news update on the third dose of the vaccine
Hi @Chrisd - welcome to the online community!
I see you are having difficulty with getting your third primary vaccination as your GP surgery and Rheumatology team do not seem to know about it. Sadly it seems a few of our other members are in the same place!
I can confirm that the 6 month gap is for the booster, not for the third primary vaccination for the immune-suppressed, so if they are telling you that then they are confused as to what they are talking about.
It might be worth following @Rosiepup's example and taking in a copy of this letter Versus Arthritis have provided for you to better explain what is needed. You are absolutely right to be chasing this up. I'd advise starting with your GP again and if necessary moving on to your Rheumatology department, but really the theory is your GP should be organising the 3rd vaccinations. You could maybe also try taking a copy of the NHS England guidance as provided in this comment:
Do let us know how it goes! This is definitely something worth fighting for.
Please have a look around the rest of the community too and be welcome to join in any discussion you find interesting. We always like hearing from new and different voices and opinions.
Lovely to meet you!
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As an update, rang my GP again and after a lot of denial that a 3rd dose separate to the booster even existed she went away, came to back to state yes we have read the letter 'this morning' but they have no involvement and I would be contacted by our local Clinical Commissioning group with a letter to state we can go to a walk in centre for the 3rd jab. My mum actually got one of these letters from the group so seems to make sense.
I guess its just a matter of waiting now and hoping they have captured me as severely immunosuppressed. I know its all new but it does seem hard work to get something that would provide us with more protection.
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It seems that things are moving slowly. I was told by my gp that I would get a letter this week from my ccg. Mine hadn't arrived yesterday. I spoke again to my gp surgery and they printed the letter which I took to a vaccination centre today. I got my 3rd dose this morning. I had to wait a bit as an extra to the already full booster clinic but was happy to do so. For those still waiting hang in there. It's been a very stressful and difficult wait for many of us. Hopefully we will all be sorted soon xx
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I'm happy to report that after ringing my GP's surgery for an update I've also been able to book my 3rd jab for next week. I would definitely recommend that anyone who thinks they're eligible and is having trouble getting this jab prints off the Versus Arthritis letter mentioned above and takes it to their GP's surgery, I'm sure I'd still be in limbo otherwise. Many thanks, Versus Arthritis!
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3rd Primary dose to be given 8 weeks after 2nd. Booster (which is different) given 6 months after 2nd! My GP denies all knowledge and responsibility and a heated discussion with consultant secretary on Thursday last when she told me there was no such thing as a 3rd Primary dose for the immunosuppressed ended with her saying the consultant will call me after he has read the advice from JCVI of 1st Sept 21, that I provided her with!!!!!!!!!!! As proof of the 3rd jab that she thought there was no such thing!!!
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I have been batted back and forth between my GP's surgery receptionists, NHSVaccine, and my local hospital. No-one wants to take responsibility for booking my third primary COVID-19 vaccine, and I am not allowed to book it myself. My consultant told me at the end of Sept that I was eligible for the 3rd primary vaccine dose, and she wrote to my GP asking them to arrange it. I went to the surgery for my flu jab and was told the third vaccine was nothing to do with them. I then received a text from NHSVaccine, telling me to call the surgery to arrange the third dose. I have been in touch with the surgery 5 times (they refused to book a call with a doctor), with 119, and with my hospital rheumatology dept, and the advice changes every time and booking the third vaccine is always someone else's responsibility. I was assured by the surgery that I would receive a letter from the NHS, telling me how to book the third vaccine; it arrived yesterday, and guess what - the advice is to contact your GP or hospital consultant...
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I do think it depends on your local clinical commission, the advice on the letter from our local CC (which I still have not received) tells you to take the letter to a walk in clinic which are listed on the letter.
Anyway I got so fed up with the GP and lack of letter that I took my rheumatology letter written to my GP after a normal consultation which showed my condition and medication, I also took my biological patient card and went to the walk in clinic and told them I was eligible showing them the documentation. While they still argued I should be bringing a letter from the Local clinical commission they accepted I was eligible and gave me the third jab.
I feel the pain of everyone else with the lack of knowledge and denials you come up against but make sure you keep pestering and get what you need.
