Need some advice on mobility aids

After suffering with osteoarthritis for about 10/11 years and using crutches and mobility aids at home for around 4 to 6 years I need help. I'm stubborn and try to ignore my pain and mobility issues but I need help I have to admit defeat and get a mobility scooter. I'm stuck at home not just due to COVID but because I can't walk that far as my arthritis is in my lower body mainly from lower back downwards but effecting my right side more. I'm only 41 and don't won't to have to use a wheelchair as I feel guilty my husband already does so much and if I can get mobile I may be able to help out more and go out with my 12 year old daughter and be a proper family with walks and trips out at the moment it must be 3 years since I've been able to do this and I'm going insane stuck at home. My problem is I'm low income as my husband can't work as his my full time carer and I can't work so money a problem does anyone know off anywhere I could try to get a scooter my gp told me to buy one I really would if I could. Please help advice grateful



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 24. Sep 2020, 09:27

    If you claim the higher mobility element of PIP you can get one through the Motability scheme BUT this will work out more expensive than buying one. I bought my first mobility scooter on EBay for £300 and then when I upgraded to my current scooter I passed it on to someone nearby who has mobility issues. There are a number of charties which may be able to help, for example if you or your husband have served in the armed forces. There are also other charities which may be able to help; have a look at

    plus a personal wheelchair budget scheme is now being introduced in England. Your local clinical commissioning group (CCG) should be able to provide more information on provision in your area. See

    and have a look at

    Here is mine, it is my only form of transport, apart from my wheelchair, since the DVLA withdrew my driving licence on disability grounds:

    it does 26 miles on one charge and can go on the road. Mobility scooters either have a top speed of 4mph which means that they are only suitable for pavements - and that is the speed limit on pavements anyway - or 8mph for road use. (I can get 12mph out of mine downhill!) Good luck, I hope you get one.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    You might be eligible for an electric wheelchair @Kezzacare which your husband wouldn't have to push either

    I think it's a great idea to get something to help yo join in family life outside of your home.

    Let us know what you get!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I forgot to say, if you get a road legal mobility scooter it has to be registered and taxed with the DVLA but it is not a legal requirement to display the number plate. I would advise putting a number plate on it as this shows other road users that you have a legal right to be on the road, not that it encourages them to be courteous though! Plus make sure that you get insurance and break down cover, there are specialist companies for this which the provider of the mobility scooter will have details of.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    If your aim is to get out with the family and walk more then don't underestimate the value of a very basic wheelchair. Mine was provided by ? (NHS? Social Services? It's so long ago I can't remember). It's a bogstandard one that someone has to push (The most terrifying words are "Can I have a go with Grandma?"😁) but it enables me to get out into the coumntryside, ride a bit and walk a bit. I get ejected for hilly bits which suits me fine as I'm OK uphill though, with locked ankles, I gather pace downhill! My younger son and both grandsons used to ride on my knee which meant lots of cuddle time. Yes, I felt everyone was loking at me at first but, of course, they're not. People are far too busy with their own lives. Why not contact your local social services for an occupational therapist to visit and advise?

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Kezzacare
    Kezzacare Member Posts: 7

    Thank you for the advice I have somewhere to start now.

  • Kezzacare
    Kezzacare Member Posts: 7

    I have checked out the CCG there not doing the scheme in my area but I have a couple of options now my husband is going to try the go again hopefully if he ask his hoping as my carer they may listen more. I should of stated I already have a old push along wheelchair but its on its last legs lol had quite a few eventful trips from chair to ground and a few bruises before admitting defeat and never thought about a electric wheelchair!!. The charity side of things is great but need to find one in my area in Kent as most are not availible in my area. But we have a place to start and that you all have relied to me and have given me a starting point I can't thank you all enough foe it so THANKYOU😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Well DONE great progress so far - do let us know what you get in the end @Kezzacare


  • crinkly1
    crinkly1 Member Posts: 156

    If you get the chance of one don't discount an electric wheelchair as opposed to a scooter. I've used one outdoors from before I was 50 and it's been a godsend on rough terrain and in smaller areas than a scooter easily accesses. Unlike Mike I'm able to drive so my powerchair is more an alternative to walking than driving - for joining in family country walks rather than for speed. I too am in great demand for giving 'rides' to tired or curious grandchildren.

    As with scooters there's a wide range to choose from, depending on how robust you need it to be but there are workshops that specialise in reconditioned chairs so save on finances. As engineers they can also give good advice as they are familiar with most models and their respective USPs. My latest purchase was from one; I paid about half the current 'new' price and it's been fine.

    I've never tried a scooter and doubt that my hands would like it much so a powerchair, although generally less often chosen, is definitely the horse for my course.

    Whatever you decide I hope you find the means to treat yourself to the mobility aid that truly meets your needs.

  • remmingtonwildhunter
    remmingtonwildhunter Member Posts: 79
    edited 6. Jan 2021, 14:13

    My Partner has progressive ms and we got a pro rider because it folds nice and light fits in the boot and the motor home has a range of about 14-18 miles just got her the I-Go Vertex Sport carco £799

    Breaks down into 5 bits sorry for text phones got mind of its own today..

    [Mod Note - Versus Arthritis suggest you look around and check out all options on the market and don't suggest any particular brand or model - Shell_H]

  • The op asked about scooters im not promoting that brand or any but as i have oa and my partner has oa and progressive ms we looked for 6 months...

    Mods i can see where you are comming from but whats one mans poison is another mans medicine...

    What works for one wont work for others...