Sickest Film Ever - Im Traumatised!



  • creakyowl
    creakyowl Member Posts: 63
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Elaine

    Slow to reply as ever!

    My children are between 17 and 25 (2 boys, 2 girls). They love sick films unfortunately, as do most of their friends.

    My eldest daughter works for Odeon management so knows all the worst ones to see. :roll: O :D n the plus side though, we get in for free whenever we want to go. :D

    Have just had a quick run through LWA, so glad you are finally going to get that knee. Will you then change your username to elainegoodknee? :lol::lol:

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI Creaky

    Well the ages (cant call them kids can I) they will like a range of different things wont they and we only have to go back as far as The Exorcist to see how people flocked to be shocked n scared...I personally was disappointed with that film...
    Great gig your daughter has working in the flics...Happy days all year round!

    Re my LWA post...Im now at the brow of a long hard hill and hoping to flee down it with the wind in my hair and be given chance of being pain free! May have to leave AC and come back as another user if name not appropriate..

    creakyowl wrote:
    Hi Elaine

    Slow to reply as ever!

    My children are between 17 and 25 (2 boys, 2 girls). They love sick films unfortunately, as do most of their friends.

    My eldest daughter works for Odeon management so knows all the worst ones to see. :roll: O :D n the plus side though, we get in for free whenever we want to go. :D

    Have just had a quick run through LWA, so glad you are finally going to get that knee. Will you then change your username to elainegoodknee? :lol::lol:

  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OMG!! I think id rather not know now! URGH!!

    Avrielle wrote:
    Basically, some nutrients are still obtainable from feaces. Being put on a particular diet that provides enough nutrition to survive, but enough to pass through as well. So the second will obtain a small amount of nutrient too. By the time it reaches the third, there will be traces left for the body to obtain, but unfortunately not enough to survive, which is why the third was the first to weaken.

    That is why I say it is so disturbing because it is so plausable!
  • creakyowl
    creakyowl Member Posts: 63
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm still traumatised from Daleks when I was little. I had to watch Dr Who from behind the sofa! :lol:

    Now I look at that sink plunger and think..... just how? :roll:

    I've never watched horror since though. I don't do roller coasters either. I have a fear now that joints may drop off on the speedy rides, given what injuries have happened just walking along the street. My orthopod in Cambridge is amazed at how easily he is needed. :lol:
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I loved all the saw films, and chainsaw massacre, And I love the paranormal activity films!! My OH finds it funny that I love watching horror movies like 'the saw' movies before I go to bed!! People don't believe me or my OH that I would rather watch a horror movie in bed than some comedy movie! But I do! I watched 'the Omen' on Saturday night while I was in bed Saturday. Found that quite tame!!
    If you want a funny horror movie watch the 'Child's Play' movies, I love them!! There so funny I think there's 5 of them altogether. Very funny! I don't know why I love horror movies I just do, more interesting than comedy I guess!!
  • elainebadknee
    elainebadknee Bots Posts: 3,703
    edited 10. Jul 2012, 08:20

    Well each to their own! I quite like the Friday 13th ones and Halloween too...I think ive gotten more squeamish as have got older however....
    The Omen was tame as was Exorcist, wanted to be frightened but i laughed!Child's Play too was funny but began looking at me cuddlies in different light!
    I think its great that there is such a choice for everyeone with all tastes really..

    bubbadog wrote:
    I loved all the saw films, and chainsaw massacre, And I love the paranormal activity films!! My OH finds it funny that I love watching horror movies like 'the saw' movies before I go to bed!! People don't believe me or my OH that I would rather watch a horror movie in bed than some comedy movie! But I do! I watched 'the Omen' on Saturday night while I was in bed Saturday. Found that quite tame!!
    If you want a funny horror movie watch the 'Child's Play' movies, I love them!! There so funny I think there's 5 of them altogether. Very funny! I don't know why I love horror movies I just do, more interesting than comedy I guess!!
  • Avrielle
    Avrielle Member Posts: 182
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bubbadog wrote:
    I loved all the saw films, and chainsaw massacre, And I love the paranormal activity films!! My OH finds it funny that I love watching horror movies like 'the saw' movies before I go to bed!! People don't believe me or my OH that I would rather watch a horror movie in bed than some comedy movie! But I do! I watched 'the Omen' on Saturday night while I was in bed Saturday. Found that quite tame!!
    If you want a funny horror movie watch the 'Child's Play' movies, I love them!! There so funny I think there's 5 of them altogether. Very funny! I don't know why I love horror movies I just do, more interesting than comedy I guess!!

    I also watched the Omen. Good film. Still not seen the originals all the way through though.

    The Saw films have been ripped off so many times since it first came out. The first one was good. Have watched a couple of the others, but I cannot remember any of it at all. But my memory is terrible. Guess they must have been that good if I don't remember them. But the first one was a good film. But it is now desensatised since there are so many rip off's in the B-horror movie scene.

    Chucky films are just FAB! I love 'em! Gotta get the lot of them of DVD. The Bride of Chucky is hilarious. Tiffany is just soo cool. I really want a Tiffany Doll. She just looks awesome!

    One of my all time favourite horror films has to be House of 1000 Corpses. Rob Zombie knows how to make a real horror, and this film is one of the best examples of horror I have seen. The characters are so loud and colourful that you almost feel a connection with them, but fear them at the same time! The sequel, The Devils Rejects was also a brilliant film. Really gets you hooked on the characters!
    Life is just a ride. Up and down, round and around, thrills and chills, very brightly coloured and very loud. But don't ever be afraid, because it is just a ride.