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I hadn't even heard of a 3rd vaccination - as opposed to a booster vaccination - until last week and since then trying to get information I've had a similar response to many here. I called the NHS Scotland Covid Vaccination helpline and the agent I spoke to said he'd checked my records and that I wasn't flagged as having a condition leading to immunosuppression. I told him that only last month I'd received a letter from NHS Scotland stating that 'as I had a condition leading to immunosuppression any 12-17 year old living in my household could now get vaccinated'. He could only suggest I called my GP. Contacted my GP this morning and they are taking nothing to do with Covid vaccination and could only confirm my records stated I'm taking immunosuppressing drugs. I called the Helpline again today and the agent had to go check with her supervisor only to confirm I should have a 3rd vaccine - and get the flu vaccine at the same time. However their booking system is down and could I call back Wednesday as it should be up by then.
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Hi to all,
Just wanted to offer my personal experience of this as was very surprised by how easy this was. I got a letter from my Rheumatology team at Leeds Teaching Hospitals explaining that I was eligible for a third dose, and to book through the Vaccine Centre at Leeds United's football ground. Received the letter on the Friday and got the third dose at lunchtime the same Sunday.
The letter was very clear about it being a third dose and I will be invited for a booster in 6 months time. My brother got the same letter etc from same hospital but Mum who is on the same meds has received nothing from her hospital but got a call from her GP to have it.
Think as others say is it will depend on your local health care systems interpretation of the guidance.
Hope you all get a straight answer soon.
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thank you all for this important feedback on your experience. We are passing it on to our information and campaigning teams
Best Wishes
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Just a quick update to the post I made above. It concerned me that the NHS Covid staff were unaware that I was immunosuppressed. I read the various linked documents on this site regarding Covid vaccination and I initially thought I had maybe fallen through the cracks as I only started on methotrexate a week after my first vaccination. From the stuff I've read it appears to be what drugs you were on before the vaccination that counts. However on reading further I realised that as I was also on oral Prednisolone (more than 10mg) almost constantly between November 2020 and March 2021. So I called my GP again this morning and again spoke only to the receptionist. Apparently they had forgotten to put a 'shielding flag' on my records and this was probably why the NHS Covid staff weren't processing me for a 3rd vaccination.
So for those that haven't yet received an invitation to a 3rd vaccine it may be worth chasing your GP.
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Well I'm slowly losing the will to live with this. I've spent most of today on phone call after phone call. I called the NHS Scotland Covid Vaccination Help line first thing and had to go through the whole thing again. It appears to be outsourced to a call centre that has limited access to your records. The agent said they'd need speak to a supervisor and came back to say that my GP needed to electronically submit a form requesting the 3rd vaccine for me. So I called my GP and hit the receptionist barrier. The receptionist asked where I'd got the information that I should receive a 3rd vaccine and not wait for a booster. I again explained that I had only found out about 3rd covid vaccines last week and found from the Versus site the JCVI recommendation which I appeared to meet. I kid you not she asked me to spell out the URL for the JCVI statement on the government website - it must be 100 characters long! Anyway she communicated with the GP, found the form, the GP filled it in and sent it off electronically. An hour later I got a call from a number that doesn't take return calls. The person said they'd received a form from my GP to book me a booster vaccination appointment. I explained it was for a 3rd vaccination, was told that's another form and I'd need go back to my GP to request she submit it correctly. This I did and I heard nothing since. So assuming that the previous call from the non return call number must have been the NHS Scotland Covid Vaccination Help line I've just called them again, went through the whole story. At least this agent knew about the 3rd vaccine requirement but then informed me they didn't book this and that it was my local health board who did. I simply cannot find a number on their website I can call.
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Hi Team. after a long hibernation im baccccck :D
I can relate to Jamie above. with all the good the government and nhs has done with the first and second vacine rollout it now feels like the left hand doesnt know what the right is doing.
back story.
ive worked for 41 years in the worst hit hospital in the country. the past 18 months from home due to like most of you being imuno suppressed and on methotrexate (20mg), sulphasalazine (1gm a day) and anti tnf bio similar (remsima 6 weekly).
first jab went hunky dorey. 31/1/21 phizer done at my hospital.
second jab i got a call the day i was having my infusion so said i cant have the jab for at least 2-3 weeks. went back after 3 weeks and jab centre was deserted. hospital had rum out of jabs and were not getting any more stock in. long story short it took over a week and through desperation phoning the pharmacy drug helpline they finally found me a jab but i had to travel into central london to lords cricket ground to get it but finally done on 28/4/21
upto date. due to my infusion being next week 3/11/21 i went to my hospital to see if i could get a jab a week early (should officially of been yesterday). after explaining to numerous techs, doctor, pharmacist they agreed that i could have it last monday 18/10/21.
now the fun starts.
i had read that there was a booster and also a full dose for imunosupressed. after much discussion i was told that they were exactly the same thing so was given a booster shot. no side effects except sore arm for a day.
literally an hour later when i got home there was a letter waiting from the nhs (i have attached below).
letter stated i needed a jab which is different to the booster. but then contradicts itself saying if you have already had the booster class this as your third dose.
the next day i took this letter into my infusion centre who were a bit concerned as they had not heard of this. the head nurse then mentioned i wonder if this is why we are getting lots of calls from patients confused who may have also received this same letter.
i then took the letter to the jab centre and showed them. after a doctor and pharmacist had seen it they informed me that the jab was exactly the same with the same amount of vacine in the booster and a full dose.
confused is an understatement as mentioned on here previously above there does indeed seem to be 2 sorts of vacines. a booster and a full dose or am i reading into this wrong.
so who is correct? anyone care to enlighten me.
thanks Jim
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I think I've finally cracked it, Jim.
- All doses are the same quantity.
- Most people get a first primary dose, a second primary dose and a booster.
- We immunosuppressed get a first primary, a second primary and a third primary dose. Plus, six months after the third, a booster.
- In simpler terms, they get three doses and we get four.
- Whatever first two doses everyone had, the third and booster jabs will be Pfizer or Moderna.
Clear as mud, isn't it? I shall now lie down in a darkened room.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright3 -
I think you've correctly and succinctly nailed it. Pity you don't work for the health service publication department.
Since I had still not heard anything I called my GP back and got stuck with another receptionist. Went through the whole thing again, correcting her regarding 3rd/booster and asking if the correct form had indeed been sent. I'd found out that it's local health boards that are supposed to be organising this and the number who called me previously had been from them( according to whocalledme website). The receptionist couldn't confirm anything, couldn't give me a number to call at the health board and suggested I go to a drop in vaccine centre or 'just wait'. I asked to speak to a GP and was told the first available telephone consultation was next Thursday. Since my PsA was diagnosed on 30 Oct 2020 I've had one face to face with my GP (and then only as a reluctant emergency callout) despite 6 hospital admissions totally some 35 days in hospital.
I've decided to look for another GP practice so if anyone can recommend one in the west end of Glasgow I'd appreciate it.
For anyone in Scotland a page has appeared on the government website in the last few days regarding the 3rd vaccine.
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@stickywicket has called it right. Immuno-suppressed are in line for a fourth vaccination six months after third/booster and there is no difference in vaccine or dosage between the two. There has been no mention - AFAIK - of a fourth jab in the national media or NHS or other health websites. I only discovered this when I phoned 199 as I was left utterly confused by information I was receiving from GP practice.
First they offered me a booster appointment for Oct 9th. Then they cancelled it as I was two weeks short of six months since second dose. Next they offered me an appointment for Nov 6th - two weeks after reaching the six months mark. After that they sent me a letter saying I was eligible for a third dose and:
"It is part of your primary course of vaccination and is separate to a booster vaccination which you will likely become eligible for in six months time, pending further advice." (my emphasis)
When I contacted my GP practice after receiving this letter I was told they had no Covid clinics before Nov 6th. When I booked online - on Thursday - I was offered a choice of two GP clinics including my own for today (which I couldn't make) or tomorrow. So I'm off for my third jab tomorrow morning but shall take the letter I received with me so that it is logged as a third dose, not a booster.
It's confusing but the good thing is - at least in this neck of the woods - that when eligible booking online is offering dates the following day.
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I think you've explained it correctly and succinctly - it's a pity you don't work for the NHS notification department.
My GP still appears to not know about a 3rd vaccine for the immunosuppressed. Since I hadn't had a call back from the non-return number that had called me regarding the booster vaccine (it turns out this is my local health board) I called my GP again. Still didn't get passed the receptionist who was still referring to it as a booster. Despite explaining in some detail to her as to why I wanted it sorted I got nowhere. She eventually suggested I simply go to a walk-in vaccine clinic and try my luck or 'just wait' - I was tempted to ask her if she knew what immunosuppressed meant. I asked to speak to a GP and was told the first available telephone appointment was next Thursday. I'm now looking to change my GP surgery so if anyone can recommend one in the west end of Glasgow I'd appreciate it.
For information it would appear that a new page has appeared on the Scottish government website detailing how this will be rolled out.
Note that they are saying that your flu vaccine won't be done at the same time.
