of honour. t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue - sorry to hear that the Nystatin has not worked for Sue's thrush. Natural yoghurt can help. Three weeks for an appointment, that is crazy.
    I hope they can sort it out at the hospital - there are other treatments that they can give, to treat it. (((((()))))) t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - writing on your phone again, with the larger text, to help with your vision. (((())))

    Dad was ok, he nodded off a couple of times, but that's ok, we just potter about while he is asleep. That is until Matron shouts "CUP OF TEA" :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I had done the ironing, now there is more, looking at me in my bedroom, well, it can look :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Good that your Brother is still on AB's make sure his immune system is coping with any infection that is still lurking. Bloods later this week and possibly round three of chemo on Friday, depending..........

    Way to go Niamh, bacon butties then back to bed, bless her. I see she has done the dusting and also the hoovering round - Nan's little helper :) t4591 t4591

    Dads boiler is playing up, the water is only tepid, it won't stay hot, so B Gas are coming out on Tuesday, to fix it, he has their home care plan. He cannot shower in tepid water............ :roll: :roll:

    I love sunny and cold too :) Going dark now, coming up to 4pm.

    Hi Kath - Thank you for the lovely poem, about the Song thrush. Eating all the rowan berries. They are laden with fruit around here, as is the holly etc. A sign of a bad winter, Mum used to say.

    Sorry to hear your eyes are really dry and sore (((())))- did they mention punctal plugs a while ago, I seem to recall you talking about them.

    Dad does like soups, he likes the chunky ones, which are more like a stew - he soon gets outfaced with things, so you have to keep the portions small. Glad you enjoyed the oatmeal and blueberries t4591 t4591

    The cottage pie, looks perfect for a chilly late autumn evening, ta mi duck - shall I butter some crusty breads :)

    Hi Carol hope you are ok and keeping safe. How did the open morning go at Church?
    Enjoy the Christmas street fayre tomorrow - wrap up warm t4591 t4591

    Hi to all our friends, in and about t4591 t4591

    Been good to have a preen around the computers, they attract dust like magnets :roll: :roll:

    Right, time I was pottering some more, before T and siesta - maybe I will actually nod off today :? :?

    Will call back later - leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 ((((())))) Take care XXXXX Aidan

    I have made a few Manchester Tarts :D:D:o

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 and welcome to December :) I can start to decorate now :D

    Super frosty out, so we need to be by the fire again


    All is quiet here, just pottering and such like. Catching up on the golf, some ski jumping too.

    Hope you had a great time at the vegan fayre Toni, with plenty of things to bring home. I bet Kari was in her element :)

    I have tried to be good with the Manchester Tarts :? :mrgreen: I must stop now though :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Sleek and Mrs D came over to see Mother, while I dozed. lots of aroma's from Sleeks distilling of plants and herbs - several mini bottles have appeared on my bedside cabinet, each one saying "Drink Me" :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Hi Barbara - I hope you have had a nice time with Niamh and Daddy - time to put your feet up a bit today? We all need a bit of me time, plus you can have your laptop back again :)
    Love to all, hope your Brother is feeling not too bad (((())))

    Hi Carol - how was the open morning at Church - then the Christmas Fayre today. Hope it goes well and everyone stays safe (((())))
    One week and five days, I think, before family visit :)

    Hi Kath, hope you are keeping nice and warm, thermals on :) Don't want any sneaky breezes :shock: :shock: Are your neighbours still quiet and illusive :?:
    Hope Dad is ok (((())))

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    At home today :) All being well.

    Time I was pottering a little more. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Help yourself to breakfast :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had our fire lit last night Aidan so thanks for lighting this one early that should keep us warm :) NOW you can deck the halls to your heart's content!

    Ta for the healthy breakkie I suppose it was about time :lol: especially after all the Manchester tarts I ate.. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Kari and I came home from the vegan fayre laden with goodies all so YUM!! Perfect for veggies too :D Had goulash for dinner!

    Have you tried any of Sleeks potions? They are for you you know. She's making one up for me for all the mucous (gross I know). She's sick of the racket I am making apparently :roll:

    Mrs D took her chance while Kari was out to visit Mother with Sleek. They had a great time much litter flicking Mrs D can go the 'reverse tail double-flick' apparently not all cats can to that :shock:

    No one volunteered to join Sleek this morning on her be fair I don't think she needed anything neither do the nymphs so it was just to 'get out' and fetch their morning lattes. Mother was suitably tucked in both before and after the trip of course. Mrs D and Rosie had a drink dropped off too today. No broth today you'll be glad to know :?

    They are all busy shopping for their secret santas too :?

    Thank goodness for the sisters and Barbara to drown out the racket. I'm surprised Moher superior lets them dress like that :lol: I have no idea at all what our choir mistress was thinking :roll:

    Her Majesty ought to award those brave people for sorting out the man on the bridge. Did you know some of them were ex-offenders too? Proves that people can change t4591

    What great news Dad coming round under his own steam - he is certainly much better than he was with his chest infection and on those other tablets. Back on his water tablets yes sounds like he needs them. Hope B. gas sort his boiler out. Gosh it's always one of us isn't it?! :roll:

    Well done cleaning up like that. Oh dear I am looking at my own lap top now :oops: Where are the antibac wipes :?

    Kath of course Kari had some salted caramel tart would she ever say no?!! :lol:

    I loved the 'Sentinel' poem totally can picture that little thrush going about his business :D

    We had some vegan cottage pie too ta very muchly.

    Your little emoji sums up exactly how I feel about the attack in London. I have no understanding at all :(

    Barbara I'm not surprised the lady put you off at choir. Sit by the sisters on Thursday. Found out the lady is the choir mistresses new neighbour - that explains it :roll:

    I'm glad we both have a big ironing pile it's not just me! a025.gif

    Wouldn't it be lovely to be Niamh's age again? A grown up bacon butty (no idea it's actually a pig!) then back to bed for a bit!!!

    and actually enjoying hoovering!!

    Ah thanks Joan the migraine is fine now. I keep hoping each one is the last one i'll get!! Nystatin didn't work - poor Sue I hope the hospital can solve it for Sue ((()))

    Hope Carol's is coping with her busy weekend.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Kathleen sorry about your eyes ((((()))) I have drops for dry eyes I've tried the spray that is a hit and miss.
    . Barbara you are good doing your posts on your phone (((((((())))))). your brother (((((()))))
    . Aidan your Dad's doing well does he still have the bleeding ((((((())))). Aidan you need hugs as well ((((((())))) sue is having live yogurt and it's clearing up she has cancelled the hospital ap she did not want her tongue cut.
    . Toni when do you think we will have snow sorry about the. migraines ((((((()))))
    . take care. love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily Poem

    Fishing Boats
    By Kathleen

    Rouse from the depth of winters dreams;
    wake as sun through the window beams;
    rise as the tide on pebbles foam;
    watch the gulls as away they roam
    to follow trawlers where Herring teem,
    high on a breeze their feathers gleam.

    Hark at the rigging creak and groan
    as weary now the men come home.
    All are glad to see the shore
    where each one brings his boat to moor,
    tying ropes and spreading nets
    to dry in the sun before it sets.


    Joan, I'm glad Sue is finding live yoghurt helpful. It helps with tummy problems too.

    Toni, Little Thrush? Have you seen the size of a Mistle Thrush? They're massive compared to the Song Thrush and don't sing so sweetly as they do either.

    Aidan, I hope you can view the video. The differences between the Song Thrush and Mistle Thrush are in it. Song speckled breast pattern and size for example. I rang dad today, he seems to be improving. He went to Friday clyb again where they held a birthday party for him. I was hoping to get a photo of it, but can't find the page it's supposed to be on. :roll: The nurse is coming tomorrow to change his catheter for a different type. He won't need the night bag attaching any more with the new catheter.
    I'm keeping snug and warm. heating is full on and extra layers. Now I'm tucking into a hearty breakfast thank you. :D and I loved the Manchester tarts. Yum.

    Barbara, I hope things are going well with you and Yours. Seging hugs to Carol and mig too.

