Join me in losing weight with arthritis

I've noticed a few posts recently about how difficult it is to lose weight with arthritis, and it totally is! I've been struggling for ages to lose anything, despite it being pretty much the only thing the doctor talks to me about. Which is frustrating - I would still have arthritis even if I weighed less, but that's a different topic.
So, my thought was, if we got together as a group and said we'd support each other in losing weight. It might help, as we all understand the issues to do with arthritis, unlike other places about losing weight. We don't have to share actual measurements or weight if we don't want to, we can just say if we've had success or not, how we've felt, pass on tips or ideas, generally be a friendly place to discuss losing weight. Open to everyone.
Note: My exercise is close to non-existent. I sometimes go for a walk, and even more rarely I manage to persuade myself to do some home-based exercise. I sadly can't really afford a gym membership, so no swimming or classes etc for me. The good news is that apparently exercise has very little to do with weight loss. It will make you fitter and healthier, but apparently only has a very tiny impact on weight loss (one source: So, while I'm going to try to improve my exercise amount for my general fitness (and hopefully get some of those mythical mood-improving endorphins which I swear my exercise doesn't produce), my weight loss goals are focussed around what I eat, not what I do. Which is easier on the arthritis, but still very hard to control.
I'll start (obviously). I'm happy to share info - you don't have to! it's completely unnecessary for this:
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
So I'm 38, have arthritis in both knees, and I'm very overweight. I believe my BMI is actually classed as obese. The NHS says my "healthy weight" is 8st6 to 11st5, so I need to lose in excess of 7 stone to make them happy.
My main start is to cut out snacks - especially chocolate. I am guilty of eating chocolate or cakes when I'm feeling down and depressed. Also when I'm on my period (sorry guys, but it's a real thing). So I'm cutting this out completely..... Almost completely. I'm allowing myself 2 shortbread fingers at most once a day with tea, and occasionally I'll have a couple of squares of dark chocolate (I normally have milk, so this is a huge change, and much less). I'm also allowing myself to have milkshake, as I love it so much. This is the powdered milkshake you stir into milk. I suppose if I got myself a good blender I could make healthier milkshakes, but again that's an expense I'm not prepared for (those things are expensive). I'm allowing myself these so that when I feel the need, I've got an allowed way to indulge and feel a bit better about myself, so I don't beat myself up.
I'm not following any particular diet, and I do not have the patience to count calories, so I'm attempting to be sensible with my food - cutting out needless carbohydrates like chips, having more vegetables, cutting down on take-aways. We currently have 1 take-away a week. I'm going to try to half this, as they are some of my most unhealthy meals. I'm not going full low-carb tho, as I enjoy having whole-grain fibre-full breakfasts (porridge is my favourite). They help me with digestion, and I'm not willing to cut them out to go full low-carb. I have swapped all sugar in my tea to sweetners, and I'm trying to cook meals myself rather than use pre-prepared ones from the shops. I rarely have lunch, sometimes my milkshake is it for lunch, so I'll need to be aware that if I do get hungry then I'm more prone to snacking.
My plan is to come on here approx once a week and update on if I succeeded at following my plan that week or not, where I did well, what ideas I had (if any). No shame if I don't do well, just a look back on what happened and to support anyone else who chooses to join me. My hope is that by being accountable to someone it'll give me more motivation to be "good" - and maybe I'll help someone else on here struggling with the same thing.
I'll be back next week!
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
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I think you have a good plan, @Shaphron . Exercise is very important for arthritis but, to lose weight, eating less and eating the right foods is key.
@Turbogran , who now only posts in 'Val's cafe', lost a lot of weight and we've had other successes, notably a lady confined to a wheelchair who lost 5 stones.
I'm lucky in that I've never had a weight problem but, if ever I've felt I was getting a bit too much, I've just not bought cakes, crisps, biscuits etc for a while. As getting to the shops is difficult and painful that means I don't eat them. I'm also lucky in that I dislike pastry and cream and my stomach dislikes chocolate even though I do like it.
A little treat every so often is good for all of us.
I wish you the best of luck.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright1 -
I have added lockdown-lard to my already excess weight and need to lose 3 stones +. At 75 I too find it extremely difficult to shed those damaging lbs after having had to adapt from a previously extremely active life and also having an underactive thyroid following surgery for Graves disease in 1992. The unwanted kilos have been creeping on for the past 15 years. I hate them with a passion but have done nothing serious about them - several starts but as many finishes!!
Lockdown has brought a long, frustrating saga of house-moving which sees us away from our much loved cycle paths and living in a small, poorly-maintained and gardenless rented house - more comfort-snacking!! Now we are within two weeks of moving into our new permanent home where there will be loads to do and the chance to explore new cycleways etc so there is no excuse for not committing to a weight loss regime.
You can count me in, Shaphron, and I await the metaphorical sound of your starting pistol and the announcement of 'weighing-in day.
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It's a new week! (I know, Wednesday is an odd day, but it's my day I'm always on here...)
This week hasn't been great. It started off well - I had no sweets at all wednesday to friday (not including a milkshake). But Saturday & Sunday weren't so good. Monday was better, but we did have a take-away, and yesterday was acceptable.... I did go for a walk on Saturday, but I'm pretty sure it in no way balanced out the sweets.
Haven't weighed myself, mostly because I need to buy some scales....
Hi @crinkly - great to have you joining in! I can't imagine but that this will be a long process, so I'm going to be here for quite a while 😊 I think I'm in the assessment stage of this, working out what I'm currently doing and what I plan on changing, but as soon as I've bought a set of scales I'll be updating my weight every week as well as sharing my analysis of how I'm doing. There isn't a set start date - so join in as soon as you're ready.
I have had a thought this week - pasta is one of my partner's favourite things to eat, but it's not healthy. So I've swapped our pasta to a mix of wholewheat, lentil and chickpea pasta. I can't really taste the difference. My partner can, but he says it's an acceptable change (not great, but acceptable).
I'm trying to think of ways I can eat "normally" while still making healthy choices. I know at some point I'm going to have to be more caring and strict about calories and making sure I stick to a reduction in intake, but I'm working up to it....
Be back next week.
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
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You've made a start, which is good. Even better, I see no need to discard pasta. Surely it's what we put with it that counts more than the actual pasta. Obvióusly not cheesy sauces but, according to this dependable survey, pasta can actually help in losing weight
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright1 -
I'm back again, Shaphron to announce that last Sunday marked my initial weigh-in (to my relief my weight was the same as at Christmas 2020) and I'll torment the scales each Sunday from now on!
As an added incentive I have pledged to donate £1 for each pound I lose to the local branch of the charity with which I volunteer.
I know exactly what I need to do in terms of eating and this hot weather is a great time to begin as I seldom feel genuinely hungry. As soon as we get our house-moving date I will also be busier so hope to break the snacking habit too.
Meanwhile I've made a reasonable beginning and only sneaked one choccy bar this week but will have to do better so bought more small apples and hope the guilt will cut in now I've made my mission public!
The challenge has begun...................... Has anyone a load of will-power going spare???? 🍏
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Crinkly, you don't need added will power. I read your thread on post-shoulder-op exercises and know you can do this.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright0 -
I will certainly join you in this and check in regularly I need to lose about 3 stone. I am using WW app to help me keep a check on everything but using a wheelchair means exercise is virtually impossible so I need to rely on eating the right things. We can do this!!💪
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First weekly weigh in and I've shed 2lbs without trying as hard as I might so am pleased. 🙂
Thought a lot about your words, SW, and decided that this is equally as important in the long term as rehabbing my shoulder was so will regard it as another medical issue. That way it should receive as much attention and self-discipline..
Like Sharon K I am a wheelchair user although part time so can move around indoors under my own steam but know it may take longer to lose my excess 3 stones than otherwise. This week will see us in our long-awaited new home with loads to be done so I should be distracted from frequent visits to the food cupboards, which will help. 😏
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Hi @Shaphron thanks for your interesting post. I struggled with my weight for a long time, meds for another condition caused immense weight gain and arthritis made it worse. Finally I’m well on the way to being happy with my weight. I’m one of the many people not disciplined enough to count calories, but I generally try and eat fresh fruit , veg, etc, though admittedly I do need to increase the fruit. What has been helping me is limiting high sugar foods and saturated fats. For things like the dreaded Cornish pasty, for example, I have a 28 day rule, so roughly once a month or whatever Chocolate I find addictive, so I kind of ration it a bit further, as it were. Hope this helps. Take care.
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Hi Turbogran here over this lockdown I have put on weight, I don’t need to weigh myself I ban feel I have. As Stickywicket said I lost nearly 5 and a half stone previously with SlimmingWorld, and I am going to go back to it but instead of doing it in a group setting I will be doing it online, so wish me luck I will let you know when I start again.
Stay positive always👍xx1 -
Following all of the excellent posts as have been overweight for all my life. I am 50, and only just been diagnosed with Arthritis (after a slow build up of pain and knee giving out since Christmas), but I am determined to lose more weight.
I suffer with many medical issues, one of which is stomach / Oesophagus related, so am aware of what I can/cannot eat due to irritating it.
I am on so much medication, and I know that at least one of them isn't particularly helpful when trying to lose weight.
Look forward to reading your posts.
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Hi all - thanks so much for sharing your journey / ideas and suggestions! I wasn't expecting this many people to take an interest 😊
I'm starting with the good news - my new scales have arrived and I've lost 3lbs since my last weigh-in (which was end of May...) - so I'm taking this as this idea is working!
I've been pretty good this week. I had a couple of days where I was feeling pretty miserable (period cramps are evil) and one day my partner even asked if I wanted him to go out and buy me some chocolate, and I said no. I was sensible Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday I did have a take-away which included a bit milkshake, which wasn't great. I had a couple of biscuits on Saturday, and Monday we had some good news from the Tax man (rebate on last year) so we went out for a meal to celebrate. This did include walking into town to get to the restaurant, so at least I off-set it with some exercise. I admit I have allowed myself 2 squares of dark chocolate today, as I felt the need.
Yesterday I had a craving for bolognaise so I made a big pot with enough for leftovers today or tomorrow, so that will help with cooking and being sensible as well. Having leftovers available makes it so much easier to eat sensibly when you don't feel like cooking.
As an analysis, I think I'm doing OK, but I haven't managed to cut down on take-aways yet, nor have I increased my exercise even a little. I have done a good job on cutting out sugary snacks and chocolate, so that's a big positive. It's a good first step, and I need to keep this up. Making more big meals which I can save for another day is going to be a tool I use - especially for Friday's when I'm more likely to get a take-away as my partner is out Friday evenings, so it's just me.
So happy for you @crinkly - 2lbs a week is (apparently) what we should be aiming for as steady and sustainable weight loss! You hit it perfectly! @Sharon_K - great to have you onboard! It's so much easier to do things together.
@stickywicket - I don't have to discard pasta, but changing it up to wholegrain pasta and adding in some which have more protein in can help when you have it a lot! Although having it help in weight loss does sound like a great thing, so it's not going completely. We still have the normal filled pasta tortellini for when we don't feel like cooking.
@Turbogran - good luck on SlimmingWorld! You've done it before, so you know you can do it again. If you want support we'll be here as well, although we're not as organised as SlimmingWorld. What's their online program like?
@bosh - thanks for letting us know it can be done. It's good to know how others have succeeded. You're idea of rationing the "bad" foods is a great one - I'll be using that definitely.
@Reb - Weight loss is something I've struggled with for years, so this is me finally making a proper go at it. If you think it'll help you can join us in our challenge, but there's no pressure 😊 I hope we'll be interesting to read either way!
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
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All the very best of luck. It's daunting to look at the goal, so I've found the best approach is small, realistic goals. This means not thinking "I want to lose 100lbs". It's thinking "I want to lose 2lbs *this week*".
I personally think the effect of exercise is underrated but we are all different and will all find our own way. It will build and tone muscle, increasing your metabolism; curb your appetite; lift your mood and make it easier to make healthy choices; increases self-esteem, which can motivate you. Of course with arthritis we are limited in what we can do. But "exercise" doesn't have to mean going for a jog. It means keep moving as much as possible.
