Travelling By Rail
Bots Posts: 3,703
I am planning to go from my home cumbria to inverness this year but with the cost of petrol have considered rail as an option. The price is good £36 return but Im a little unsure as to how I will manage at station getting connection in Edinburgh Waverley station.
My sister said about assistance but I dont know much about this, maybe its just for wheelchair users.....I mean I need a new knee and I dont walk very quickly and struggle to carry something too as have bag and stick to juggle....Im also worried as to how many steps there will be as an obstacle...
Can anyone shed any light on this? Any experiences to tell?
I am planning to go from my home cumbria to inverness this year but with the cost of petrol have considered rail as an option. The price is good £36 return but Im a little unsure as to how I will manage at station getting connection in Edinburgh Waverley station.
My sister said about assistance but I dont know much about this, maybe its just for wheelchair users.....I mean I need a new knee and I dont walk very quickly and struggle to carry something too as have bag and stick to juggle....Im also worried as to how many steps there will be as an obstacle...
Can anyone shed any light on this? Any experiences to tell?
Anyone can ask for assistance at the time of booking seats from elderly people right down to mums with babies,my husband and i book help when we book tickets they meet you at a designated place at the station take you to your train make sure you get on alright and put luggage in rack ,there will also be somebody at the other end to help you off,if you need to change trains they will also arrange that for you,there is no charge for this service and anyone can use it.hope this helps .Mig0
Oh thats helpful I guess dont want to use it if not bad enough really, stop someone else from having that service...I would normally use the car too as can stop as many times as possible but its too darned expensive...
I only have one change so thats not too bad...I think someone to help me get there safely would put my mind at ease and putting the luggage in rack would be good...Have family who meet me at inverness and someone to help me on here..
Elainexmig wrote:Anyone can ask for assistance at the time of booking seats from elderly people right down to mums with babies,my husband and i book help when we book tickets they meet you at a designated place at the station take you to your train make sure you get on alright and put luggage in rack ,there will also be somebody at the other end to help you off,if you need to change trains they will also arrange that for you,there is no charge for this service and anyone can use it.hope this helps .Mig0 -
Hi Elaine
I think that mig has covered everything, I just want to add I hope you have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
Its good to know that there is help out there.Love
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara
Yes Mig has answered well and many thanks...My sister says waverley has lots of steps so think Id need the assistance..
Elainexbarbara12 wrote:Hi Elaine
I think that mig has covered everything, I just want to add I hope you have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
Its good to know that there is help out there.0 -
This forum is a mine of info. You always amaze me at the info I can get on here. I was planning on going down to Eastbourne to see my brother and was wondering how I would manage.
Pre arthur I could do this journey with my eyes closed....but 3 trains and crossing London...north to south was a daunting prospect.
The only bit I'd worked out was actually the London
So its possible for some help at Darlington and also Victoria. I learn every day.
I really would like to go down......favourite it may be possible.
Thanks for posting this. May0 -
Hi May
Well I rung up the railline on monday and the person was very nice...He asked was I registered disbaled...Now I dont know if I am, dont think of myself as, just need new knee and have a limp, cant bend knee..But have blue badge as cant walk far....He said that was fine someone could definitely meet me at edinburgh and make sure I got on my connecting train..He asked would I need a ramp, I said I didnt know as honestly havent been on train for yonks..Its only cos petrol has gone up so much am considering this option....So its there if need be, just hope if I book it the person is there as I will panic and struggle like hell too...
Good luck on your journay also to London...
Elainexkellerman wrote:This forum is a mine of info. You always amaze me at the info I can get on here. I was planning on going down to Eastbourne to see my brother and was wondering how I would manage.
Pre arthur I could do this journey with my eyes closed....but 3 trains and crossing London...north to south was a daunting prospect.
The only bit I'd worked out was actually the London
So its possible for some help at Darlington and also Victoria. I learn every day.
I really would like to go down......favourite it may be possible.
Thanks for posting this. May0 -
Oh dear friends just be aware off the trains that split in to one goes this away .........grr and the other goes that away.......Marrianne :shock: :shock: :shock:0
Yes thanks for adding that seed of doubt lol!...I know the one that goes to glasgow does that, one goes off somewhere else!
