Re:Veiled threat



  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The idiot loony lefties in their woollen jumpers have ripped the spine from our once great and proud country...
    Can anyone come up with a yearly figure that we as a nation spend on things that are actually nothing to do with our Christian, English speaking society...
    I emailed the local council events organiser a couple of years ago to find out what was being organised in the town centre that particular St Georges day.... Nothing, as there was a Sikh festival instead, the year after on St Patrick's day they had a huge celebration... Doubt we will be having anything going on for St Georges day again this year.. I must start pestering that wumman again soon.... :???: 8)

    We need to start putting ourselvesfirst in times like this... We don't have money to be spending on everyone else, sorry but it's as simple that.. They're on about closing do many hospitals, cutting such and such yet we are still sending God knows how much overseas in aid....

    When will we ever come first.... We cannot afford it....
    Jesus, it's basic maths.......

    Oh Mell, what shop do you go to for your spare spleens?

    Hi Poppy.. Can't remember now who mentioned about the women not allowed to worship in the mosques, but they definitely are, but as you say, in a different section to the men.. Again, probably not religion related but cheavenistic? Maybe I'm wrong about that too... Lol

    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sad state of affairs when we have to watch what we say in case the truth offends someone eh Tinks?
    I'm normally the most laid back person you'll ever meet but when it comes to certain subjects I do get a tad angry.. Lol
    I think some people want to scream equality while at the same time wanting to be treated that little bit MORE equal than others.. :roll: :lol:
    Right, time for homemade spicey chicken wings... Yum yum :grin:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,471
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    If I have my facts right, Sharia Law, parts of it, is already legal in this country, we can thank Blair and the Labour Party for that.

    They are able to use it amongst themselves and it is legal.
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm sorry but how the Hell is that ok?? Well I think I will start my own religion where it is my religious law to steal from banks dressed as a black pillar box and be offended if anyone dares to even ask me why... I'm quickly losing my cool with this place I used to love.. Why do we even bother.... Oh, I'm really annoyed with all this crap, it really p1ss3 s me off, can't say this, can't say that, can't wave a George cross, can't be proud of being English.... Balls to anyone who gets offended, this is a good country full of good people, stop taking advantage everyone......
    Think my pain is getting the better of me....
    If anyone gets offended by anything I've said, tough.... I've never said anything that is offensive, stop crying like babies about everything, or jumping on the bandwagon.. Heard of some poor council worker getting sacked for asking an Asian lady to tell him where the leak was that he'd turned up to fix, apparently she and her husband once he'd returned from wherever found it highly offensive he had spoken to her and they carried on till he was sacked. Now... How true it is I cannot say as I only heard about it, but even if it isn't, it IS THE KIND OF STUPID CRAP that is happening in our country.. Why can't everyone see what is going on?

    Oh boy... Mell... Where did you say that spleen shop was?

    I'd better log off and have a cuppa, go take the frustration out on some local hoodies or summat before I really say things that would offend... Lol

    Airwave! wrote:
    If I have my facts right, Sharia Law, parts of it, is already legal in this country, we can thank Blair and the Labour Party for that.

    They are able to use it amongst themselves and it is legal.
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    tony im with you all the way and as on a short fuse will say little as it all p****s me off big time.

    i cant abide the way this country has bowed down to all this c*** and allowed its self and its people to be walked over. enock powel (sp) had some forsite right shut up now or firing squad will be least of probs.

    :???: :cry:
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi folks, I am not going to b online long tonight (probably for the best as I am really in an intolerant mood) as I am very drowsy but also in a lot of pain...

    It truly saddens me to see what state this country is in... I genuinely a, angry at the fact that we are handing out billions around the world in one form or another, wether it be as bail-outs for yet another euro bloody disaster or hand outs for people who live in countries that DO have the ability to be viable places but because of greed and corruption they are in poverty while their corrupt governments sit back raking it in living lives of luxury... Sorry but at times like this all the foriegn charity should cease, we are far from being stable enough to afford to be giving money out to anyone, when will we have a government with the balls to admit that without being out right fascists?

