Rheumatoid and Rashes

Hi all,

First time here. Just wanted to introduce myself. 22 year old living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Got diagnose at 16 but recently had a turn for worse with unexplained rashes appearing on my skin after taking a steroid injection, although may not be related. Currently stopped all my medication and on prednisone, which is awful. The side effects are horrendous.

Hope everyone is doing well.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hi @jodess_

    Welcome to the Online Community thank you for your introduction.

    I read from your post that you have Rheumatoid Arthritis and unfortunately developed a rash after you had a steroid injection which may or may not have been coincidental your medications have been stopped apart from prednisone.

    I can imagine it is difficult being on prednisone only the side effects can be really tough to cope with:

    but they do control inflammation really well. I take it your Rheumatologist is trying to establish which of your medications caused the rash.

    Yesterday I replied to a post by @dpope another younger person with Arthritis if you look at his post:

    I suggested he take a look at Arthur's place. This might interest you too if you hadn't already heard of it.

    I look forward to seeing your posts in future

    Best wishes


  • jodess_
    jodess_ Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for that. I have looked at Arthur's place and joined a Facebook group to connect with others. I have had 3 flare-ups since being on prednisone (started them in May) but overall definitely have helped, but of course it is not to be relied upon long term. Have restarted to take methotrexate again (2omg) and remembered how ill I felt when I first start taking them. But hopefully can start a new group of biologic that would work this time and perhaps not cause any rashes or unexplained symptoms.