Elainexmarrianne wrote:Oh dear friends just be aware off the trains that split in to one goes this away .........grr and the other goes that away.......Marrianne :shock: :shock: :shock:0 -
Oh Elaine I am so sorry .But it is true ......we try so hard to acomadate the able bodied in our lives never let out vulnerability show then they move the .........goal posts and e suddenly ...........grr it al b8ms grr t2 up ........................BASICALLY CRA6.....Marrianne0
Marrianne.....I know about the train from Victoria splitting in half.....why do they do this as its always a busy train.
I've been thinking of all these things as I can't sit for very long either so would have to keep moving about.
I refuse to be put off....I'm going when weather is decent no matter what.
I found network rail very helpful on the phone hopefully they will be just as helpful when I go. May0 -
Yeah i know im just not very trainwise....
Elainexmarrianne wrote:Oh Elaine I am so sorry .But it is true ......we try so hard to acomadate the able bodied in our lives never let out vulnerability show then they move the .........goal posts and e suddenly ...........grr it al b8ms grr t2 up ........................BASICALLY CRA6.....Marrianne0 -
Been to gym today and another disabled person used this service...He has had a stroke and walks very slowly with a special stick that has 3 stoppers at end of it...Basically the assisted person told him to "walk quicker, hurry up"...???
Thats put me right off now...
Elainexkellerman wrote:Marrianne.....I know about the train from Victoria splitting in half.....why do they do this as its always a busy train.
I've been thinking of all these things as I can't sit for very long either so would have to keep moving about.
I refuse to be put off....I'm going when weather is decent no matter what.
I found network rail very helpful on the phone hopefully they will be just as helpful when I go. May0 -
Oh Elaine,
I suppose there are impatient staff out there. If they offer this service they should provide it without any hassle.Personally I wouldn't mind paying for help. I could manage its just my luggage I would have problems with. I know I don't have to go up or down steps.
I did look into sending luggage ahead but.....well I'd rather have it where I can see it.
I don't know if I'm classed as disabled either and I too have a blue badge.
My right hand is next to useless as is my knees and back.
I'm doing some homework and I'll see what help is available and how reliable it is. I'll be ok once I get there....there shouldn't be all this trouble for us to get from a to b. May0 -
We have a disabled rail card,when we booked our first tickets using the card the booking clerk asked if would like to use this service,it is availible to any one who has problems,you just need to ask,we have no problems with this service at all.Mig0
Hi May
I know there are but I just get put off by things like this and if they are so snappy why are they working in this area?
I dont see myself as disbaled personally just someone who needs something replacing, to me disbaled is someone who has something that is never going to go away completely...(I hope that made sense and not to have upset anyone by that description)....
Elainexkellerman wrote:Oh Elaine,
I suppose there are impatient staff out there. If they offer this service they should provide it without any hassle.Personally I wouldn't mind paying for help. I could manage its just my luggage I would have problems with. I know I don't have to go up or down steps.
I did look into sending luggage ahead but.....well I'd rather have it where I can see it.
I don't know if I'm classed as disabled either and I too have a blue badge.
My right hand is next to useless as is my knees and back.
I'm doing some homework and I'll see what help is available and how reliable it is. I'll be ok once I get there....there shouldn't be all this trouble for us to get from a to b. May0 -
Hi Mig
Well I dont have a disbaled rail card, im quite sure Im not eligible for that....Its just the unknown...
elainexmig wrote:We have a disabled rail card,when we booked our first tickets using the card the booking clerk asked if would like to use this service,it is availible to any one who has problems,you just need to ask,we have no problems with this service at all.Mig0 -
I have used Train Assistance several times, and never been asked to provide any proof of disability, and found the service invaluable.The last time however, I travelled from Leeds to Kings Cross, and found the London end brilliant. They met me with a buggy and couldn`t do enough for me. The same coming back. I have to say though that, whilst the Leeds end did provide the help, I got the impression that their heart wasn`t in it. The woman who was waiting to assist me, asked if I could manage my own luggage. I`m afraid I lost it and told her that if I could do that, I wouldn`t have needed to request help in the first place. She then grabbed my case, and proceeded to leg off at a ridiculous pace. When we got to the taxi rank, I told her that I had noted her name and that I would be reporting her attitude. Two weeks later, I received a voucher for 20% off my next journey. Stand up to the b*ggers.......Rosie.0
Hi Rosie
You see that sort of experience at Leeds is shocking, you shouldnt have to report them, wouldnt treat an animal like that! I couldnt keep my temper if I got an assistant like that you see as there is no need for it, after all you dont just ask for the sake of it do you?
ElainexRosieGlow wrote:I have used Train Assistance several times, and never been asked to provide any proof of disability, and found the service invaluable.The last time however, I travelled from Leeds to Kings Cross, and found the London end brilliant. They met me with a buggy and couldn`t do enough for me. The same coming back. I have to say though that, whilst the Leeds end did provide the help, I got the impression that their heart wasn`t in it. The woman who was waiting to assist me, asked if I could manage my own luggage. I`m afraid I lost it and told her that if I could do that, I wouldn`t have needed to request help in the first place. She then grabbed my case, and proceeded to leg off at a ridiculous pace. When we got to the taxi rank, I told her that I had noted her name and that I would be reporting her attitude. Two weeks later, I received a voucher for 20% off my next journey. Stand up to the b*ggers.......Rosie.0 -
You dont have to be disabled to ask for the service ,anyone can get it wether disabled or not,mums travelling with young children or someone with lots of luggage,absolutly anyone,its a free service that not a lot of people know about.IF YOU DONT ASK YOU DONT GET.Mig0
Well thanks for that...Someone with lots of luggage I mean you can do things about luggage cant you but not disability, dont seem right, dont get me started on the mums, they get seem to be very differing service you get too...
Elainexmig wrote:You dont have to be disabled to ask for the service ,anyone can get it wether disabled or not,mums travelling with young children or someone with lots of luggage,absolutly anyone,its a free service that not a lot of people know about.IF YOU DONT ASK YOU DONT GET.Mig0 -
If I think about it any more I'll talk myself out of going. Thats not going to happen.
These people that help are after all Network Rail employees who do have other jobs so probably some just aren't trained in customer care.
Yes Mig....I'll ask and hopefully recieve. It is a service they offer and likely provide in most cases.
Lets look at the positives....there will always be some negatives from people as there are unhelpful people in all walks of life.I can imagine some stations are better equipped than others.
The one I'll be setting off from only has a female in the booking office but the guard gets off the train so it would have to be him for the first step.
Darlington is Mainline so is well staffed...I've been told I would be met a KC and at Victoria but if possible to book 2 days in advance.All very positive.Have a good journey Elaine. May0 -
Hi everybody ,I hadnt been on the trains for ages ,but once you get back into it its a great way to travel .May I did get a bit flustered re the deviding but used to it now .Elaine dont worry to much there are always helpful people to put you right even I mannaged to get to my destination in one piece and had a great time ........sorry the trypos before p/c wasnt working properly Marrianne0
Im now unsure whether to book, might be going back with my sister to hers by car then get a bus back down on return journey....
I know there are good and bad in all walks of life but so often there is bad customer care when its so unnecessary and as someone who worked with the public for many years and wasnt allowed to put a fingernail out of line, even when they were in the wrong....Cant stand it when i see surly, miserable assistants....
Elainexkellerman wrote:If I think about it any more I'll talk myself out of going. Thats not going to happen.
These people that help are after all Network Rail employees who do have other jobs so probably some just aren't trained in customer care.
Yes Mig....I'll ask and hopefully recieve. It is a service they offer and likely provide in most cases.
Lets look at the positives....there will always be some negatives from people as there are unhelpful people in all walks of life.I can imagine some stations are better equipped than others.
The one I'll be setting off from only has a female in the booking office but the guard gets off the train so it would have to be him for the first step.
Darlington is Mainline so is well staffed...I've been told I would be met a KC and at Victoria but if possible to book 2 days in advance.All very positive.Have a good journey Elaine. May0 -
Hi Marianne
Im afraid I wouldnt want to have to rely on others if the help didnt materialise...Im afraid I like things to be stress free, just me!
elainexmarrianne wrote:Hi everybody ,I hadnt been on the trains for ages ,but once you get back into it its a great way to travel .May I did get a bit flustered re the deviding but used to it now .Elaine dont worry to much there are always helpful people to put you right even I mannaged to get to my destination in one piece and had a great time ........sorry the trypos before p/c wasnt working properly Marrianne0 -
I also want to visit my family in Eastbourne but as I haven't been on a train since 2004 I'm apprehensive to say the least. It is the London bit that bothers me....I have steps at my local tube to contend with at the start and would find crossing London a nightmare, especially any escalators.
Remember the gap between platform and the step onto the train can be difficult especially if unsteady on your feet and with hip, knee or foot pain, especially if people are pushing and shoving.
Elizabeth xxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0
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