    Mixed vegetable and bean soup

    2 teaspoons olive oil

    3 shallots, finely chopped

    1 leek, washed and thinly sliced

    1 stick celery, chopped

    1 tablespoons plain flour

    450ml (16fl oz) homemade vegetable stock

    1 teaspoon dried Herbes de Provence

    175g (6oz) frozen mixed vegetables, such as diced carrot, peas, cut green beans, sweetcorn kernels and broad beans

    220g (8oz) canned red kidney beans, rinsed and drained

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    Heat olive oil in a non-stick saucepan. Add shallots, leek and celery; cook over a medium heat for about 5 minutes or until softened, stirring occasionally. Stir in flour; cook gently for 1 minute, stirring.
    Gradually stir in stock; bring to the boil, stirring. Stir in herbs, frozen vegetables and kidney beans; season with black pepper. Bring back to the boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes or until vegetables are cooked and tender, stirring occasionally.
    Ladle into warmed soup bowls to serve. Serve with fresh bread, if desired.
    1 small onion can be substituted for the shallots, if desired. Try using 215g (7 1/2oz) canned chick peas instead of the red kidney beans.

    Cook’s tips
    Add a little extra hot stock (about 50ml/2fl oz), if you prefer a slightly thinner soup.
    Nutritional information
    Mixed Veg Soup

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all t4591 t4591

    Are you sure I can start the decorations now Toni - ok, I will put some on the house first


    :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    The fire was much needed, as were the Manchester Tarts - there are still plenty left, for Barbara / Carol and all.

    I guessed you might come home with some lovely goodies from the fayre - goulash sounds excellent :D:D

    I cannot say I have tried one of Sleek potions, yet. I will drink one at siesta time - I am sure they are quite safe :? :? :shock: I make a racket too, like a dozing rhino :shock: so maybe they are the same concoction. If you have any side effects, do let me know and vice versa :roll: :roll:

    Litter Quidditch was most enjoyable, even more so today, as Mothers "facilities" have been bleached and all new litter again - she likes it to be proper. She has already thrown some behind the en suite door - quite how, I do not know. :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Mother cannot do the reverse tail double flick as she has a kink in her tail, near the base. It has never bothered her, just a bit precious about her floofy tail that's all :lol::lol:

    Sleek was happy to go out and about, to gether the take away latte's in the re-usable flasks. Much better than fish heads broth :mrgreen: :? There is no mist at all, Pendle is in full view, clear as a bell :)

    There are extra cat a loggs about, must be the secret santa preparations.

    Cards, oh, :? :? cards to write...............I will get them all done this week, if at all possible. Cannot believe we are in December already. :o

    The Sisters were in the music room, with Sister Mary giving the maracas a workout :lol::lol::lol: Mother Superior had gone over to the mainland, to give a talk on temperance and restraint :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Don't let her know they were all giving it large, in sequined mini dresses :roll: :lol::lol:

    They will be dressed appropriately on Thursday, thank goodness. Ah, the lady with amusia, is neighbour to the choir mistress - that explains things :roll: :roll:

    Yes, I was reading about one of the ex offenders, stepping in to ward off the terrorist attacker. Medals for all of them. I think the Queen might ask them to tea, unbeknown to us.

    Dad was up and about when B went round this morning, he had been out to feed the birds, despite the frost. His park home is more sheltered, so doesn't get as cold or white over, as it does here.
    At least he had heating, just the water needs sorting. Tepid is no use.
    It seems to be at least one of us, that time of year, boiler events :roll: :roll:

    Yes, much happier with some throwing out of unwanted "stuff". Very cathartic.

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the hugs, you are both very kind. ((((()))))
    Dad has not mentioned any bleeding for a while now, which is good. He would tell us.

    Good to hear that Sue's thrush is responding to natural yoghurt. No, cannot blame her for not wanting her tongue cut / biopsied - a wee bit ouchy, even tough they do numb the area. :?

    Hope you are keeping nice and warm. t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - love the daily poem about the fishing boats :) Yes, the link worked fine, for the youtube on the different birdies :D:D
    Quite a difference in their size and some markings.

