
Since having covid i feel totally exhausted adding to my usual problems, before that I had asked gp if I would be able to get a steroid injection in my neck, as I feel I’m taking max tramadol, naproxen as it is, saw a specialist and had several blood tests which shows my inflammation, as she could get no information off my gp previous tests etc, was due mri caught covid, now feel like giving up, very unsympathetic gp says why had I requested blood tests, explained that Specialist had requested them, also told him due to covid I had missed two mri’s because laying down caused me to cough, his reply was you have managed to talk to me with out coughing, after talking to him I burst in to tears so frustrating… just coping best I can, good day, bad days it is a struggle and really draining


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 758

    Hi @PaIn65  

    Welcome to the versus arthritis forum. 

    You’ve had arthritis for some time and more recently covid which understandably has drained your energy. You are in touch with your specialist but your GP is not providing the level of support that you need. This must be very frustrating for you. 

    Have you considered asking your practice for a change of GP? I’m no expert but I believe you are entirely within your rights to ask for this. Perhaps other forum members can confirm this is the case. 

    You’ve definitely come to the right place to share the challenges you’re facing, it’s a great place to share your experiences and to receive support from others who have faced similar issues. 

    If you’ve not visited our website you may find some useful articles:


    Also, here’s a link to a recent forum discussion where another forum member was struggling with their GP:

    I hope you receive some useful input from the forum. Please do contribute to as many relevant forums as you feel appropriate in order to receive maximum benefit. 

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • PaIn65
    PaIn65 Member Posts: 3

    Hi your reply is much appreciated by me, hoping this community makes me feel less alone, a problem shared as they say, yes I think I need a gp that supports me it would make life a lot easier.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    You don't need to ask the practice to allocate you a different GP. Just see whoever's available. In ours you just take pot luck. The practice nurses are great.

    If you do want to transfer to a different health centre you just go to the new one, ask to be put on their list and they do the paperwork. However, it will simplify things a lot if you give them any current repeat prescription you may have.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright