
Hi, have had this for over two years ago in the pandemic. thought it was sciatica, but got worse, eventually had X Ray I have osteoarthritis in both hips no sponge, I have a physio visit once week, now, I got forgotten about, physio at another clinic, forgot to refer me, felt lost and depressed, but I pushed and rang Red Cross for help, I have now got appointment to see specialist end of this September. Ruth



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,090

    So often @Sunnyside_12 Ruth people come here with bad backs and it's their hip or bad hips and it's their back🙄

    Well done persisting and getting yourself referred hopefully you'll get some help in September🤞

    Take care

    Toni xx

  • Sunnyside_12
    Sunnyside_12 Member Posts: 27

    Thank you. I had it start in beginning of the pandemic, had no face to face with doctor, thought it was sciatica, they plied me with tablets, one pregabalin with naproxen, I have now weaned myself off pregabalin and sertraline, side effects awful. I have been really down, dealing with this osteoarthritis in both hips. I live alone, ex did help a bit but drinking problem and throwing it in my face, saying he did everything. ( he didn't) I feel better his no longer around. I will keep doing my exercises physio gave me.

    Ruth 😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,090

    Sometimes Ruth it really is better to be on your own than in a bad relationship I think.

    You've come a long way getting off those meds (antidepressants are tough to wean off my sister has just come off one of hers).

    Keep going with your determination you will get the help you need and deserve ((()))

    Toni x

  • Sunnyside_12
    Sunnyside_12 Member Posts: 27

    Thank you.

    I think they cause bad anxiety too l have constipation on top sure antidepressants are reason. Well done your sister, it is horrible weaning off tablets.

  • Sunnyside_12
    Sunnyside_12 Member Posts: 27