26 - Newly Diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis

Hello everyone,

I've recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, and quite honestly I am a mess. It has really affected my MH and my actual enjoyment for anything really. I just feel like no one understands how I feel and I don't want to talk about it sometimes because I feel like a broken record (It's taken months for someone to take me seriously and actually get testing/diagnosed/treatment and medication).

I'm hoping there is some people of a similar age that feel the same as me? I just feel so anxious and emotional all the time. Can anyone support me with some helpful tips, coping mechs?

Thanks in advance


  • Cath100
    Cath100 Moderator Posts: 40

    Hello and welcome to the Online Community @EHH2508

    We hope you find it a supportive and welcoming place. We are sorry to hear about the fact that the diagnosis has affected you so much, it can be really overwhelming but you can find some great info here and support about adjusting and common emotions. This might be helpful for you to read a little into if you haven't already and hopefully encourage you that it can be normal to feel this way and take a bit of time to adjust.

    Am sure that many people here can offer you some tips and support and will also understand exactly where you are coming from. I don't know how old you are but if you are between 20-40 there is a group that meets online via Eventbrite which you can also find out more here about

    Too Young for Arthritis? Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

    Do keep reaching out and chatting to people on the online community and also perhaps if you fancy a chat with a helpline advisor this might also help, the telephone number is 0800 5200 520.

    Best wishes



    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,837

    Hi @EHH2508

    I am not young anymore although I do remember vividly the terrible early days when I was first struggling prior to and just after my diagnosis. I was a mess too. Probably quite a selfish mess - an arthritis bore who wouldn't plan anything in case she couldn't do it.

    I was tearful, angry, upset, terrified you name it. Sometimes all in one day. The anxiety was the worst for me too because no-one can tell you how fast this might progress if it does at all. I was in agony and worried I would embarrass my children. Luckily for me my medication was sorted and tweaked a few times and i have been largely well for many years now.

    There are definitely young people who call in here i am trying to remember some names @lozzashep1509 she's young too this whole thread is people recently diagnosed with PsA.

    You are absolutely not alone things will improve ((()))

    Toni xx

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,214

    Have a look at our Young People's page

    Kind regards


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Hanrp
    Hanrp Member Posts: 1
    edited 13. Jun 2023, 12:39

    Hi there, I'm 27 and was diagnosed with psoriacic arthritis, osteoarthritis & fibromyalgia 4 years ago when I was 23. I completely understand and emphasise with your struggle and the impact its had on your mental health. My best advice is to take each day as they come. Some days will be better than others and be kind to yourself. It can take some time for people around you to understand but it doesn't make your situation or how you're feeling any less valid. I struggle with mental health also and feel a sense of overwhelming aloneness due to my disabilities but I try and reach out to people the best I can. If I can offer any more advice please reach out.

    If you wish to reach out to me, [please PM me] and I will happily lend a kind and understanding ear.

    All the best in your journey. You are and will aways be the same person you were prior to this diagnosis. We are more than our pain and discomfort, we have strength some people will never understand and never stop fighting.

    Hannah x

    Edited to remove email address for security, and replaced with suggestion to communicate through PM on this site. Anna ( Moderator)

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,068

    Hello @Hanrp and welcome to the online forum,

    Thank you for jumping in with such supportive words and offer to help - this is exactly what this forum is about and I hope you also find that you are supported through it too. Arthritis affects young people as well as old, so I hope you hear from others who are in the same situation as you.

    Arthritis in all its forms can affect our emotional well being as well as our physical health so here’s a link to some advice from the Versus Arthritis Website about looking after your emotional health. You could also get in touch with our free helpline, available 9am - 6pm if you would like to chat with someone who can offer you support and advice:

    Do keep in touch - I’m sure you will be a valuable member of the community

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm