Calling all teachers

Nikkijamie Member Posts: 34
I have recently been diagnosed with OA in my hip. I'm currently a police community support officer so not a very suitable job and I'm seriously considering re training to become a teacher - I have always wanted to but never had the guts x

Will this be a career where I can manage this problem? Honest thoughts please

Hope your all well



  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was a teacher many, many years ago and my OA was a result of RA. I think the answer would simply be that it depends on how quickly ykour OA progresses and that is so individualistic as to be impossible to predict. We do have teachers on here. (I think frogmella is one). Almost by definition, if people are on here, they are struggling to some extent. The ones who aren't don't post. You might get more answers if you also post this on LWA. I hope you get some that help.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • ShulaArcher
    ShulaArcher Member Posts: 174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Nikki

    I was a teacher for about 23 years and for a lot of that time had hip problems, which did not limit me in carrying out my job. What subjects are you thinking of teaching or what age range? Some subjects inevitably involve more movement than others. If you really want to teach, and you find you enjoy being in front of a class and experiencing learning taking place, there is no job as satisfying.

    All the best for the future, Shula
  • mld
    mld Member Posts: 45
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am a teacher. One problem is that I like to have a tidy classroom and some of my classes think that it's fine to litter the floor - or they thought that it was. They now see me try to reach the floor to pick up a pen, pencil, ruler etc and know that I need help. Since then they have put their rubbish in my litter bin!

    I find writing the date and the Learning objective at the top of the board difficult, as I can't write above shoulder height- it's a school rule to write these at the top of the board!! In the days of blackboards you could often rotate the board around so write at a comfortable height.

    There are also little things, like climbing the stairs at the beginning of the day, or changing a classroom with a pile of folders for a lesson that I do in a computer room - envisage trying to hold staircase banister, 30 files all slithering about and teachers file, board marker and black pen etc, with the onslaught of the rest of the school(seemingly) coming up the stairs in the other direction! The kids are getting used to me -

    Just go for it and make sure you apply for Access to Work for help.

  • frogmella
    frogmella Member Posts: 1,111
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi! Sticky is correct - I am a teacher. I have spinal arthritis though, not hip.

    I reckon it depends what you are going to teach. I teach Chemistry in a Secondary school. I am very part time (no gags about teachers all being part time please!) only 25% and for me, currently, it is enough!

    Chemistry is hands on and so I have to patrol the lab during practicals or stand to do demos etc. I try to break lessons up so that I sit some of the time.

    I never do a full day this year, my longest day is officially 10.30-2.30 but I swim in the am so tend to get to school earlier, about 9.30. I am exhausted at the end of that day and normally feel bad the next day too.

    I organise marking etc so that I don't have to carry heavy bags about. They often do work out of a folder so they can just hand in single sheets.

    The training year (PGCE) was a killer and I was healthy then. The NQT year isn't exactly a breeze either. But I have had a few jobs over the years and teaching is the one I enjoy the most, well the classroom bit anyway! :wink:

    How about going into some schools for a few days to observe? I retrained about 9 years ago and I wrote to some local schools and got in to observe at a couple before doing the PGCE. It might give you a better feel for the job and help you work out whether you can manage. That way you can suck it and see!

    Best of luck to you.