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well done team. ill authorise a pay rise for you all.
all i know is my card has booster written on it. ill wait to hear if we will be offered a 4th shot.
now im having fun trying to get my 95 year old mum in for her jab. first two were oxford and done at home by gp doctor. they do not have the vacine this time so are out sorcing but as mum doesn not use a mobile or have an email weve had no contact. phoned gp earlier and have now started getting text messages for her to book but will have to take her to a school about 2 miles away but have been told queues are outside and around the building on a daily basis. no chance im standing out there in the cold and rain with her.
the saga continues.....
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Just an update to this. I had an actual face to face consultation with a GP today and he said his colleague had sent the corrected form last Wednesday and assumed I'd been contacted. He had no means of contacting the health board unit for this process. He could only suggest I went back to the vaccines helpline. I did to no avail - they are not handling the 3rd vaccine it's down to the local health board for which they had no number. I lost the rag and called the health board head office. The receptionist stopped me mid track and said he'd put me through to the department concerned - I got the feeling from his resigned tone he'd had this many times before. The agent I then spoke to confirmed they handled the requests for the 3rd vaccine and also confirmed they had never received the correct form from my GP - only the incorrect form. She said I'd be contacted quickly as soon as they received the correct form and she gave me a direct contact number. I went back to my GP surgery and asked - via the receptionist - that the GP send the correct form and then follow up with a phone call to confirm it had been received.
So I'm patiently waiting for a call from the health board to book an appointment once they've had the correct form.
From my understanding of this process - for Greater Glasgow Health Board - is that :-
- The GP identifies patients that fall into one of the categories that require a 3rd vaccine.
- The GP fills in the correct form and forwards it to the health board vaccine service electronically
- The vaccine service contact the patient by telephone to book them in for a 3rd vaccine
I wouldn't leave anything to chance and I'd suggest you call your GP yourself to get the ball rolling
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Sorry one thing I forgot to add - my GP this morning said it was necessary to get this right and not just get a booster vaccination. He said that the booster is either Pfizer or Moderna and that the Moderna booster is only a half dose whereas the Pfizer is a full dose. He said the 3rd doses are Pfizer and are also full doses.
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what a cock up and a half.
similar here.
my rhumy consultant contacted me yesterday just as a follow up to see what my issue was. i explained about the letter that i posted above and he aggreed it was very misleading. he then explained i would be getting another booster in 6 months time and yes i should have got a full jab this time and not a booster (so why are we told they are different but they are actually not and the same strength and amount in both full and booster).
im guessing the only difference is the actual word and it should of been writen down on the card as full primary dose and not booster. the mind boggles.
then onto my mum who is 95.
surgery came out to home for first and second dose but are not for third. but as mum has no mobile she will not be bombarded with text saying book your jab now a few miles away, so no good for those that are housebound.
i rang gp yesterday to arrange for mum and her friend to have a jab at a hospital on saturday where i can take them so finally thats all sorted as well.
they are certainly not making things easy for patients.
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Just an update on this - with a happy ending! I was booked to see my rheumatology clinic yesterday afternoon as an ongoing check up. The nurse I saw checked me over and gave me the results of my blood tests from 2 weeks ago and said she was very happy with the results and the Amgevita is obviously working. During our chat I mentioned the 3rd vaccine and the issues I'd had with my GP. She said I wasn't the first - actually I was her second already today - and she immediately went onto her email account, sent an email to the vaccine service and said to expect a call soon. I got a call as I was on my way home, was booked in for this morning and had my 3rd dose of Pfizer as well as my flu vaccine. Only slight hiccup was the staff at the vaccine centre were initially going to give me the Moderna vaccine as a booster. When I told them it was actually a 3rd vaccine as I was on immunosuppressant drugs they checked with the person in charge and changed to Pfizer and said it would be recorded as a 3rd dose vaccine and to expect a booster in 6 months. I certainly wouldn't blame them for not knowing I was there for a 3rd vaccine - it's a major production line after all with 12 vaccine stations working flat out - and they quickly sorted it out. So I'd maybe suggest it's worth re-emphasising to the staff sticking in the needle that you are there for a 3rd vaccination not a booster.
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Great news Jamie.
for me even though ive worked at the hospital for 41 years mentioning all this about the full dose and not a booster didnt help me. they just said it was the same thing and marked it down on my card as a booster shot.
seems there is confusion country wide about this.
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I should also have said that when I informed the staff I was there for a 3rd dose I was given an 8 page booklet specifically about the third dose for people with a weakened immune system.
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