OA pain and covid infection

Hi, I have suffered for many years with OA pain, but with medication have been able to live with it, I've mostly manage to keep it controlled so I can function, but in the last few days I’ve tested positive for covid and besides dealing with other well known symptoms, I’m finding that the pain in my OA effected joints has increased ten fold and it’s awful. The pain is excruciating. It feels like the virus is attacking my joints. Has anyone else experienced this when infected with covid or is it just me?


  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    I am not a doctor nor a covid expert but everything I have read seems to say that covid finds the weak points in people and makes them feel worse .

    I really hope you start to feel better very soon, don't be afraid to ask for medical help if you need it.

  • PeterJ
    PeterJ Administrator Posts: 991

    Hello @Haygarth and welcome to the community, I hope that you find it a helpful, friendly and supportive group.

    I understand that you have OA and have now tested positive for Covid and find that the pain has increased. I am sure that others will share their experiences with you but in the meantime have a look around our website and search. It contains a lot of useful information and to help I've put a couple of links in below which you may find of use.

    Please do keep posting and let us know how you are getting on and I am sure others will connect with you and share their experiences.

    With very best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Jools71
    Jools71 Member Posts: 16

    Hi there i have OA in my hands, knee, spine and hip. I was diagnosed a year ago. I was just starting to feel a bit better after starting Duloxetine back in October then BANG covid positive! Was awful. Never felt so unwell. ( i had at that point had 2 injections). My joints were as you say extremely worse and painful. Only covid symptom was loss of taste/smell. My doc increased my meds. I hate to say it but i still am struggling now. My pain is still really bad. 28th Nov i was positive. Been back and forward to GP but not getting far. I have also had 3 ear infections since covid(never had 1 in my life). Its such a horrible virus. I hope you feel better soon. Sending love ❤

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 281


    I have OA in my right knee and take Naproxen when the pain gets too bad. I tested positive for Covid for the first time last Friday and am still positive today.

    Apart from the usual symptoms, I have found that my right knee has been more painful and all the joints in my legs ache and feel stiff.

    I also had the same reaction when I had my first vaccine, but the last two boosters, apart from a sore arm have been fine.

    I am hoping that once I test negative the pain will decrease as well.

    This is a horrible illness and I wish everyone who is affected will feel better soon.

    Take care everyone.

  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 158

    My husband and I are currently recovering from ten days of testing positive for Covid. As someone with long- standing and widespread OA I can confirm a significant increase in joint pain and stiffness during Covid - especially marked on the first few days. I don't remember similar effects from the three vaccinations I've had so if they did occur then they were mild.

    As joint pain is one of the recognised Covid symptoms I was not at all surprised to be affected - very unpleasant but thankfully it has now subsided back to my normal levels of OA although I am still "sleeping for England" .

    I hope others recover from Covid as well as I seem to be doing. ☺️

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm a new member and felt compelled to respond to this post. I've had arthritis for many years and have experienced numerous flares, but nothing compares to what I'm going through right now. The pain is everywhere. I'm seeing a surgeon tomorrow because my knee has apparently reached stage 4. I can't believe it's advanced so quickly.

    In May, I was in Australia and caught COVID-19 for the first time. I was extremely unwell and wasn't allowed to travel back to the UK until I was fit to fly. Once I got home, I focused on recovering, and after some time, I finally started to feel somewhat normal for about two weeks. Then, suddenly, my joints flared up exponentially. I knew this wasn't typical for me and wondered if there might be a link to COVID, which led me here.

    I've been dealing with this flare for several weeks now. I just wanted to share my story. Thank you.