Scared and angry

Penguingirl Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Morning all. I'm 52 slightly overweight active female. Have a very physical job and up until May this year enjoyed long walks...however since then have had pain in left knee that has progressively got worse, developed a limp and am taking pills routinely,something I have never done. After an xray, I have been diagnosed with moderate to severe arthritis. I'm gutted, upset and angry.. . And need all the advice you lovely people can offer. DR is referring me for physio initially and we can go from there. Already on Naproxin and Codeine routinely, it dulls the pain but not for long....I'm looking for any natural aid/meds/vitamins etc


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 814
    edited 10. Sep 2021, 17:19

    Hi @Penguingirl

    Welcome to the online community,glad you have found us.Yes we have all been in a place of anger and like you felt gutted at the diagnosis,it is alright to get upset on this forum we all know what you are going through thats why we like to help others try and cope with it.You say you have moderate to severe arthritis and have a lot of pain in your left knee.Physio is always the first step and a lot of times it helps too it did me when i was first diagnosed with Osteoarthritis.

    Here are a few links that may help you

    I do hope the links help you. Please keep in touch and tell us how you get on,also chat to others on the forum everyone is friendly and really understand how you feel,

    Take care and all the best Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Fletch
    Fletch Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Penguingirl

    I'm new here and wanted to let you know that you're not alone.

    I'm relatively young (38) and have been living in pain everyday since last August. I have osteoarthritis in both my hips - worse in the right, and this week have been given the crushing news that I also have osteoarthritis in both of my big toes- again worse in the right. Most days my pain is unbearable in my hip and unfortunately my personality means that I don't give into the pain and I carry on right through it, not giving up and working long shifts - I think maybe I am stubborn and too proud. I do take pain killers (codeine) but only very very occasionally because I don't want to rely on them. I do also take a herbal supplement called Devils Claw which was recommended to me. I think it helps me with the pain but I don't know how much because I take it every day and don't know how much more pain I'd be in without it.

    I'm feeling quite sad right now and have joined the forum for some support.

    I hope you find some support here too.


    Ps I love penguins! - do you have a favourite type 🐧😊

  • Hi @Fletch, welcome to the Online Community!

    It's lovely that your first post is offering support to another member. I see that you have been recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hips and toes - you might find these resources helpful:

    Remember you deserve to look after yourself and keep your health and wellbeing a priority! Please do keep us updated on how you get on and I hope you'll continue to enjoy being a part of our community.

    Best wishes, Sarah (moderator)

  • sheriffshuffles

    You’re not alone and you’ve absolutely come to the right place. I am 42 with PA in my hands, knee and toes. When i first got diagnosed i felt incredibly sad, angry and alone. Even just being here and reading other people’s journeys has really helped. I’ve just had a PKR and also tried Sulphasalazine (i had a severe reaction to it). I will be going on another drug once i am 4 weeks out from the surgery. The key is talking with those around you so they know the pain you’re in and keeping moving as much as you can. We’ve got this together!

  • Tracey2688

    Hi, I’m Tracey, I’m 55 and have arthiritis in my left knee. I know the fear, what’s to come and how to cope with a life of chronic pain. I found Naproxen did nothing for me but I’m now on Meloxicam which is very helpful. I find the best help is exercise and physiotherapist. As the previous commenter said ‘We’ve got this together’

  • jennistewart442


    I’m Jenni and was diagnosed with OA in both hips and lower spine. I’m 34 and I know exactly how you’re feeling. I’m struggling with meds too as I’m stubborn about relying on them. This forum is giving me the chance to come to terms with what is happening to me and find answers. And find like minded people too