Just venting
On the 5th March this year. I was Medically Capability Dismissed. I have several medical conditions. I have Osteoarthritis in both hands. I recently got my x-ray results. It says, There are severe degenerative changes within the middle to little fingers DIP joints bilaterally with more moderate degenerative of the MCP &…
Limited movement in knee
Hi All, Hope everyone is doing well. As some of you may know from previous posts, I have bad osteoarthritis in both my knees yet have also been dealing with chronic septic arthritis. I've been in hospital for a total of 50 days this year, had 9 surgeries in total including partial reconstruction of my knee by having a flap…
Poem, just a poem on psoriatic arthritis
Finger Up She’s got her swollen middle finger Extended, she can’t bend it back Into her palm, because it hurts too much, And stiff, And she doesn’t know why She’s been afflicted with a disease Called psoriatic arthritis She doesn’t think she deserves This tortured path, This throbbing red mess Is so annoying And sometimes…
Recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hip
Hi, I'm a newbie here. I have been struggling with pain in my right leg for a couple of years and coming up to 50. I have always been active and finding it very hard that the pain is limiting my life. After alot of pushing for, I had an MRI scan. The results aren't good. It is showing advanced osteoarthritis alongside…
Pain management for OA in neck?
I recently found out I have OA in my cervical spine which was picked up on an MRI I had for unrelated reasons four years previously (however this was not shared with me by medical professionals until recently when my physio went through the MRI report with me) I am 31 years old, I had a car accident at 14 which I think…
A specific type of feet pain, do U experience this too?
Hello x S plural :) I experience this 'fact' which I don't understand... Relatively still new to RA/diagnosed 6 months ago but affected & damaged in multiple body parts&locations. Now feet pain: not quite sure how to translate this into words, named by own brain as 'travelling pain'. (Which can be experienced else where…
Please help , What effect is sulfasalazine supposed to have? Joints seem to be getting worse
Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed with RA and am currently on two sulfasalazine tablets a day, I have my first appointment with a rheumatology nurse on Tuesday. They mentioned the full does of the tablet will be 6 a day so I am building up to that but what effect does sulfasalazine have on you? I still wake up with…
Septic arthritis twice
Hi Everyone, Hope you are all well :-) I've had a look on the info on the site and past posts I could find about septic arthritis of the knee yet just wondering if anyone else has had it and recovered and how you are doing now ? I had a routine arthroscopy back in Oct 2024, day surgery for multiple meniscus tears on left…
Newbie saying ello 👋🏻
Ello everyone. Newbie to this here community but hoping to be able to learn a bit more and speak with folks who understand what it's like living with OA. I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago and I'm really struggling with it all now as it appears to consume my whole body. Looking forward to getting to know yous. Rosie 😊
Another Newbie to the Forum
Hi all Just joined the forum. I have had Psoriatic Arthritis for 23 years and started on Methotrexate yesterday. It would be nice to get to know people who understand how hard it is mentally and physically. Going for a nose around. Pls say Hello 👋🏻
Hello, partner of a new PsA sufferer and I have many questions...
Hi, My partner was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis earlier this year (after going round in a few circles of being treated for gout and other things for a while!) After a few months of taking methotrexate and Lefluonmide, it feels like the pain and inflammation is getting under control. This morning though, he woke up in…
Recent diagnosis - feeling overwhelmed
Hi all, thanks for having me. I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the AC joint (shoulder) I'm 37, I broke my collar bone over a decade ago which is how I have ended up in this position. I've been going for physio every 4 week's and that definitely helps the muscles around the joint but the joint pain is…
What is best for knee pain
Hi What is best to use for really bad knee pain due to inflammation- I have been using a knee wrap, heat and a massage gun to help ease pain. Is there anything else anyone can suggest to help my pain please ?
Bad knee flare up advice and new medication
Hi Im 26 years old I have rheumatoid arthritis and I’m really struggling at the moment and I need advice, I started a new medication called leflunomide 5 weeks ago I’ve felt sick every day since I’ve taken it and I’m having a terrible time with my knee, I can’t walk on it, I’ve done all the things the hospital have told me…
Leg pain at night
Does anyone else on here experience pain in the legs at night, particularly the knees ( as I have osteoarthritis ), and it keeps me awake and I have to keep altering position or get up to walk about to find some relief..
What does your arthritic hip actually feel like?
I'm new to the group and have found the compassion, understanding and highly practical advice incredibly useful. This question is coming from a place of being new to an arthritic hip - severe apparently. With arthritis being such a personal experience, I realised what I hadn't seen was any indication of what others…
Feeling Ashamed?
Hi there, I found out I have osteoarthritis a year ago and have been dealing with chronic pain since then, I do think my weight along with genetics (my dad has had two knee replacements in his 50s) has added to it. I have to use a walking stick and, am always in some degree of pain. - some days are better than others. I…
should I have surgery?
Hello, first of all, I am using an English translation program, so I apologize for the mistakes in my writing, get well soon everyone, I have been diagnosed with advanced hip arthritis, doctors recommend prosthesis. The interesting thing is that I have no pain, yes I can walk long distances but with my cane, I have slight…
Grounding Sheets for Pain Relief
Hi. Has anyone heard of a ground or earthing mat or sheet? I understand they are effective for joint pain. A small sheet that is connected to the earthing point via your sockets. They apparently don’t use electricity and work even if the socket is turned off. I have had one recommendation and am thinking buying one for my…
Looking for social support
My PsA has found me living quite an isolated life. I struggle just to get through the day at work and there’s not much left to give after that. But I understand that if I continue to isolate I will have more stress and cope less and less with the pain. It’s such a perpetual cycle. So I’m reaching out for a hello, just to…
Hip pain what is your go to for pain relief?
Hello all A couple of months ago I developed a new pain in my hip that runs down my leg into my shin and ankle. I have an appointment for a scan in a couple of weeks so hoping to have a better diagnosis then as not sure if it is RA, OA (I have both) or something else. Have been advised by phone to use the usual pain…
Advice needed please
Hello, I'm 28 and have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I have 2 children and am a single mum. I feel so tired all the time to the point I'm falling asleep in the middle of the day. Was wondering if anyone knows anyway I can get my energy levels up or is it always going to be like this?
Pain but no swelling?
For several years both my knees get incredibly painful and swell. Sometimes so much I can't bend them at all! I've been told it might be seronegative inflammatory arthritis but nothing solid as yet. Over the last few months I've had pain in my l fingers which is sharp and sudden, some redness but zero visible swelling. My…
Feeling lost - needing a diagnosis
Hi everyone, Apologies for the long post. I'm feeling rather dejected and lost. Approximately 8 weeks ago I began experiencing pain in the knuckles of both index fingers and middle fingers. Gradually got worse with redness, swelling (weirdly worse in my left hand), increased pain, and the pain spreading to my wrists. I…
Cold sore
I developed a cold sore throughout the day yesterday and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill with one. I’ve had a sore face, earache, headache, swollen gland, eyes have felt swollen, extreme fatigue and more pain through my body than usual. I have PsA and osteoarthritis in my thumbs. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill…