'Wally' (TWR) at 6mths

dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
edited 9. Dec 2010, 18:04 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone :D

I was at the ortho hand surgeon this morning for Wally wrist's 6mths review .

Mr Hussein is well pleased with Wally's progress (me too!) and the xrays show that the two 'halves' of the prosthesis are really securely fixed and well aligned. :mrgreen:
We chatted about the pros and cons of having a Total Wrist Replacement as opposed to a Total Wrist Fusion and decided that one of each had been a really good option for me; giving me strength in one wrist and regaining flexibility in the other. :wink:

We also discussed the other surgery that's needed and agreed the next hand ops... removal of the ulna head and an index finger 'middle joint replacement' on the left fused hand. So I am now officially on the 'List' for these ops, which 'we've' decided can both be done at the same time. :wink:

Tomorrow (snow permitting) I have a rheummy appointment when, amongst other things, it'll be decided what treatment options there are left for me following the recent infliximab reaction. :roll:

Iris xxxx


  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well that is good news about wally - a good job done by the sound of things and yes, I think you are right, having one of each procedure does give you some flexibility on that front. I wish you well with the next stage, sorting out your fingers.

    As for tomorrow, well, I don't know what they are going to say to you but I do hope they can offer something - I will be with you in spirit, literally - Mr DD's special little flask is very useful at the mo! Let us know how you get on, if you can, please. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • ironic
    ironic Member Posts: 2,361
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris,
    Excellent news about Wally he really has come through for you. Will it be Dr Hussein who will be doing the next ops? At least you will have full confidence in him and his team.
    Well done for getting to the appointment. It must have been a wee bit touch and go for you to get out today.
    I have everything crossed for you for tomorrow Iris. I do so hope that there is a plan B or C for you. You so deserve some good news.
    Lv, Ix
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,088
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris.
    i'm pleased wally is behaving him self.
    i hope everything go's well to morrow.
    take care. joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris

    That is brilliant news about wally. :D I am really pleased that the appointment went so well.
    So you are now on the list for a couple of other operations, I hope that you are not waiting too long, I suspect it will be in the new year?

    I want to wish you well with the rhummy appointment tomorrow, I will be thinking of you, will take my mind off my own app.
    I do hope they can find an alternative to infliximab and start you on the treatment asap.

    Take care
    Juliepf x
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks DD, Ironic, Joan and JuliePF :D:D:D

    It was a good review and I am very happy indeed with wally and would recommend this op to anyone who needed it. :wink:

    It was 'touch & go' trying to get to the hossie this morn.. some trains were running but here was no bus or car able to get in/ out of where I live so I had to limp my way to the station. When I came home I had to go to bed to rest my painful knees. :roll:

    My son Pip said he's going to put me in a wheelbarrow tomorrow for the rheummy appointment. :lol::lol:

    Mr Hussein will be doing the next ops too.. guaranteed. :D He said the government time scale is 9weeks waiting time for surgery but that he knows he can't commit to that... so if I wanted the ops within that time I could have them done by another surgeon.
    I said to him I'm happy to wait to have the ops done by him... so it's been agreed :D . He thinks it'll be anything from 8- 20 weeks when I'm called in to have them. (soon enough for me :wink: )

    thanks for your good wishes too for tomorrow. :D

    will be thinking about you too Julie :wink: :!:
    Iris xxx
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Wow, can't believe you had your Wally op 6 months ago .. feels like yesterday! Sounds like each op has it's advantages and to have one wrist fixed and one replaced was indeed a wise decision. Great that Wally is well and truly imbedded.

    I think you are wise to wait for Mr H to do the ops as he has a proven record and knows your hands and wrists inside out! What is the purpose of removing the ulna head? Is it to stop pain? How will it affect function?

    Let's hope the rheumy has new plan up his sleeve.

    Please do take care with the wintery conditions.

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi speedy :D

    Time passes quickly doesn't it :wink:

    The ulna head has been bothersome for quite some time.. and to be honest should have been removed when I had the fusion ...that op wasn't done by Mr H, I hasten to say. :wink: . It's become increasingly painful and x rays showed it's badly eroded and is now grinding against the radius.
    Having it 'resected' will remove the pain and improve rather than inhibit movement.. as at the moment it's stopping the full rotation when turning hand over, palm up/ down. That'll be restored fully after the op. :wink: ( I have no other wrist movement due to the fusion).

    Iris xx

    ps.I've made a list for tomorrow of the things I want to discuss with rheummy.. :D
  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Iris

    Glad your appt was so positive today.

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go (in your wheelbarrow!) to your rheumatology appt. I really, really, hope that they can offer you something else med wise. Will keep everything crossed for you.

    Lots love Tilly xxx
  • cebeem
    cebeem Bots Posts: 472
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Great news to hear Iris ...well done for the hard work you have done to ensure its success .
    Good Luck tomorrow ...!
    That was an interesting point re -strength and mobility, never looked at it that way before, your posts are informative and encouraging as always! :D

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris
    I am so glad that the op was worth having done, you have really done well, how good that you will have the same surgeon, confidence is everything.
    Good luck with the rheumy appointment I do hope they can offer you something else.
    I do hope your other ops will go just has well, good luck with them.
    Barbara xx
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris

    Im glad your Wally is doing good and of course as im relatively new on here i didnt know you pre TWR....I didnt realise too that youre hands are bad too and it all sounds very daunting the thought of one surgery being over and waiting for the next lot...

    All i can say is that you must be a very resilient woman, never hear you complaining apart from the well deserved rant at silly advisor who sent you to wrong appointment after youd had your knees aspirated......

    Sol says he is glad your wrist is better and he doesnt think they could ever operate on his teeny froggy hands/feet...

    Good to hear from you...

