Help following knee replacement surgery

Hi all. I’m reaching out for help. Any personal stories of advice or help would be so appreciated. 

I had a total knee replacement Friday 5th May. I came out of hospital on Tuesday and I’m very focused on the exercises and icing. My knee has immense swelling though and I’m unable to do the exercises properly. I know how important getting a bend of 90 degrees is by day 7 and I am nowhere near this. 

I suffer from anxiety and have been getting really panicky and scared about everything so please anything you can share would be helpful I’m sure.


  • debster
    debster Member Posts: 15

    Hi, please don't worry too much. My husband had his tkr on 28th Feb. The first 2 weeks were horrible, it wasn't what we expected. He had to use a bathrobe belt to lift his leg for at least 3 weeks. He is very good at exercises and elevating leg with ice. Don't worry about getting to 90% by day 7, any progress is good. But it certainly takes time. He still gets lots of swelling and stiffness and he's 10 weeks in. It does get better but he could not see that in the beginning

  • raphacondor
    raphacondor Member Posts: 21

    Hi TKR on 2nd February 2023.Fill in diary , if knee swollen =ice pack = ellivate after , make sure ankle above heart.Dont do physio until you can, then diary 1st session time and then onwards .do repetitions recommend, no more .keep your focus ,I've been down the same path. Physio, swelling = rest reduce = Physio. Every week with focus is litteraly a step forward. Remember you're re educating your body and brain to a joint put in that is alien.4 months for me and I'm still recovering. It's a marathon not a sprint.

  • raphacondor
    raphacondor Member Posts: 21

    You can do this, I can so can you.

  • wattwrbev
    wattwrbev Member Posts: 12

    Thank you everyone. I went to physio today and she reduced my exercises but now do them every hour rather than 4 times a day. I’m now thinking I’m not doing enough as only about 12mins per hour.

    @raphacondor what do you use to elevate above heart and not get a bend in the knee?

    @debster I hope your husband is doing well. I’m also having to use a cord for many things.

  • debster
    debster Member Posts: 15

    Hi, thanks my husband is now at 11 weeks and doing and feeling so much better, he's really has turned a corner, so you will get there.

    To elevate his leg he either lies on the bed with his foot on lots of cushions or sits on the sofa with his foot on a footstall with lots of cushions, each with that ice pack on his knee