    I bet Dad enjoyed his time at the club on Friday, with it being his Birthday too. t4591 t4591
    Good that he is having his catheter changed, they are much better when you don't have to faff about with a night bag :)

    Heating on full, keeping you nice and warm - it is going mighty chilly now the sun is setting. More frosts tonight. We need some winter emoji's, if we ask the mods very nicely :)

    Hope your eyes are a little easier today t4591 t4591

    Mixed veg and bean soup - perfect mi duck. I will get the bread :)

    Hi Barbara - hope you are having a bit more of a restful day. Feet up, heating on - it is one of those lazy days, in fact I am on the verge of nodding off already :shock: which is most unlike me.

    Hugs to all ((((())))) and some festive sparkles - Toni said I could decorate :lol::lol:


    Hi Carol - I hope the Christmas Fayre went well and some people came into the Church. I am sure you were well wrapped up, needs must. t4591 t4591

    Hi to Mig Crinkly SW DD Christine Elizabeth Kerrin Mell and all

    Time I was pottering, before I doze off. Will call back later. Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Festive Fruit Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..cold but lovely and sunny today..I can now see the frost coming down again
    Toni it would be lovely to be Niamhs she again.. :lol: funny you should mention pigs..she is now asking about meat and chickens :o and you get a look that say nooo..then she chomps on her sandwitch..maybe she will become veggie..who knows ...our eldest son is not veggie but cooks a lot of vegans would know the difference..
    Kath more good poems..they fascinate me keep them coing..sad and funny...I hope your eyes improve soon..dry eyes must be awful..((())) oh and I saw you did salted caramel chocolate cake.. :D and the soup was lovely I made veg soup today..well my machine did most of it..
    Joan tell Sue we will all be there with her on Tuesday..hope you are all nice and warm ((()))
    Aidan the stabbing was horrible..why on earth they let this man out of jail is beyond you say they were brave people that stopped him ..
    I love the Christmas tree you have put up..and another roaring fire..boy is that needed..fruit cake is one of my favorits..thankyou
    Now the sisters I'm the one playing the maraccas..always knew I would have some sort of talent :lol:
    I am so glad dad came round under his own steam..I bet it was a real boost for him..and he is eating and drinking ok..all down to matron..(((())))
    Right my brain has given up :?
    So will bid you all good night
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t4591 t4591 Oooo it is very chilly - think frost again. We need our warm fires :)


    Hi Barbara - It has been a lovely sunny day, but seems extra frosty tonight :? :?

    So Niamh is asking about animals, like piggies and chickens. Once the association is made, it might be a different request for Gdad to cook.
    In the meantime, you enjoy your butties :D:D t4591 Interesting that your eldest cooks a lot of vegan dishes, but is not veggie himself. Half the time you cannot tell any difference at all. The veggie / vegan sausages are just as tasty :)

    Why the terrorist was let out I don't understand, it was an automatic release, after half the sentence ? Doesn't make sense. I see the police have re arrested another of the gang members, who was in prison at the same time and released early. :shock:

    The three men who stopped the attacker killing even more people, were very brave indeed.

    Enjoy some more fruit cake, by the fire - I am going all out on decorations now, gone are the Autumn leaves :lol::lol: t115006 t115006 There will be no stopping me :roll: :lol:


    I am sure Kath will have some wonderful Christmas Poems to hand :)

    It wasn't Sister Mary, it was you, playing the maracas :shock: :shock: You are certainly giving them some Welly :lol::lol::lol:

    You will have to take them to choir practice, get everyone's feet tapping :shock: :lol: and drown out the lady with amusia :? :?

    Dad has been reasonably ok today, each time B has been round. Nice to see him more himself, still very confused, but we know that is the norm.

    B will take Dad out this morning, a parcel is due to be delivered and needs signing for, so I will stop at home.

    Hope your Brother is doing ok, let's trust his bloods will be stable enough for the third chemo t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok. Sleek said that you had the fire going again, as it was very kowled :shock:
    She came over to check that Mother was ok and that I was asleep, after drinking one of her potions - I was :animal_busy: whatever was in it, worked.

    Not sure if Sleek will be out and about, with it being so icy. Mother said she was not for getting out of bed, thanks all the same :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol - how was the Christmas Fayre? I trust it went well, with lots of people around and you managed to keep warm, well wrapped up.

