Week Ending 17th July

Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755
edited 7. Feb 2023, 09:51 in News Archive

The Goats of Llandudno

Following last week's headline in Week Ending about the return of the wild goats to Llandudno, we were sent a mock poster devised during lockdown.

It is part of a set of images that appeared on social media advising the UK that Wales had a "stay local" rule, restricting travel to 5 miles and that visitors were encouraged to return later in the year, after the COVID-19 crisis had eased.

Looking out of the window, the Great Orme where the goats live is currently in sunshine and it looks not unlike the poster...

1. New Members Start Here

It is quite hard to write clear instructions on how to use a web site on the internet, especially now that the device used to visit the site can be anything from a small mobile phone to a very large screen desktop computer or even a huge TV-based interface.

Signing up is always a tricky process and so we have tried to put our How to Use Your Online Community guides into some sort of order. We have done this via a New Members Start Here page which is split into 3 sections:

  • Start Here - how to register and join the Online Community / confirming your email address!
  • Your Profile - Notifications, favourites and changing your picture
  • The Happy Poster - how to do more on the Community - worth a read by all members

Any ideas for more parts to add to this/what can be improved, are most welcome.

2. Impossible to Ignore

Yesterday Versus Arthritis launched a great new campaign: Impossible To Ignore

People with arthritis can’t ignore their pain. Let’s make sure the Government doesn’t, either.

For many, lockdown has made living with arthritis even harder. With appointments, treatments and even joint replacement surgery delayed, people with arthritis face worsening pain and impacts to their physical and mental health that are impossible to ignore.

Our new campaign is calling for:

  • UK governments to address the needs of people with arthritis as they plan to restart treatment and services.
  • A commitment to involve people with arthritis in shaping treatment and services.
  • National plans to bring down joint replacement waiting lists safely.
  • Local planning to make sure that people with arthritis get the communication, advice and support they need to manage their pain.

Over 8,000 people have already signed our petition in the last 24 hours. Read more about the campaign and sign the petition to the UK Government.

3. Coronavirus Updates

These continue apace and new announcements look as though they may be appearing shortly.

Our page on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and arthritis - where to go for information, will keep you updated with the latest changes as they are formally announced. A summary for 16th July includes:

  • In Scotland, the guidance for people who are shielding will change from 17th July allowing people to stay in holiday accommodation and couples who don't live together can meet up without maintaining a physical distance. Read our COVID-19 advice - Scotland.

4. Triumph!

The Triumphs Category has some interesting contributions, but the latest is pretty unusual.

Celebrating after finding that in spite of being diagnosed with severe and worsening OA in the hip, you can still do your job... of climbing up scaffolding. Only to later step off a little garden ladder after trimming the wisteria and wrench your hip!

Do come and tell us more about any positive achievements you have made, no matter how small or seemingly trivial they may appear to be. Celebrating getting dressed in the morning is still a triumph 😃

5. “You’re always battling yourself… Should I do this? Can I do this?”

Syeda Hana, 22, is a personal trainer living with rheumatoid arthritis.

Last year, Syeda Hana was too unwell to fast for Ramadan. Here she shares her advice for others with arthritis who may have difficulty fasting and tells us about her journey to becoming a personal trainer.

5. Feedback

It is very odd to realise that the new Online Community is still less than 6 months old. We will be taking stock of what has been a rather extraordinary period and asking you what you think. Check out this early request for your opinions in our Feedback discussion. Say what you think.

Stay safe. Stay well.
