mums with arthritis?



  • dizzybizzum
    dizzybizzum Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi folks
    I've neglected this totally but popped on to update and say hi again.
    My lg is now 22 weeks (where's the time going) I've been on MTX for 9 weeks and am slowly starting to feel a bit of relief but have Rheumy again on the 3rd oct my Dr thinks my dose needs to go up. I'm using celecoxib, dihydracodiene and paracetamol tp manage the pain - a combination that seems to be working.
    Unfortunately due to the circumstances I'm in I have been diagnosed with PND but have gotten onto Anti-depressants and saw the councillor which I felt was a waste of time as she was focused on the depression being about my daughter when I know its because of the living circumstanses and the Arthritis.
    It seems 'friends' don't understand or want to as I have lost quite a few wgich has been quite hard too but on the plus, my lovely man is just faultless!!!
    Got a wonderful birthday treat down to Hampden to watch Scotland play, he bought me gloves to keep my fingers warm, arranged easier access and even a blanket in the car for after.
    He helps with the wee one as much as he can, does the shopping even cooks when I'm having a rough day.
    Hope everyone is doing ok xx
    Fee x