    Hi to everyone in and about - t4591

    Time I was pottering again. Needs must, before I set. :roll: :roll:
    Take care all, lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Mincemeat and Marzipan Cinnamon Buns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh very Christmassy buns this morning for us Aidan ta v muchly :) The fruit cake for tea yesterday was scrumptious too.

    Nice fire you lit there too :animal_busy: the cats will be in front of it!

    But that magic Christmas tree! Is it one of Tosca's? Sleek was out early doors collecting webs with Tommy before taking him and the other kits to the station for school. They are getting exited as they are breaking up soon :wink: The potion worked?! That's great although I expect Tosca already told Sleek by now ::) Hot broth brought for her again this morning - sorry :mrgreen:

    No-one mentions Mother's tail.'s apparently very private :shock:

    Cards? Did you say cards -already? :roll:

    The sisters have taught Barbara to play the maracas did you know? She plays them in winter wonderland at the old folks home :?

    Nicely decorated house there! looked hard work!

    I hope the parcel arrives early so you can relax and Dad continues to be so well. Those tablets :x Imagine him feeding the birds last week?!!

    Your son can come here and be our chef Barbara! We are eating vegan produce from the fayre the other day - it's all freezable and so tasty! Massive Vork pies etc.

    Who knows I wouldn't be surprised if Niamh becomes veggie these days kids are far more aware. I was considered 'awkward' nearly 40 years ago now I am ten a penny! Quite common!!

    Wouldn't it be great to be Niamh's age again, but only if we are in a loving family I wouldn't change that bit.

    Yes you do play the maracas next to Dave on the drum.

    Kath thanks for the video really helpful! Mind you they are still small next to our fat pigeons and the pheasants I have in my back garden!!

    Yesterday's poem was lovely thank you very much I could really picture those boats.

    Glad to hear your Dad is doing well bless him :)

    Thanks for the soup I shall have some in front of the fire Aidan has lit.

    Joan surely they wouldn't have cut Sue's tongue? :shock: Well I am very relieved that the yoghurt is doing the job though :D ((())) to you both

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Kathleen how is your Dad ((((((())))) thinking about you (((((()))))
    Barbara keep warm it's icy today(((((())))) your Brother (((((())))
    . Aidan how are you and your pains((((((()))). love to your Dad ((((((())). hope the parcel comes.
    . Toni how is Lucy getting on ((((((())))). I hope you feel better now ((((((()))))
    . take care love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daily poem (2 today)

    Bedtime By Kathleen
    1st prize winner of Poetry Now poetry for children competition

    When I climb the stairs to bed
    All kind of thoughts go through my head.
    The third step from the top that's creaky,
    Shadows on the wall, so creepy.
    Through my window opened wide,
    Whispers of the trees outside
    Sound like robbers, sound like thieves,
    Hiding in among the leaves.
    I pull the duvet round me tight
    Thank goodness for my little light
    Which casts its cosy glow around
    And makes me feel so safe and sound.
    While Teddy and I lie hand in hand
    To drift away to Slumberland.


    By Kathleen

    Bright eyes wide, alert and ready;
    Waif like figure, so petite.
    Arms outstretched, poised and steady;
    Muscles tense and dainty feet.
    So fragile, but so full of power;
    Her gentle form deceives the eye.
    Up on pointes she seems to tower
    You'd almost think that she could fly,
    With gravity defying leap;
    Arabesque and Pas de Bas.
    From the wings the others peep
    All adore her from afar.

    Joan, Dad's doing well thank you. The district nurse is changing his catheter today. I hope you and Sue are keeping warm, it looked like snow outside this morning.

    Toni, I'm glad you liked the video. OOO Pheasants, how lovely. We are seeing more Wood Pigeons than usual, and hearing lots of crows too. I always think of winter when I hear crows.

    Aidan, I daren't tell you how many Mincemeat and Marzipan Cinnamon Buns I've eaten. :oops: Most of my prescription arrived this morning. Oddly the new tablets my doc rang to tell meabout, didn't come. My 3rd BP tablet, Ramipril. Maybe tomorrow. :roll:

    Barbara, I would love to go vegetarian, but Chris is in charge of our meals. Some are veggie, and I love 'em.