  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI IRis

    well done on getting to your early appointment in all this horrid weather! I was thinking of you but couldn't get on here until late today. So glad that Wally is behaving and that you have a plan which you are happy with.

    I know you may not see this before you go, but good luck tomorrow and I'll be with you in spirit (though sadly not the same spirit as DD form the sounds of it :wink: ) and willing them to have found something else that will batter your PA into submission!

    The thought of you arriving in (wheelbarrow) style has me smiling :lol::lol: your pip is certainly a resourceful chap!!

    fingers crossed for some good news tomorrow.

    WOnky xxxx
  • mp1952
    mp1952 Member Posts: 425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Iris

    I'm really pleased to hear how well your TWR is at the 6 month review..

    Best of luck for getting to the hospital tomorrow..
    Looking forward to hearing how you get on..

    Marion xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Iris,

    6 months..... it doesn't seem that long but you have done some well especially with all the infection thing in the start. Kinda gives hopes to others but interesting to read what you said about strength and movement.

    Nothing wrong with wheel barrow travel..... bless him is gong to wash it out first?! He would have to mine.. well you would want hi to....

    Will be thinking of you flower and so hope there is no more snow overnight and also that they can offer you some alternatives for the pa as well as advice for the rest.

    Will be with you sober but will nick some of DD' spirit.... and fiz.... but the sheep said she will just bring her pink bed :wink:

    Hope you get a good night and well done for braving it today. ((((( ))))) Cris xxx
  • whalewatcher
    whalewatcher Member Posts: 90
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Iris
    Thats great news that Wally has been so successful. I'm sure that will be encouraging for many other people.
    Hope you make it through the snow to your rheumy appointment & you get good news about treatment.
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Morning Tilly, CB, Barbara, Elaine,Wonky, Marion Cris and Val. :D:D Thank you for your wally good wishes and for hopes for today's rheummy appointment. :wink:

    Well we've had yet more snow overnight... must be about 18ins of snow in all.... beautiful but lethal for travelling in/ on.
    At the moment the motorway is gridlocked and there are no trains running from here. :(

    My rheummy appointment isn't until 4pm so I am still hoping that by the time I have to leave home that the trains will be on... but I'm doubting it. :roll: So I might have to keep my List for another day!

    Son Pip's out clearing the path g015.gif and the wheelbarrow's at the ready but a sledge might be more useful . :lol:d035.gif

    hope that wherever you are you are safe and warm....

    Iris xxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,787
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I still think you dun amazinlgy :D

    Any idea of timescale for the other hand ops?

    Iris can I wish you all the best for today's apointment and hope they do have some ideas at least as to what you can do after that scary reaction.

    With you in spirit

    Love and hugs

    toni xx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks Toni :D

    I've been very lucky to have such a caring and skilful ortho surgeon and team and that made me feel very confident in having surgery. :wink:

    The govt timescale for the ops is 9 weeks but if I specifically want Mr H to operate (which I definitely do) then it's likely to be anything from 9= 20 weeks.

    Iris xxx

    ps.I'll be surprised if I can get to my appointment this afternoon... but still hoping! :mrgreen:
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I probably don't need to say this but when has that ever stopped me before? :D - be careful. Come 4pm it's getting dark, the temperature will be dropping like a stone and things could well be lethal. Though I usually advocate getting on with life sometimes there is a time to call a halt! I know you are a sensible girl tho, and you will make the right call. Take care. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It's snowing heavily now r045.gif
    and more forecast so I've decided to be sensible (thanks DD..wise words :wink: ) and phoned in to cancel my appointment. :(

    So my 'new' appointment is 12th January which was the only one available between now and March. :shock:

    I will have to speak to my rheummy/ day ward before then, as amongst other things I was supposed to have steroid knee injections today. bah humbug. :!:
    arther's having a good old chuckle to himself. a045.gif
    Iris xxxx
  • julie47
    julie47 Member Posts: 6,041
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Iris I reckon it was probably th best thing to do, cancel the appointment, Didnt realise it was so late.

    DD is right , the temp starts falling and it starts to freeze.

    Better to be safe than sorry.

    Your son is doing a good job there i see clearing the path.
    Your little animations do make me smile. :) thank you.

    Especially the sledge one that you put on my thread to catch my bus :lol:

    take care
    juliepf x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,787
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh B*m :(

    Poor you Iris

    I think you must feel a bit deflated, but better safe than sorry.

    Wisest move in the circumstances. r025.gif

    Wonder if someone could do the knee jab for you - GP even? Or rheumy nurse when the snow stops at least before Christmas.


    toni xx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Julie PF and Toni :D

    It's still snowing here! and the path that pip cleared has all but disappeared.... s015.gif so I think it was a wise decision to cancel... but yes I did feel a bit deflated. We do build ourselves up to these appointments don't we. :roll:

    Julie I saw your neuro appointment was cancelled... :(
    so sorry about that and I hope you get your next appointment through quickly. :wink:


    Iris xxx
  • mp1952
    mp1952 Member Posts: 425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Iris

    Disappointing that you haven't been able to make it this afternoon, but very very wise!!

    There was a wonderful snowy picture of Stirling Castle in last MOnday's 'independent' newspaper.. it looked like something out of a german fairy tale..

    Hope you've got plenty of chocolate treats in your store cupboards to see you over the next few days (or longer!)

    Marion x
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI iris

    so sorry that you couldn't make the appointment, but at the same time I'm glad you didnt' struggle there ..... as you may have had to stay :shock: :shock:

    that appointment is far too long for you to wait to get your knees steroided ( :? not sure that's a real word :roll: :wink: ) so I do hope that you can get something to help sooner than that!

    hope you don't get even more of the white stuff tonight, and that the temp doesn't drop quite as low for you as they are promising :o :shock: :o :shock:

    loads of hugs
    WOnky xxxx