New Hip Day



  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hi @tonytiger2432 , and welcome to this lovely forum. Sorry to hear you had such a false start, that must be deeply frustrating, but having lost an uncle who passed away on the operating table during routine knee surgery I know this is important (not wanting to scare you though!). You might get more responses if you start a new thread under the "Living with Arthritis" forum, maybe title it something like "Angina and hip replacement". I think I remember seeing threads where people have been juggling heart conditions with arthritis, so hopefully someone will come forward soon.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    Oh dear me @tonytiger2432

    This sort of thing has happened to others they do seem to need to cover themselves by getting a cardiac opinion.

    BIL had this with gallstones and daughter's FIL for prostate op. Both have very very minor heart murmurs that can apparently come with age anyway.

    Maybe they could consider doing your op using epidural rather than full General anaesthetic?

    Toni x

  • Twig
    Twig Member Posts: 9

    just wanted to say thank you for posting all of your diary. I am new to the community and like you was and hopefully will continue to be a hill walker. The need for replacement came as a complete shock having had an X-ray update in August to be told severe and no space. Today I had full replacement surgery and have found reading all the posts has helped me to prepare. I am now about 10 hours post op have been up in the crutches and at the moment feeling positive for the next part of the rehab journey

    thanks once again. I hope Lilymary you continue to improve your patience and ability tomm by peserve is inspiring


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    Hi @Twig Just a quick welcome to the online Community.

    There are several wonderful threads here @Lilymary started the trend I believe with this thread during the pandemic but there have been several since do take a look at @Janlyn , @Nurina , @alwayssewing to name but a few the latest person is @ItsjustLisa who had her surgery just a week ago.

    These threads are incredibly helpful and so supportive I hope you will get as much from reading them and chatting to our members as they all have.


    @Lilymary I remember what you went through so very well. Wonderful news long may this improvement last for you. You worked so hard you deserve to be feeling so much better.

    Best wishes to you too


  • Joma
    Joma Member Posts: 5

    Had Thr on left leg 8 days ago. Persevering with the exercises , very stiff, painfull & swollen. Pain the the groin area which isn't helping. However, main concern is I can't lift my leg up or my knee.

  • pollyana
    pollyana Member Posts: 12

    Hi Joma, we're on the same timeline, same leg THR last Friday. . I thought I'd share that I've also had pain in the groin area….not sure what it is and it comes and goes. I wasn't sure if it was just because I'd been overdoing it or using one crutch from time to time…..I hope it settles down for you. And not being able to lift your leg or knee…I wondered if you could call and speak to the physio and see what they say about that. Incase they have any advice?

    It's a definite marathon and this early stage is hard I think….😂 Keep having to tell myself this will pass and that I can do this….lol. Take care, hope this week goes well for you

  • @Joma I was very stiff at your stage. I couldn't bend my knee or lift my leg up. It'll be better soon when the wound is more healed. Take care

  • Joma
    Joma Member Posts: 5

    Thank you everyone, for your encouraging comments. Will ask physio when I go on the 13th.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Thanks for your comments, I'm so pleased people have found my account helpful. It's hard to believe that anyone finds joint replacement plain sailing. It's fine (and helpful) to share the grotty bits. @pollyanna and @Joma , I hope your journeys are going well. The worst is over now at least.

    Back on the ranch, it's "Ah rats!" the steroid injection has worn off after about 3.5 months. I've waited a while to see if it was just a strain, but it's not, it's back to 0/10 again. I'll go back to the surgeons to see if there's a plan F (or G? I've lost count). 🙄

    On the plus side, and despite this, I'm doing some gentle hill walking at last after the holiday drama, I've finally plucked up the courage to canter in my riding lessons (my left leg is so weak I'm amazed the horses don't end up just going round in circles!) - interestlingly another new hip rider has just joined our class and is doing well. I've also decided to look into bringing out The Big Guns by joining a gym to see if they can even up my leg strength a bit. My heroic right leg has decided it wants some credit for all the work it's been doing for 4 years by throwing a paddy in the achilles tendon. Honestly, if I did all the physio required for my various wonky bits, I'd be worn out. Sometimes I think Life is good enough exercise.

    Keep it up everyone, nil desperandum. Keep looking for small pleasures and try doing what I do after exercise, give your wonky legs a pat for at least trying so hard.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    @Lilymary a belated thank you from me. I read every single post in your diary before I had my THR almost a year ago and I found it useful although I am so sorry you've had, and are still having, a tough time.

    Sorry to hear your steroid injection has worn off, that's so disappointing for you. Thank you for your encouragement and wishing you best of luck plan whatever. Take care.

  • pollyana
    pollyana Member Posts: 12

    @Lilymary I'm so sorry your injection has worn off and hope you can get some help from the medics. I admire your determination, walking… horse riding too… I was nervous about horse riding without new hips! Thanks for inspiring us and for your support. I feel so lucky that my replacement has gone well and although initially it’s felt tough I’m able to move well. I need to take on your attitude to my recovery.. never give up and keep doing the things we love.

    Hoping you get some strength back… 🙂

  • hipityhop
    hipityhop Member Posts: 16

    I have really enjoyed reading about your hip journey ,the good and the bad!

    I am a newbie to the site and I am having my left hip replaced in less than two weeks! 😱
    I am particularly concerned about the feelings of having numb legs after the surgery due to my claustrophobia! I know everyone is different but how long would you say it takes to get some feeling back in your legs?

    Thank you

  • claudsl
    claudsl Moderator Posts: 151

    Hello @hipityhop

    I'm glad you've been able to read through this thread and hopefully you got some good tips from other comments. Here's an article about hip replacements that might have some more useful info for you.

    Hip replacement surgery | Treatment options | Versus Arthritis

    All the best for your surgery and make sure to keep us updated. We're here if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Claudia x

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    Hi @hipityhop, I've replied to your DM, but for anyone else wondering, I seem to remember it was a very short time (probably an hour or so?) before I got full feeling back in my leg. But you'll be bed bound for a while anyway while you get over the sedation and to let your leg settle down a bit, so it wasn't really a significant issue. By the time you're feeling human again, your leg should be feeling pretty normal. You'll be stuffed full of painkillers anyway, as let's face it, what's just happened to your leg is fairly extreme, but it's all to the good and the grinding arthritic pain in the joint will be gone forever! Hurrah!!

  • hipityhop
    hipityhop Member Posts: 16

    Many thanks for your kind reply and I will be taking it all on board!
    It certainly makes good sense that I will be safer laid up in bed until the anaesthesia wears off and I am certainly looking forward to not feeling that grinding bone on bone pain!!

    Thank you again !!!

    I will come back with an update!!!