    Sending hugs for Sue, dad, Barbara's brother, Kari and Carol and her family.

    Did anyone see the Manatees on 7 world, one planet? Bless.
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    casserole with garlic bread

    Serves 4. Preparation 5 minutes. Cooking 30 minutes.

    Olive oil (2 tbsp)
    2 leeks
    Sliced carrots (100g/3oz)
    1 small swede or 4 small turnips, peeled and diced
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    Vegetable stock cube (500g/18oz)
    Spring greens (150g/5oz), shredded
    1 tin of borlotti beans (400g/14oz), drained
    1 garlic bread
    Pesto (2 tbsp) (optional)
    Spring vegetable casserole

    Preheat oven to 200ºC/180°C fan/gas mark 6.
    Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the leek, carrots, turnips and garlic. Fry over a low heat for 10 minutes, until the vegetables are soft and golden.
    Add the stock to the pan. Season and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 10–15 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
    Add the drained beans and shredded greens, then cover the pan and simmer for five minutes until piping hot and cooked through.
    While the casserole is cooking, heat the garlic bread following the pack instructions. Stir the pesto (optional) into the casserole, and serve with warm garlic bread.
    Suitable for:

    a quick and simple recipe
    people with a dry or sore mouth
    people with problems chewing
    people with sickness or nausea

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all t4591 t4591 All the frosts have gone, finally. Cloudy and already going dark at 3.30 :shock:
    Where did Monday go - :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni - Glad you liked the festive buns and the fruit cake too, I only had one bun, honest :? :?

    The red Christmas tree is one of Tosca's, she keeps all things seasonal and magical, deep inside her ottoman, who knows what will appear as the days go on................. :animal_busy: t4591 t4591

    I forget the kits and Tommy are still at school - how could I said Mother - who promptly faced the wall :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: I do believe there is a Hogwarts Christmas party, later this month, for all student wizards and esteemed wizards alike. Sleek is already looking through cat a loggs for a new wizards cloak. Mother will wear her faux Ermine.

    Broth, oooh it is horrid, smells like a fish market :mrgreen::mrgreen: Mother said it is good for her bownz - ok dear, enjoy :mrgreen:

    Mothers tail is utterly private and confidential - no one knows a thing :? :?

    Cards, oh, I cannot think about them for a day or two. I procrastinate as long as I can - one dropped on the mat today.......It feels in no way at all as if Christmas is just round the corner.
    That is until you walk into the supermarkets and you are met with a wall of chocolates, wine, beer, more chocolates, :shock: endless silly gifts that no one really wants :roll: :roll:
    Just buy a big bar of chocolate, it is way way cheaper.

    Oh I sound like Scrooge :lol::lol::lol:

    Barbara was in a wig, hence I didn't catch it was her at first, giving it large with the maracas :shock: :lol::lol::lol: The Sisters will be on fine form this week, I just know it. Their Winnebago has left the Scottish Isles and they are en route, doing a few Gigs on route :roll: :roll:

    Parcel arrived, long after B and Dad had been into town. Computer (second hand from Ebay) B likes to tinker with them and improve their speed etc etc. Another of his hobbies :)

    Dad was ok - no, he could not have fed the birds a week ago. He had no life in him at all.

    A Vork Pie, sounds lovely :) I bet you are having a feast of treats

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, keeping nice and warm. I think the frosts have abated for a while now. Rain is on the horizon, then sleet :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Pains - well, much like all of us, we try and keep on top of them as best we can. Not always easy.

    Thank you for the hugs (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - I t4591 t4591 the poems - first prize and rightly so. You are rightly, our poet laureate t115006 t115006

    Good to hear that Dad is ok, he will have his new catheter in now, no night bags, much better.

    Don't worry, we are not counting buns, I can always make more :lol::lol:
    I hope your Ramipril arrives tomorrow, seeing as your Dr mentioned it specifically. B takes 10mg of Ramipril each morning, seems quite effective.

    Glad you enjoy your veggie meals :) You serve up some fine delicacies.

    No, I didn't see the programme about manatees - it will be on catch up.
    I did read about the whale that washed up on the outer Hebrides, (on a beach that we know well and used to love so much). It had 220 lb of fishing nets, rope and plastic in its stomach, the poor beautiful creature. :cry::cry::cry:

    Hope your ouchies are not too troublesome and your eyes are not painfully dry. (((())))

    Ta for the lovely casserole - I will go check if the garlic bread is ready t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, keeping the hugs and prayers going for everyone t4591 t4591 ((((()))))

    Mother has found another magic Christmas tree :)


    Feet up and a bit of a rest tonight - keep warm.

    Hi Carol - talking of rest, I hope you are keeping warm and having a feet up evening, some me time :) ((((()))))

    Hi to everyone else, in and about................ t4591 t4591

    Time has vanished once again, so I will potter a little, before cup of T and then siesta.

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Stollen Bites

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Only one bun Aidan?! I had a mere 5. Same of the lovely festive stolen.

    Tosca has excelled herself with the tree. Worth yes Sleek confirms that the broth is good for Mother's bones.....sorry :mrgreen:

    Yes there is a party - not a ball more of an end of year bash! Sleek has several outfits in mind and wants David or Goks opinion...

    It is great Dad back doing things again. Not expecting miracles you know he has dementia but such a sudden downturn was scary.

    Where does B get the time to mend computers?!

    Cads arriving already is added pressure to get yours done.

    Kath lovely poems! Bedtime reminded me of bedtimes as a child so brilliant.

    Yes Pheasants a mald and his wife who live in our hedge.i love them :)

    Woodgigeons here too. I missed the manatees! Can watch on catch up though.

    Nice veg casserole thanks!

    Lucy's doing really well thanks Joan working hard. Sees endocrinologist on thursday.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 Chilly, but not frosty - I reckon we still need a warming fire, just to take the nip out of the air :)


    That's better :D

    Hi Toni - I am not a great fan of Stollen, but the biscuit variety were just nice with a cup of T :) Sometimes Stollen can be a bit heavy - which is a rare thing for me to say about anything cakey :shock: :shock:

    Mother has plenty of magical trees - gathered over the years t115006 t115006


    I do like this one :)

    I will take some lavender drops to bed, hopefully that will counteract the whiff of Mothers morning fish broth :? :mrgreen:

    Mother said Sleek and her good self, will take all their outfits to see Gok, while he is filming in Lancashire - They know him quite well - who knew :shock:

    A Christmas bash, much better than a Ball. Mother can be sat nice and comfy, on a super soft floating cushion, whilst Sleek and the kits let their fur down. Minerva will discuss "things" with Mother, over a glass of punch.

    Dad was watching tv when B took his night meds round, he was grumbling about the rubbish on the tv, but he forgets to change channels sometimes.

    We do know what we are shouting at and no, he is not going back on those pills, not while Matron has breath.

    I am already thinking of excuses not to write cards today :roll: :roll:
    I will do a list of peeples, that will be a start :)

    We have pheasants in the woods, one does pop round to Dads for some corn, he is very noisy, lots of shouting :lol::lol: Talking of noise, they are umpteen owls tonight, all hooting and twit t woo ing - lovely to hear them. t4591

    We will be gathered by the cloak for Lucy's appt on Thursday t4591 t4591 Glad she is ok and still working hard, bless her t4591

    B has more than enough jewellery at the moment, he is taking time off from making, just doing pieces that take his fancy - so, some spare time (did I just say spare time) :shock: can be used for tinkering with computers - the air was quite blue, when one would not work earlier :o :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara - how is everyone? Niamh will be there later on today, for her roast dinner :) How did she get on with the hoovering at the week end - did she just do so much then drop it, like last time :lol::lol:
    Hope your Brother is feeling ok with his GF taking very good care

    t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - now, I have forgotten, 1 week and 5 days? I think :? Hope you are both ok and the ouchies are not too bad (((())))

    Big hi to everyone else in and about.

    At home today - B Gas are coming to fix Dads hot water and service his boiler this afternoon, so B will go round when they ring.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Gingerbread Waffles :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).