Pain my old Friend or Foe

A few hours before morning light. I wake but not with such a fright. As like so many days before i know that pain it's been before.

Its visits me all through the day then creeps and sneaks through out the night just like a thief it takes from me, my freedom and my agulity.

I moan, I groan, I creak I wobble I even do some sort of hobble. My back my leg my hip my knee it feels like there not part of me they will not do what they are told my bones they feel so very old.

I hope to wake one day to find the pain has gone and I have grew so very strong I'd walk in strides without a stick I'd even think that I was quick. But as in dreams where I can run I'd wake and fined this pains no fun.

Its burns it throbs my bones they rub it feels right down to a snarling nub. It take a while for my body to move it's really never very smooth I drag i crawl, i limp i hunch it can feel like i have took a punch.

There's times when life can look pretty grim it takes a hold and i shout I wont let you in. iv shook it off many times before. And say it time for you too go. I wont let you take charge of me yes pain you belong too me.


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 882

    Hi @Heatherbee

    What an amazing way with words you have. So many members will identify with everything you have so eloquently described.

    Thank you for your positive ending.

    I look forward to hearing from you again.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Heatherbee
    Heatherbee Member Posts: 13
    edited 17. Jan 2021, 17:44

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Love it😁

  • Aria
    Aria Member Posts: 4

    Hi Heatherbee, what an interesting way to think about pain like a person in this poem.    It has a sense of humour as well not letting pain win...    

    I am at stage where in my late 50s pain seems to be in so many parts of my body and I think it is complex because it's in my bones, muscles and nerves.   So, I take something for these specific areas and things generally; like turmeric is good for inflammation.  Also, hemp oil for pain (depending on its strength) or moods and skin care.  Plus, vitamin D and magnesium for immunity /calcuim for bone health so good nutrition can support us.   Hope you find this helpful, take care.

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hello @Aria and welcome to the online community,

    It's good to see you contributing to another member's post with your experience of living with pain in your bones, muscles and nerves, and the alternative treatments you take to help you. Of course, everyone is different, so what works for one doesn't always work for others, but it's great that these work for you.

    The Versus Arthritis website has a useful page you might like to read - it talks about alternative and complementary treatments, whether they work and whether they're safe:

    Best wishes, and keep posting!

    Anna (Mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm