Stay Active for Samsung Watch

I came across this interesting and possibly arthritis friendly app for Samsung watch. so I have decided to do a review. Its called Stay Active and is in the Galaxy store. The Samsung sleep dial began showing sleep results that skipped my bedtime, which I thought was really odd, so I began looking for a backup. What caught my eye is the 24 hour dial and the lack of complicated wizardry. It's still not dead on with timings, but it has something else that I wasn't expecting. It often matches exactly how I feel. The app presents when it thinks I was 'asleep' (Blue) and 'exercising' (Green) with a close match to my real life experience. Looking at a weekend dial it properly looks like a weekend early night and a few bits of activity. Looking at a weekday dial it properly looks like a disturbed late night of sleep and two commuting sessions to work, a lunchtime and a break time. The large blue section I went to bed before midnight so the early night actually start on a previous dial exactly like it should. The large green section I felt more awake than usual in the office even though I was sat down (beats me how it can do that, but thats exactly what it felt like at the time, honest) but more importantly, it shows I was exercising!!!. So the question for science is, was it all just a co-incidence or is the app truly being helpful, and somewhat re-assuring.