    Look, I have started ranting again, better go to Val's for a cuppa, say my goodnights and log out before being accused of being Mr Offensive 2011 :roll: :roll: :lol:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • katekelly
    katekelly Member Posts: 975
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am very proud to say that I am a practising Anglican. I am a Baptism visitor, have just given up the PCC (after 3 years), I lead/ preach/ write prayers for the monthly parade services, am training to become a Communion Assistant and have joined a local committee representing our Church and mentoring a younger church member as well, to arrange a week long visit next year from our Bishop. From all that you may guess that a big part of my life is Church life. I wear a cross and always offer to pray for anyone who may feel a need for it. Sometimes I have offered and it has been declined which is absolutely fine. I also have people who once they have found out that I am a practising Christian have asked me to do so. I believe it is an honour when someone asks me to pray for them.

    Now I'm not saying this to make anyone feel that I'm 'Holier than thou!' - in fact any of you on here who have read my posts before know that is far from the case - I sometimes have a mouth like a sewer and Rehab is one of my favourite sparring partners (Love ya Rehab!) but what I am wondering and in fact I throw it open for you to discuss, would I be as approachable as far as people asking for me to pray for them if I had my face covered? Would I be asked to pray for them if I was a Muslim or Hindu? At the end of the day people who have an 'active' faith all believe in 'prayer' no matter what they believe in. I recently had a friend who had to undergo very invasive neck surgery and although she is Hindu she asked me to pray for her - isn't that what being a person of faith is all about?

    So lets have some other peoples views and I'll meet you all in the Cane and Able to join you for a Brandy Shandy whilst Alan D Lord regails us all with tell of daring do and misbehaviour - can't wait - Rehab tell Fat Kev it his round!!

    Love to all

    Kate xx
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Faith is a wonderful thing to have, I have personally had prayers said for me by people of almost every faiths and every single one was without doubt appreciated. Kate, if I wanted you top pray for me my dear it would not matter what religion you were.
    I will never have a problem with anyone because of their faith.. I still believe that equality should mean exactly that...
    That's a different kettle of fishes though, lol..
    You do seem a great and lovely lass hun...
    I hope Rehab behaved himself, lol.

    Right, signal not great, having a quick wonder round then going top try to sleep.
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi kate,

    i will answer your question first then give my reasons you know the "would I be as approachable as far as people asking for me to pray for them if I had my face covered" question, quiet simply put NO. personally i have no problems with people having faith or following a religion, its not for me but i have very personel reason for that. i find the face covering acts as a huge barrier. it is sadly become a symbol of alienation and misstrust. this has nothing to do with the faith its self it is not a requirement of the faith any faith.

    i would feel the same if a nun , dr. dentist. lawyer etc etc started to cover there faces, its a barrier. so no i wouldnt find you as approachable if your face was covered.

    i have had many people all different faiths pray for my son and his mates when on tour. although it is not my way i appreciate the care and thought behind such a gesture, i see it as a way of reaching out and caring. how could i refuse something so kind.

    i wish i could have a faith of some sort but sadly i have seen faith/religion used and abused and the devistation it causes. when such a belief such as one in god (which ever one that may be) is abused and shattered then there is little chance of that faith/belief ever returning. sadly all to often religion is used for wrong and not the good it is ment to be.

    i respect anyone who does believe, i have church going friends of many faiths. but i dont think i will ever be comfortable with this covering the face issue no mater what the religion.
  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,471
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Surely all the faiths have mans handywork in their making, their is no religion that proclaims to be started by the 'god' alone? Most are only mans interpretation of a religion, using their own language and most probably they were slightly over enthusiastic in using their own words?

    As a non-believer, I see only the beauty and violence of nature evolving, not gods hand from above. If god made man in his own form then man has only been around a short time, evolutionary speaking, who made the pre-stellar and stellar periods all those billions of years ago, if god didn't? A phenomenon or just natural forces?

