Upper body strength and using crutches
Along with the exercises recommended for before hip and knee replacement surgery. It would be really good to have exercises recommended to strengthen your upper body and the muscles you will use to move yourself around getting in and out of bed, the car, chairs etc. and using crutches. Thank you
Post six weeks exercise
I am now 6 weeks post THR and have been told by the surgeon and physio I can use my hip normally. Noting I need to extend the range incrementally. Do you have exercises that you can recommend to do this please? I am finding plenty of exercises for before and immediately after the operation but not for after the six week…
Help - Feeling very low after knee replacement surgery
Hi all. I’m reaching out for help. Any personal stories of advice or help would be so appreciated. I had a total knee replacement Friday 5th May. I came out of hospital on Tuesday and I’m very focused on the exercises and icing. My knee has immense swelling though and I’m unable to do the exercises properly. I know how…
When to exercise
I am awaiting a THR on my right hip. As I have scoliosis and kyphosis, I am at very high risk of dislocation after the op. (My left hip was done some 20 years ago, when I was 60). Surgeon has said to walk as much as possible to prepare for the op and strengthen that whole area, which I am trying to do, plus specific leg…
Avoiding finger exercises making OA worse
Hello, I have distal joint OA in my thumbs and little fingers, with a heberden's node on the little finger of my left (non-dominant) hand. I've had a course of physio and so know the basic set of finger exercises, but I have specific questions that I can't find answer to online. 1. Strength exercises I"ve been given and…
Using stressball for hand arthritis
I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hand and I am using a stressball for exercising the fingers. I am wondering if I might be over-doing it. Is there any guidance as to how frequently I should be using the stressball ?
Recent diagnosis - feeling overwhelmed
Hi all, thanks for having me. I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the AC joint (shoulder) I'm 37, I broke my collar bone over a decade ago which is how I have ended up in this position. I've been going for physio every 4 week's and that definitely helps the muscles around the joint but the joint pain is…
Swimming gloves for Aqua Classes
hi, just discovered this community! I am recently diagnosed with arthritis in my thumbs. I love my Aqua classes but am finding that the foam weights we use are very hard on my hands. The instructor mentioned to try swim gloves instead. The pool is heated. Any comments before I buy?? I also spend lots of time in cold hockey…
Advice needed - OSTEO - Especially Knees!
Hi I am having severe pain in my knee today - woken up early with it, and so far full strength Co-codamol, as well as Ibuprofen gel still haven't got rid of the pain 6 hours later. I am about to start physio again but I have been taking a Glucosamine and Chrondrotin supplement every night, as I read it might help - Just…
Trouble with working out a baseline
Is there anyone out there that followed along a baseline method devised by the NHS Pain Management Course that suggests you cut down more than half of the exercises you normally do? The reason for asking is that it has made me a lot worse as I have lost so much more strength that I have never been able to recuperate it and…
Post Trapeziectomy Hand Therapy
Hi All I hope this is permitted, I have attached here the PDF document my brilliant hand therapist gave me in 2020 which I stuck to religiously and it works. @Zuccho77 following our chats on your threads you might like to try these. I hope others find it useful. Please ignore the notes in the margins - recovery isn't a one…
Gym adventures
Work has offered us a wellbeing hour once a week so I chose the gym. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to obtain multiple repetitions of action on those machines, compared to just shuffling around on my feet. A great relief to begin with but it wasn't to be that simple. The turning circle on the bicycle turned…
Planning with arthritis. #1. Daily checklist.
I think my toughest challenge has always been how to get something done, and its worse with arthritis. After much experimentation it looks like using a daily checklist will help me get there. I split my daily tasks into sections like kitchen, settee, work luggage which seem to take all day and still end up in a mess. And…
Weight Lifting with RA
Hi all, still new to this but thought I would ask for anyone else’s experience with weight lifting and RA Last year I was in incredible shape due to training & diet that involved a lot of weight lifting and I loved it. having a very active job on my feet for 12 hours a day, when I returned to work after the first lockdown,…
Newly Diagnosed, not sure how to continue living.
Hey, I got the dreaded Osteoarthrosis diagnosis yesterday, on the left hand all of my thumb and 2 wrist joints, on the right 3 PIP joints. I'm 28. Very light arthrosis, no erosion yet. I work as a designer and i'm a gamer so i use my hands a lot, been having troubles with my hands and arms for 13 years now. That coupled…
Exercise after knee replacement
Hi all - I’m after more advice please. I’m doing exercises every hour at the moment, which is clocking up to over 3 hours a day and I’m wondering if I’m overdoing it? I forgot to ask the physio today. what time do people clock off from their exercises? Thanks again for all advice.
Knee Replacement Help
Hi all. I’m reaching out for help. Any personal stories of advice or help would be so appreciated. I had a total knee replacement Friday 5th May. I came out of hospital on Tuesday and I’m very focused on the exercises and icing. My knee has immense swelling though and I’m unable to do the exercises properly. I know how…
New member recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis
Hi everyone So I was diagnosed with coeliac disease just after my 60th birthday last year. I’ve just turned 61 and have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my lower back, hips and knee - left side more affected than the right. Just a few months ago - September - I was on a walking holiday in Scotland, climbing to see the…
Has anyone tried prolotherapy injections? Do they work? A quick Google search brought up lots of promising studies on prolotherapy effectiveness for treating osteoarthritis pain - better efficacy than both exercise and cortisone injections.
Let's Move for Surgery
Hi all Versus Arthritis have just released the following videos - take a look
Static Bike
Hello! Haven’t posted much or for a while! Please can anyone advise? I’ve just had steroid jabs in knees. Orthopaedic Surgeon pleased I am exercising and trying to strengthen muscles. Suggested I try a static bike. Has anybody got any advice re where to go to buy one? I do not intend to do Peleton!,,, However I would like…
Have you had a look at our stretching exercises?
Check them out now on YouTube Stretching series - YouTube
Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with hip and lower spine ostearthritis. I have seen a surgeon who is recommending lower spinal surgery (which I am extremely reluctant to have). I also have been diagnosed recently with osteoporosis of the spine. I wondered how one could impact on the other, and what are the best…
Lifting weights at the gym
Hi, do any of you sufferers with OA of the neck work out with weight at the gym. I’m 55 & my body if starting to get flabby & I feel I need to work out. Afraid lifting weights might cause me to have migraines/neck pain but maybe if I was to build up the weight very slowly. I don’t know? Any advice would help. Thank you.
Stay Active for Samsung Watch
I came across this interesting and possibly arthritis friendly app for Samsung watch. so I have decided to do a review. Its called Stay Active and is in the Galaxy store. The Samsung sleep dial began showing sleep results that skipped my bedtime, which I thought was really odd, so I began looking for a backup. What caught…