Statements in this article like "You work hard on that machine for an hour, and that work can be erased with five minutes of eating afterward," is overly simplistic. Meaningful, sustained weight loss is about changing your lifestyle. People who lose weight by severely restricting calories are destined to regain the weight, because you cannot stay hungry for the rest of your life.
So I think you are doing the right thing by reducing carbohydrates, but not cutting them out completely. And also not eliminating all treats. Good luck.
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I am totally wheelchair bound now , need several joints replace & waited five years & they still wont do it ,
One thing they did not like was my weight , I needed to lose 40kg ( about 6 stone ) since last september when I was in hospital with sepsis , I have lost 28kg & got about 1.5 stone to go , it can be done even if you can't stand/walk , still dont mean they would do my joints though
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In the midst of a house move I wasn't able to weigh in/out yesterday so it will have to be delayed until next weekend. 😕
On the 'worst' days of the move we resorted to take-aways so I'm not expecting great things but am so chuffed with our new house that I have easily steered clear of biscuits etc with tea/coffee. My lovely OH can consume anything without putting on weight but he is finally getting the message that I don't need to be offered tempting edibles with my cuppa! 🍰
Until our bikes get here with the bulk of our furniture my exercise regime consists of short bursts of applying emulsion to walls so at least I am more active than for the past six months. (We were living in a small rented house waiting for sale and purchase contracts to be exchanged.) 🚲️
The OA in my spine, knees and hips dictates the length of time I can stand on a step ladder but much of the wall is accessible from a stool. My reverse shoulder replacement is reacting quite well to the stretching needed so that's good but, with every joint, I know I must take heed of the onset of increasing pain and build in frequent breaks if I'm to avoid such nasties as Sciatica. The start of Wimbledon will make these 'breaks' extremely pleasant so long as I remember they are only 'breaks' from the main task of decorating! 💺
At present then I feel very positive that I might just make it to another 4lbs (2 each for this week and last week) by next Sunday. Don't hold your breath but I will let you know in due course. 🤗
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Hi all!
This week on my weigh-in I have lost 1lb, which isn't much but it's actual progress, and a good, steady progress at that. I'll be happy if I lose 1lb a week, so all is good!
On my round up of the past week, I've actually had 1 very bad day (last Friday) where the day just went wrong from the start, and I ended up buying a couple of pastries to eat to try to cheer myself up, so I'm especially please I did lose weight this week. The kiddies were over this weekend which is good and bad - good in that I got exercise going out swimming with them, and walking etc, but bad because they have snacks, which we buy for them, but then they don't eat the whole packet, so we are left with snacks in the house for this week, which just ask to be eaten.... So on Monday and Tuesday I did have some small snacks, but I have managed to limit it to one a day.
@DorothyParker - I agree, exercise is very important for people's fitness and health. I'm not convinced that lots of exercise helps with losing weight, specifically. Exercise is a very good thing to do, and I do try to do it and am hoping I will increase the amount I exercise, but for the purposes of losing weight I am more focussing on what I eat as I believe this has more of an impact. Also, for those of us with arthritis, especially those of us with sever mobility issues, exercise can be daunting and painful, so the purpose of this group is to show we can lose weight without focussing on exercise, thus making it accessible for everyone with arthritis or other conditions.
@crinkly - sounds like you're doing very well! It's so hard to say no when someone offers you those biscuits isn't it 🙄 I'm moving house myself in August, and I'm looking forward to actually having a garden , which I hope will make it easier to do some small, regular exercise, as then I'll have a purpose to it (I enjoy gardening and have missed having one).
Will be back next week!
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
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Hi @Shaphron , sounds like you’re making great progress! Well done. I agree, that’s an immense pain, isn’t it? When there’s a partly eaten packet of “ treat food” in the house. I sometimes keep other family members’ junk food in a really high up cupboard that I can just about reach, but not very easily, it sort of makes me think twice about eating it, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, lol. I’m not any form of nutritionist, by any means, but i sometimes buy sugar free sweets, cake etc, only problem is that it can be a bit expensive (and over-consumption can cause laxative effect).
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I was about to report again but am disappointed to see that Saphron's idea of starting a thread for all those of us who need to lose weight doesn't seem to have caught on.
For now I will continue with my efforts (not entirely successful this week!) and hope those who also struggle with the pounds will find their own best way of tackling the challenge. 😊
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Hi @crinkly please do keep posting. I have tried no end of times and it always helps when you have others around you who keep going as well. OK so this is the first time I've posted on this thread, but keep trying. I've lost a few pounds during lockdown (lockdown 2 or 3 or whatever number we are on now) and trying to go for more walks. Luckily my arthritis is in my hands so I can still walk OK.
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Day late this week - I’m not at home this week and everything’s been a bit confused. I weighed myself on the scales here and they say I’ve lost about 9 pounds, so I think the scales are not weighing the same as my ones at home and I’m not logging that this week…
Due to various reasons I’ve had a few “bad” days this week, so I’m not expecting much when I get home and do weigh myself. This week on the whole has been a bit stressful and difficult, and I recognise that eating something sweet is a thing I’ve done to try to feel better. So while I’ve not eaten as much as I would have previously to attempting to lose weight, I’ve definitely eaten more than I wanted to.
I still haven’t managed to get into any form of routine for exercise, which I really should - especially exercises for my knees. I know my biggest problem is I find the knee exercises incredibly boring, but I just have to get over that and do it anyway. This is still a work in progress.
@crinkly - while it is a little sad that others aren’t joining in as much, I believe the practice of coming in here and doing an update and a reflect back on the previous week has helped me, so I’ll probably keep it up myself. People have had some great suggestions on ideas to try and that is quite valuable. I like to think there are people reading who don’t like posting but who do find it either helpful or interesting to read.
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
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OK - I will come clean and admit that only one pound was dropped in the past two weeks so a total of 3lbs in three weeks, Could be worse but could also be much better and I admit to having raided the choccy biscuits drawer when things became stressful.
Our new house is starting to feel more like 'home' and there is masses to occupy my time so I have good intentions. Current exercise consists of assembling flat-packed furniture also applying paint to walls and a successfully upcycled sideboard-cum-display unit fond on a free recycling website. All very enjoyable but hardly burning many calories!
We are making the house move in stages so are currently transferring the last of our bare essentials from a small rented property and adding storage space in the new house so there are places to put our belongings. When we have enough capacity and the paint is dry we'll ask the removals firm to bring everything from their storage facility in our old home town,
Weight bearing exercise is almost impossible thanks to long-standing spondylosis so it will be good to welcome our trusty bikes to their new abode.
NB Just got the exciting news that our elder son and his lovely family, who live in Dubai, have managed to plan a short Summer trip to the UK (via Malta) for the first time in two years. We are thankful for Skype but it will be so good to see and hg them all again!!
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I need to lose 1.5-2 stone, but my problem is that when I look at diet sheets, they’re usually actually more than I currently eat! I did manage to lose a stone in the first lockdown by cutting out alcohol, crisps and reducing refined sugars, but it’s all piled back on. (Oddly, I’ve lost my taste for alcohol and don't feel inclined to start again.)
My worst weaknesses are chocolate and biscuits, which I eat mostly when stressed. Plus my husband does the cooking, and he’s very fit and athletic and used to cooking for two athletic sons. He feels he’s cheating me if he gives me less than he gives himself. I’m perfectly capable of eating as much as he does, so we use the “small plate“ rule to reduce portion size, but sometimes it means he still gives me the same amount but piles it higher! Plus he needs lots of carbs given his calorie burning life style, and doesn’t seem to mind having an increasingly fat wife. So most of our meals have spuds, pasta, rice, pastry etc, all of which I could happily ditch (and go veggie) if left to my own devices.
I did the 5:2 diet years ago and it really worked for me, but it does take a bit of mental discipline, and given the events of the last 18 months, not eating normally on top of managing pain etc was just a bridge too far for me, but maybe it’s time I gave it another go. (Not least because none of my summer clothes fit me...)
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11 weeks on the diet and nearly 2 stone down. I have got to do it- I have an appt with knee surgeon in a month and I really want surgery to fix my knee. I'm on about 1200 calories a day and have gone onto orlistat weight loss drug (via GP) which is speeding up weight loss. It isn't suitable for everyone but I think has speeded up results
I won't lie it has not been easy but I have no choice. It has got to be done
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