Waiting list for physio

Hi all,

Last summer I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis on both thumbs, GP sent referral to hospital for physio, I received a letter soon after saying I've been placed on a waiting list pending an invitation to arrange an appointment .It says this might not be for several weeks.

How long roughly does it take? more than a year?

My pain until now was still bearable .. for the last couple of weeks has gotten worst , I can feel the pain everyday , before it wasn't everyday

I was given Naproxen but I don't think is doing much

thank you


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,127

    Hi @Borderline and welcome to the online community,

    I understand you were diagnosed last summer with osteoarthritis in your thumbs and are waiting for an appointment with a physio. The pain has recently got worst and you're wondering how long you will have to wait for your appointment.

    Unfortunately, appointment times can be very different from one health area to another. Perhaps you could contact your GP to let them know that the pain has increased and to discuss your pain medication?

    I've posted a couple of links for you to have a look at - one from the Versus Arthritis website that gives more information about hand and joint pain, and a recent thread started by a member with thumb pain:

    Do have a look round the forum and join in any conversations where you feel comfortable - I'm sure you'll find that all our members are friendly.

    Anna (Mod)

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