Massage +benefits?

Hello to you all! Anyone here using massage/ massage gun/ trigger point therapy? Any positive results? What frequency? TIA


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 757

    Hi @Cachou

    Welcome to the versus arthritis forum.

    You have arthritis and would like to hear from anyone who has tried using massage to ease the symptoms.

    Whilst you wait for feedback, you may find this article from our website interesting:

    Also, here’s a discussion in the forum that you may find useful:

    I hope you find joining the forum of benefit. Please do join on as many chats as you feel appropriate. 

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Cachou
    Cachou Member Posts: 3

    THank you for your welcome.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    Hi @Cachou

    I have used trigger point therapy (I have a theracane) and found it quite helpful for knotted muscles. A tennis ball in a sock thrwon over my shoulder and rolled against the wall did as well too though.

    There was someone who used to use the forum regularly many years ago who used to have regular massages once a fortnight (not deep tissue) which she reckoned really helped - she had OA.

    I bought a super vicious massage gun which actually hurt my muscles from a well-known online store. Never again!

    I am much happier with my microwaveable wheat bag!

    Take care

    Toni x

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    That’s a big yes from me! The massage gun is a big help and stops my muscles knotting up and causing more pain. I still get the numb patches and pain down my lower leg but it’s manageable.

    As for the manual massage, I have found that most masseurs are female and won’t accept male customers, the only group that some will entertain is the sports massage group which I find rather rough and has caused as many problems as it has solved.

    its a grin, honest!

    p.s. if you buy a massage gun go for an out runner motor and lithium battery ( the electrics turn the dc voltage into ac ( for the 3 phase motor) making it more efficient), slightly more expensive but worth it in the long run.