Waiting for hip surgery scheduled in Feb

Christyrice Member Posts: 8
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Hello everyone. Im CJ in OK. Im 53. Waiting to have my left hip replaced. Severe Osteoarthritis, of course. Ive been having pain in my hip for 8 years now. Im a CNA and I have put a lot of miles on these bones. Working fulltime in Nursing Homes and part time home health for years. Now I am using a cane and i am in so much pain its undescribable to those who haven't been in our shoes. Funny story, I am currently working for my 3 kids taking care of their 57 year old father (my ex husband) with Early Onset Alzheimers. He is currently living with our single 28 year old daughter who's also a Very busy ex Marine. Also very spoiled. I am over there more than I am at my own home. I appreciate the money but i am getting worn out. Physically and mentally. 12 more weeks until surgery. I dont know how i will make it. Im finding it very difficult to keep up with her demands. Yes orders ladies and gentlemen. My daughter is a drill sergeant!!! I have to constantly remind her i am not her Cadet. Im her mother and i demand respect. Doesn't work. HELP!!!!


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 827
    edited 26. Nov 2021, 18:48

    Hi @Christyrice

    Welcome to the online community,great to see you posting.

    You say you are waiting for a Hip replacement in 12 weeks time but also caring for your ex husband with Altzeimers as well as walking with a stick as assistance for your osteoarthritis

    You will have to give up looking after anybody when you have the op as it will take at least six weeks to get over it, so maybe now is the time to try and slow down before your op as you dont want to be exhausted you need to take care before as well as after so your recovery time is just 6 weeks not more because of tiredness.

    Have a word with your daughter to try and slow down a bit and get more help in,have you tried social services?

    As a mother you deserve respect and understanding.

    Hope all goes well for your op in 12 weeks time.

    Here is a link that may help

    Just to say please go onto our forums and speak to others it often helps. Everyone is friendly and understands what you are going through

    All the best Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    Well hello CJ

    Nice to meet you. Didn't quite understand all of your abbreviations, but I think i got the general idea!

    I do hope 'they' will cope without you when you are recovering from your surgery and maybe look after you a little bit too☺️

    We have a couple of recent threads one by @Lilymary and one by @Coddfish who have had recent hip surgeries so if you have the energy those threads will certainly be worth a read and is there @RogerBill too? I think maybe and those threads have other hippies posting on them too


    Best of luck and do keep posting!

  • Coddfish
    Coddfish Member Posts: 85

    Hi @Christyrice All the best with your upcoming surgery. I have indeed written about the surgery I had almost 3 months ago. I have to say it has been life changing and I am so glad I have done it. I have been lucky to have a really easy recovery. So I hope I can provide some hope for you.

  • Thank you for all the good advice everyone. I know my life will go back to normal after i get my hip. I just hope the next couple of months fly by.

  • What i would really like to know is how to deal with the pain. I take extra strength tylenol every 4 hours. I go through lots of pain rid, its a topical ointment. Ice packs. Heat pad. I cant take anti inflammatory medications because I took them every day for 3 years and developed bleeding ulcers from them. I also started meditating and using my lamaze skills i learned 34 years ago. Any advise?

  • Fyi: I used the abbreviation CNA. It means Certified Nursing Assistant. Sorry about that.

  • LizB12
    LizB12 Member Posts: 38

    Hi@Christyrice I do sympathise with your pain. I am at the beginning of the long journey, trying to cope with the pain. I was on Codeine and paracetamol for 10 weeks to ease my pain from a damaged coccyx and inflamed sacroiliac joints. I had to stop of course as it eased, as codeine is not for chronic pain and can lead to addiction. Now just about coping on just paracetamol once or twice daily, exercises and my heat pad which I could not be without! I am very impressed with how you are caring for your ex husband, being in so much pain, which you seem to be relieving in so many ways. However, slowing down will help your pain. Your body can only take so much and you need the energy to recover after your op. Please think more about yourself as the date of your HTR approaches, as Christine suggests. I am sure that your daughter will understand