I suffer with fibromyalgia

Mel Member Posts: 5
edited 5. Apr 2020, 22:12 in Living with arthritis
Hi I have fibromyalgia I'm 38 and find it harder to do things that I used to do some times I fill alone do any one ealse have this problem


  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    Hi Mel,

    Its lovely to meet you, I’m looking forward to seeing your future posts around our community. Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition because you don’t necessarily seem ill to look at. It’s also tricky in the way it affects one part of you one day and the next that bit is fine and something else is painful.

    Our community recognises that, many people with arthritis also have fibromyalgia so there are many of us who know what it is like, please feel able to share your thoughts or feelings here.

    Here is our leaflet regarding fibromyalgia

    and Chloe has written about her life with fibromyalgia here

    Let us know what sorts of things you struggle with then we can tailor help for you.

    Take care

    Yvonne x

  • Mel
    Mel Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for getting backed to me I struggle with walking I have to have a walking stick with me I also struggle to get in and out of shower some times to I also have back and wrist problems along with depression and anxiety
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    Hello, I have psoriatic and osteo arthritis plus fibro so know how these things can pull one down. I began my first arthritis when I was 37, was using crutches by 42 and got my first rollator when I was 47. What a boon that was, it meant (and still means) I could go further and do more. I am now 61.

    I can tell when my fibro is active as my skin feels tender to the touch and I am unable to concentrate on even very simple things. I can also feel extra tired too but in a different way to when my PsA is flaring. I plunged into depression when my OA was diagnosed in 2011 and to this day take a small daily dose of an anti-depressant. By nature I m not an anxious person so that is somethng I do not understand as I lack experience.

    I am lucky that I am now retired. I started my own business just a few months before the arthritis began amd managed for seventeen years before deciding enough was enough: a double carpal tunnel op was the final straw for this camel. I take four 30/500 cocodamol for pain relief and use distraction as my main strategy to deal with the pain. DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • Mel
    Mel Member Posts: 5
    I know how that fills I fill trapped at the moment with this lock down I fill like i can not move even tho iv got lots to do
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520

    Over the course of an unhealthy life I have learned to feel more relaxed about things. I used to get very upset as a child when my peers were playing out in the sunshine whilst I was struggling to breathe indoors (asthma in the pre-inhaler days). I was inside for weeks at a time, the curtains drawn and windows shut to keep out pollen. You soon learn to adapt. My Ma nearly killed me with a vase of irises, she didn't mean to but nobody knew about allergies back then. Being inside now is a walk in the park compared to then. Telly, internet, digital radio all help to entertain me whilst I get on with the cleaning (my cleaner isn't coming for obvious reasons) and other chores. They have to be done and my husband has the usual male blind spots in that area. I can see why others unused to being indoors for any period of time are failing to deal with it in a positive manner. Are you usually more active then? From what you have said I got the feeling this is nothing unusual for you.

    It is very easy in these challenging times to allow oneself to become despondent and fighting against it isn't easy. When I feel I can't do something I challenge myself: is it that I can't or that I won't? It is usually the latter. Doing something gives me a sense of achievement, a feeling of pride, so what if it takes me all day to change the bed? The thing is I did it, go me! DD

    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • PaulW
    PaulW Member Posts: 12

    The biggest difference i found with Fibro was changing my diet.

    It is a big step but i believe it has changed my outlook more than any pill or potion given to me. I still take Methotrixate weekly and pain relief on bad days, but they are less now.

    Cutting out sugary foods, increasing fruits and veg, and for me personally i swapped to a plant based meals as much as possible, ie cutting out meats, dairy etc.

    Weight loss was very good, i went from 232ib hairy bloke to a 207lb still hairy bloke and learnt to cook as the meals you create isn't something you can just ' buy ' off the shelf.

    My only vice is peanut m&m's and vodka now and then.

    I can safely say with hand on heart that it has made a huge difference for me.

    My old job as a construction worker is in the past now as i won't be going back to it, but upwards and onwards and what i put in my mouth has a huge influence on my health.

    hope it helps :)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    I am also on plant based diet PaulW. Done for ethical reasons and for the good of my lungs (I believe it's better to avoid dairy).

    I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I loved the weight loss and laughed that for 'some reason' you are still a hairy bloke 🤣

    How are you doing Mel? how are you coping with this lockdown business? I am doing ok just doing what i can and walking every day even if it's not so far.

    Sending ((()))

    Toni xx

    PS currently knitting blankets as requested by the RSPCA for pusskins🐈️

  • Wez
    Wez Member Posts: 5

    Love these comments, thank you all for sharing them.

    I've been suffering for years but only very recently been diagnosed fibromyalgia by my gp (also have arthritis, asthma, allergies, bulging discs - which is what they've put my back pain down to but I think it's all related to my sacroiliac area as it feels loose and often tries to lock, as do my knees and elbows, so not sure if something else is going on?). Currently waiting for a referral rheumatologist appointment but can be 6 months so debating whether to go private? Really deteriorated in the last couple of years, struggling to walk, sit in a car etc. Had to stop doing my sewing job which I loved. Been back and forth the last few years to gp and been diagnosed with depression, the joint pain being menopause and "you've got degenerative disc disease, take stronger painkillers ". Finally saw a different gp who is fab, and referred me to a rheumatologist, hopefully will get some answers and help soon?

    I've changed my diet, mainly plant based but I fo have some fish still, lost weight and take various vitamins and supplements. Try and do some bits of walking (break it up into little bits throughout thd the day) and do yoga/pilates/mckenzie stretches daily too. X