    Time for more tea after all that! :-)
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    At least the French have got b*&%s, even Cameron is a limp wrist Liberal chirping on about Oxford having only one none white student when in fact they had 40 going there.
    We will keep giving ground in an attempt to appease these people but it will only embolden them to push for more concessions, as for Sharia law it’s already legal here and if you’re a non Muslim and get a summons to a Sharia court then your stuffed as you’re seen as a Kafir or to quote Wikipedia “seen as those who disbelieve in one God” so your word means nothing to the judge as your unholy in his eyes.
    How in hell can we have more than one system running here in the first place it’s divisive and even dangerous, multiculturalism in fact is the bigots best friend, it allows other alien culture to happily practice such things as total subjugation of woman and other backward biblical customs such as forced marriage Halal slaughtering.
    It also does it’s best to subjugate the majority indigenous culture into legal apathy by not allowing them to even try and voice their concerns as any argument against is slapped down as racist and or militant how ironic is that!?.
    From burning Poppies to UK dwelling so called religious/holly men to be allowed and even protected by our own authorities so they can stand on our street corners happily calling for all UK soldiers to be murdered in Jihad for me is a sick sick joke, I don’t agree with the wars we are fighting but I will defend to my last breath those honest men and woman who “took the queens shilling” and have the guts to go and do their best even though they themselves might not agree with Blair’s war. It’s those that we allow to rubbish their name in one breath and in another spit nothing but venom and hatred against the very country/state that graciously houses and feeds them and also gives them free health care and education that get my goat. Sadly religion is so divisive if it wasn’t this one then it would no doubt be another one, it’s not really about god but the force of will of men on others they look down on and ultimately whish to subjugate by force if they have to.
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    At least the French have got b*&%s, even Cameron is a limp wrist Liberal chirping on about Oxford having only one none white student when in fact they had 40 going there.
    We will keep giving ground in an attempt to appease these people but it will only embolden them to push for more concessions, as for Sharia law it’s already legal here and if you’re a non Muslim and get a summons to a Sharia court then your stuffed as you’re seen as a Kafir or to quote Wikipedia “seen as those who disbelieve in one God” so your word means nothing to the judge as your unholy in his eyes.
    How in hell can we have more than one system running here in the first place it’s divisive and even dangerous, multiculturalism in fact is the bigots best friend, it allows other alien culture to happily practice such things as total subjugation of woman and other backward biblical customs such as forced marriage Halal slaughtering.
    It also does it’s best to subjugate the majority indigenous culture into legal apathy by not allowing them to even try and voice their concerns
    as any argument against is slapped down as racist and or militant how ironic is that!?.
    From burning Poppies to UK dwelling so called religious/holly men to be allowed and even protected by our own authorities so they can stand on our street corners happily calling for all UK soldiers to be murdered in Jihad for me is a sick sick joke, I don’t agree with the wars we are fighting but I will defend to my last breath those honest men and woman who “took the queens shilling” and have the guts to go and do their best even though they themselves might not agree with Blair’s war. It’s those that we allow to rubbish their name in one breath and in another spit nothing but venom and hatred against the very country/state that graciously houses and feeds them and also gives them free health care and education that get my goat. Sadly religion is so divisive if it wasn’t this one then it would no doubt be another one, it’s not really about god but the force of will of men on others they look down on and ultimately whish to subjugate by force if they have to.

    :!: totally agree mel
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I do not mind people covering their faces for a good reason however I can't help thinking that is the men who want it, a man made law to suppress females. I hate the hypocrisy of okay to sleep with 'cheap white women' because they are easy but a woman cannot even look at a man(or talk to him in some cases).
    There is another issue of female suppression I hate but cannot talk about it on here.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    It's their mindset they feel insecure in their man hood so punish the weak around them for pleasure I'm sure of it, what I can't understand are girls here converting over to it, rebelious phase I guess, hey did you ever read the book about the two English girls who's Yemin farther took them out to his country and sold them to a local tribe, really interesting but seriously sad.