Coping with arthritis from a young age
Hello Im new to this so I don’t know how it works, but just thought I would come on here and say a little bit about myself My name is Rosie, I was diagnosed with arthritis and uveitis at the age of 1, I am now 20.I would say when I was younger I didn’t struggle with it as much, but as I have got older has made me for more…
Hello, new here
Hi, my name is Mel and I have lived with arthritis for about 10 years. I am hoping to be able to get hints and tips on managing my pain. Looking forward to interacting with you.
Help - Feeling very low after knee replacement surgery
Hi all. I’m reaching out for help. Any personal stories of advice or help would be so appreciated. I had a total knee replacement Friday 5th May. I came out of hospital on Tuesday and I’m very focused on the exercises and icing. My knee has immense swelling though and I’m unable to do the exercises properly. I know how…
Hi, struggling. Need some advice - medication!!
Hello I’m new to this group. I am a female, 40 this year with two children 8 & 10. I had lots of problems and terrible pain in my early 20s, and it took a while before I was diagnosed with AS. I was told about biologic drugs at this point, but because I was trying for a family I was told to come back after! Luckily I went…
Pain management for OA in neck?
I recently found out I have OA in my cervical spine which was picked up on an MRI I had for unrelated reasons four years previously (however this was not shared with me by medical professionals until recently when my physio went through the MRI report with me) I am 31 years old, I had a car accident at 14 which I think…
New, 66, Alone, In A OA Flare, No Pain Relief, Trying To Avoid Depression/Anxiety!
Hello, I'm 66, new to the VA Forum, it's good to see so many people here using it. Please bear with this lengthy post. My anterior THRs were done in 2016 and 2017 but it now feels like OA is all over, particularly the spine, neck (both of these were fractured in a fall last year), hands + trigger fingers (tendons), and…
Duloxetine medication
I am currently on citalopram and I am wondering whether or not anyone has gone from Citolaphram to Duloxetine. I am worried about interaction with my other medications for migraines and my asthma inhalers? Has anyone else had issues with the medication change? Can duloxetine be given in liquid form?
Just want to talk to people that are living with this debilitating pain
I'm a 52-year-old man that lives in Texas was diagnosed with bone on bone arthritis in my right hip about 4 years ago I was having problems walking and having pain in my right knee and right hip was supposed to have a hip replacement surgery right before Covid needless to say I did not have the hip replacement surgery. I…
Biotherapy - Etanercept
Hi, I've just joined this group. I've had Psoriatic Artthritis for around 30 years. In the 1990s my GP tried 3 different tablets. Unfortunately each had a bad side effect (Liver, Eyes, Clinical Depression) So all were stopped.. I lived with it, but over the last year more fingers and other joints have got much worse.…
Scared of Operation THR
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I'm posting because I'm feeling scared about upcoming hip surgery. Although I've had a right THR I'm facing my second Left one and I've been feeling scared and also silly for feeling like that. I know that going into surgery like this isn't helpful and wondered if anyone had tips or ideas to…
Fatigue. Advice please
Hi everyone. I'm 52 and was only diagnosed in late July so very new to this. Feeling very low as in bed for the 3rd day in a row unable to shake off overwhelming fatigue. Sleeping more than being awake in the day, despite sleeping all night. Any tips on how to hasten a recovery and/or to avoid this happening in the first…
I’m new 😊
Hi everyone, I have finally been diagnosed with OA after two years of hospital visits , along the way I also have an osteoporosis diagnosis and PFPS, a great gift for my 60th , I have constant pain and stiffness in both my knees and I hate to think how much l have spent on pills, potions and miracle knee braces and to be…
Recent diagnosis of OA
Hi everyone. I am posting here because I found out this afternoon that recent pelvis xray results came back, and they have shown that I have osteoarthritis in both hips, tailbone and lower spine. I am female and only 30 years old but do have a family history of OA with early onset. Results show there is overgrowth at the…
Unsure of what to do
hello my name is Deanna I am 28 years old and was diagnosed with psoriatic arthropathy 8 years ago recently my symptoms have worsened and my mental health has declined I am currently taking time off my 3 day a week job because of this I have applied for pip in the past but due to not having a great understanding of my…
Advice needed please
Hello, I'm 28 and have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I have 2 children and am a single mum. I feel so tired all the time to the point I'm falling asleep in the middle of the day. Was wondering if anyone knows anyway I can get my energy levels up or is it always going to be like this?
Say hello!
Hi, I've just joined community, I've been living with osteoarthritis for some years, took a while to get diagnosed, recently been told I'm suffering with fibromyalgia and that my osteoarthritis is very progressive bone deteriation very advanced for my age! I am also battling depression and anxiety, most days are a painful…
Struggling to manage frequent flare ups
Hello, my first post! I’m Sandi, a retired nurse, aged nearly 60. I live with psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis. Currently taking Benepali injections for the psoriatic arthritis, plus celecoxib and paracetamol for pain. I’ve recently completed the Nuffield joint pain course and joined the gym afterwards but I’m…
My first post!
Hey guys, This is my first post so hopefully I’m doing this right😅 I’m Michael and I’m 31 and in the past few months my life has been turned upside down basically! When I was younger I played football all day every day and there was one time I scratched my knee playing on astro and didn’t think anything of it. This turned…
Supporting a friend through Arthitis.
Hello everyone, A close friend of mine is waiting on a diagnosis.It is mostly confirmed to be Inflammatory Arthritis. Confusion reigns because she is in her late teens. She finds it hard to do a lot of things like writing, lifting and sometimes even texting because of how hard her wrists make it for her. It's also…
No luck so far
Hi all, My mum’s mobility has been gradually deteriorating over the last few years, which we now know is as a result of osteoarthritis. She originally had a few falls, which really set her back but went to the doctors. They sent her for physio with a suspected trapped nerve but the exercises seemed to make it worse not…
RA symptoms & Mental Health
Hello, I am experiencing symptoms of RA which include elbow pain (both), ankle pain (both - previously diagnosed as achillies tendonitis and one of which has lumps) and knee pain (both). My elbows hurt when I push/pull/lift an object; such as getting dressed, drinking tea, opening a door. And when pushing my glasses…
Osteoarthritis in both feet
Hi, I’m a new member, in my 50’s, and I’ve just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both feet… I have an appointment with the doctor in two weeks to “discuss options” but the news has already affected my mental health. I am usually a keen walker - I used to walk 20 or 30 miles a week, but this has reduced to maybe 5…
Depression & OA
Good Morning Everybody, I hope everyone is keeping well and had a good and restive Christmas. I have posted about this before, but i was wondering if anybody has any tips and hints they can share. Between the lockdowns, Christmas and continual pain my depression has sadly reared its head again. I have been treated for this…
Osteoarthritis in both my feet!!
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed at the very young age of 19 with Osteoarthritis in both my ankles and front foot. I have uncontrollable bone spurs that have made my life completely change! I am now waiting for surgery number 6 to have them removed. Unfortunately, after this surgery my consultant has informed me that there is…
HELP! Am I going Mad???
Hi All, I have just spent three hours online trying to find some support and apart from waiting years for help or paying a small fortune there is nothing. I have PsA diagnosed in December still at beginning of MTX but I am so bloody miserable, I have no reason to be I have a good life, a man to love and who loves me and as…