My hip replacement diary
I had a TKR on the 7th December. I wasn't given injections they gave tablets aspirin 150 mg to take for 2 weeks.
Take care xx
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I've read all this through and all comments were very useful. I have been working out what I would need to help myself and have a bit of independence now and after surgery. I already have a bath lift/chair after a couple of close calls and I have a step which is really three bolted together as the outside of the bath is a lot deeper than the inside which is tricky. I already use a sock thing for tights and socks and use my stick or grabber for any clothes for my lower half. A family member already cuts my toenails and colours my hair for me, I think she would also wash my hair after the op too. We both used to work in care.
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Wow, that's quite worrying about the injections, unless they are going with a tablet blood thinner dose, which would be ok. Hopefully they're not discarding blood thinners completely.
I was concerned about swelling in my leg the day after I came home (partly because I hadn't been told to expect it) and called 111, ultimately I ended up having an ultrasound which discovered a clot in my calf. I was then taken off the injections and given anticoagulant tablets at a higher dose.
My main reason for sharing this is to say tablets instead of injections are acceptable and to suggest excessive swelling is worth having checked given blood clots are a risk factor.
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Day 18
@swimmer60 I admit I didn't like the idea of injecting myself and actually botched the first one when I first got home. I did get used to it after that though and it wasn't too bad at all. I was given 10 days injections followed by 28 days of aspirin and Lansoprazole. My knees and, in particular, my feet, were swollen and still are to some extent, but not painful. I hope as I get more mobile the swelling will reduce.
@Chris1 I was given injections for 10 days and then 150mg aspirin and Lansaprozole, to protect my stomach, for 28 days. Strange how hospitals do it differently.
@alwayssewing it's good to see you've got a lot sorted already. I found it really helped me to plan ahead. Good to hear you've got your bath situation sorted as that can be difficult if not. I absolutely love my sock helper and have no idea how I could cope without it. I use my long-handled shoe horn to help get my socks/tights/leggings off, once past my heel I can stand on them with my good foot if they resist. My stick is good too for many things, I'll miss it when I don't need it! Surprisingly I don't use my grabber very much at all. Before my op I was very clumsy and was dropping things all the time. I don't do that as much now, but I can stand up straight which I couldn't before so I think that has such a lot to do with it. Before I had my op and got my grabber I developed a way of putting my bad leg out straight behind me and bending to pick things up - my physic said it was absolutely fine to continue so I do that mainly now, apparently it's a 'golfing' move?
Well done for getting your toenails and hair sorted - they will make you feel so much better.
Today I had my physio appointment and was really happy with it. Physio basically said I could do anything I wanted to do that I felt able to do. I had noticed I walk with foot on my operated leg pointing inwards and he said it was my muscles and showed me some lunges to help it normalise. Interestingly he said that I should carry on with my exercises but to concentrate on the ones I found difficult as they were the ones that would make the biggest difference. Any that are now easy are probably not doing too much good. He said I had a long period of time with my muscles not working properly and it would take time to get everything back to how it was before and doing everything I wanted to do. He said he would see me in a month but I wouldn't make as speedy progress as I had in the first two weeks and that it would be mid-summer before I felt back to my previous fitness and maybe 12 months before I'm at my maximum recovery. I'm truly just happy to be moving forward and doing more than I did without pain.
It seems the three 'P's are what I need - Patience, Pacing and Paracetamol. I should have several short walks rather than a long walk, pacing will get me there quickly, although if I do overdo any exercise/walking I won't harm myself, but I will feel the after-effects. He recommended I stay on paracetamol although I don't really feel the pain coming on when I am due my next dose as I did a few days ago. He said I will do more with the aid of the paracetamol and make a quicker and better recovery. I have avoided codeine as I didn't like the nausea/constipation/lack of appetite it gave me and he agreed. Actually the pain from the op is different and bearable compared to the pain I had previously.
I had been worried about twisting/turning/falling/dislocating my new hip but he said that it was very rare now with the way they operate that it could happen unless there were other medical reasons. I can do really what I want and feel comfortable doing, and not to worry about the 90 degree bit. I can also try to sleep on my good side a little if I want so long as I padd myself with pillows and if it is comfortable.
So all in all I'm feeling positive - another 'P' - and hoping you all do well and make good progress. Please remember that your circumstances may be different to mine though so please check if unsure. I do think my hospital are a little different to some others.
Take care, x
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Janlyn thank you for your comments. You have made me feel better about my posture. I also bend forward a bit because it is a tad less painful and my muscles in my legs are still in a terrible state even with 21 weeks of physio and swimming. I'm always getting told off for not standing properly but now I think it is a normal response to all the pain. I hope it will be easier to address it after the op. You also made me feel better about the amount of pain afterwards, I kind of thought this would be the case but good to hear from someone who has been through it.
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Day 19
@Denis68 Thank goodness you got your swelling checked, and good you put it on here so others can realise if they might have a problem. My pre-op information said I would be sent home with either socks, injections or tablets so maybe they use discretion, depending on circumstances?
@alwayssewing Hopefully you will be able to stand up straight easily after your op. I used to be shocked to catch sight of myself in a mirror with my old lady stoop. The other difference is that I felt quite clumsy - dropping things on the floor regularly - the physio had a name for it so must be common. I'm so much better now. I had heard others talk about standing up straight immediately and I admit I didn't notice it immediately but definitely within a week or so. To be honest the numbness, swelling and the caution I had meant that looking back I don't think I noticed too much during the first week.
I read people saying their pain was less and easier to manage and I didn't dare hope but actually it is. I never dreamed I would cope with paracetamol only but after the pain of the last few months I can manage this. My physio said progress would slow down, the reason patience will be needed, as my muscles need time to regain their previous strength and I admit my first few days of exercising was very frustrating but now I can feel the progress.
Today has been a good day, changed my bedding, did a full wash, even baked some scones. Some friends turned up unexpectedly so I was able to feed them home-baked scones. I admit by the time I'd finished baking I was ready to sit down but pre-op I couldn't do it without a massive amount of pain. I can see normal life resuming, which I had never dared dream of.
Take care everyone, x
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You're doing so well! Go girl, go!
This different advice is doing my head in! So envious of you doing, "whatever you feel able" to do. Advice to me was to be careful till 12 weeks, so no toe nail cutting and avoiding bending at the waist. May just be eccentricity of my surgeon?
I'm using the "golfing" move to pick stuff up too, you do need flexibility to do it and my friend with knee problems couldn't do it and she finds it difficult getting on the floor and up. Well, I'm doing that now, to do my pilates and nothing awful has happened....yet😲
I didn't buy a sock dooda and still don't put on socks much, too much effort to get them off, but my sketchers are lovely and warm and so far the weather has been warm.
Was so cross yesterday, was talking to a woman awaiting surgery and she'd just been TOLD how much pain she'd be in after the op! I just wish people didn't do that, pain is such an individual thing. Spent a lot of time reassuring her and telling her, I'd felt no pain after the op, which is true and probably I was on a drug induced high and very thankful to be relieved from the pain I'd been in before. But any pain afterwards was nothing for me. Grrr!
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@swimmer60 After reading and watching every experience with THR that people has had, I can say all of them are different. Some have insufferable pain, others don't. Some are riding a bike in the first week, others haven't gone outside after 12 weeks. Some don't take pain killers, others can't stop taking them. Some wear compression tights, others don't. I'll just try to do my best and listen to my body. I'm sure it'll be hard and painful but I'm sure it can't be worse than how I feel right now. X
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It's so lovely to hear anyone's journey. Well done everyone 👏. We are all at different stages and the tips and support is so helpful. Everyone has helped me in different ways thankyou. I do listen to my body more now. There is no right or wrong way. If I can't sleep I get up. If tired I have a nap. It doesn't matter its what's works for you.
Take care everyone xxx scones sound like a good idea Janlyn yum xx
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After reading and watching every experience with THR from internet and I can say that all of them are different. Some have insufferable pain, others don't. Some are riding a bike in the first week, others haven't gone outside after 12 weeks. Some don't take pain killers, others can't stop taking them. Some wear compression tights, others don't. Some can't live without the raised toilet seat and others, hate it. About ice pads, some say you shouldn't use them, others, you must use them. Doctors and hospitals also have different preferences. When I did my pre-assessment, I asked my physiotherapist about compression tights, she took out a list with the consultants and their preferences and said: "Let me see...your consultant likes ice pads and blood thiner, no compression tights". Probably other consultants would say the opposite. I'll just try to do my best and listen to my body like @Chris1 says. Anyway, I'm sure it'll be hard and painful but I'm sure it can't be worse than how I feel right now physically and emotionally. X
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Day 20
@swimmer60 I'm definitely not going to be doing any toe-nail cutting for at least 12 weeks, whether I'm allowed or not! I wonder if the different advice is to some extent personal to our circumstances rather than general advice? Or policy in certain hospitals or with certain consultants?
I think I perfected the golfing move pre-surgery as my leg had been so stiff for so long that it seems to come naturally but I can see it wouldn't work for everyone. As to getting down to the floor there is no way I would dare attempt it yet, I'm not sure I'd know where to start but I suppose eventually I'll have to figure it out.
I know what you mean about the effort to get socks off. I'm a bit soft and need socks/tights so I have persevered but getting them off is definitely harder than getting them on and involves complicated manoeuvres with my long-handled shoe horn.
Thank goodness you were there to reassure the woman about pain after her op. We are all different and if we've been in pain then it does seem easier to deal with post-op. I think I just had numbness and tenderness rather than pain and definitely it was a better type of pain than pre-surgery. I think I was more tense and nervous I was damaging something by exercising and moving but that's all sorted now.
@Nurina I think that's absolutely right - listen to your body and do what feels right for you. Don't hesitate to ask advice before you leave hospital. I found the staff helpful with little tips as to how to move about and do things. I admit I heard so many people giving reassurance as to how much better I would feel and how quickly it would happen I found it all quite daunting in case I couldn't do as well as them. I do think it is good to read a lot though and know a little of what to expect.
@Chris1 you're absolutely right, there's no right and wrong way, we're all different and at different stages and our bodies will tell us what we need. I find if I'm tired during the day there is no way I can fight having a nap!
Today has been a good day. The sun was shining so I walked a little further - only 18 minutes but enough for my Fitbit to award me an 'exercise' credit and send me a message of congratulations. For years I always managed to meet my daily target but this is the first day since September so that feels like progress.
Take care all, xx
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Day 21
I can't believe how anxious I was three weeks ago tonight on the eve of my hip replacement. Would it go ahead? Would I still be in pain? Would I walk properly again? Having read people say they got their life back I really couldn't believe that would happen to me, but thinking about it I'm walking pain-free and longer distances than I was pre-op. Still a way to go to get to my old 'normal' but can see it is possible. Walked a little bit further today and Fitbit says I've topped 7000 steps. A little achy today in my, I think, quads, so maybe take it a bit easier tomorrow, but feel if I don't try I won't know my limits.
Scar healing and really not too visible at all already.
Take care all, xx
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Thank @Janlyn 6 days for my surgery. Currently I barely can walk and the pain is unbearable. My husband and teenage sons look at me with sadness. My family and friends send me texts everyday: "Are you ok?" "How do you feel today?" and everybody say: "Don't worry, you'll be fine soon". And yes, I know many people have had an amazing outcome but from the depth of my heart I really don't believe it will happen to me. I think I will never be able to walk without limping and painless. Reading your post made me cry. 7000 steps on day 21 So do miracles really exist?
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Day 22
@JPT Thank you - physio tells me my progress will slow down but I'm already in a better position than pre-op so that's absolutely okay. I hope you don't have to wait too long.
@Nurina I could almost have written your post a month ago when I was still waiting. I do actually feel a miracle has happened and I feel very lucky. I remember people looking at me with sadness too. And when people told me how well someone else had done I really didn't believe it would happen for me either - but it does feel like a miracle.
As I've an automatic car physio told me earlier this week I could drive again when I felt ready. I gave it a go today and was amazed I felt comfortable and safe. I didn't go far but it's given me independence to pick up odd items of shopping or medication without having to ask people to do it for me.
Take care everyone, x
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well done Janlyn. I'm nowhere near 7000 steps yet. I've got to wait till 6 weeks to drive my car is a manual. Day 8 was my turning point the swelling started to go down and I could move more. My emotions were up and down. Nurina I was same.
Take care everyone xx
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Day 23
@Chris1 I do think 7000 steps was a little too much but my physio said sometimes it was trial and error to get it right and no real harm done.
My car is my first automatic and I feel so lucky - it's given me independence early although I will only go short distances for essentials for a while.
I think I was about Day 8(ish) when my swelling started to go down too and I felt to be making progress. My knees and ankles are still a little swollen but seem to be going down albeit slowly.
I agree about emotions - I do think for some time I have blocked emotions and just got by day by day but it is nice to start to feel again and to have some hope for the future, rather than a fear it might not work out.
Take care everyone, xx
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Nearly there! I was just like you, in chronic pain all the time, taking buckets of pain killers with little effect! Getting out of bed and my hip giving way, limping etc
I woke up from surgery pain! If I have pain these days, 12 weeks next Friday from op., it's muscle ache from doing too much.
I've found swimming really helpful post operative and you can go as soon as your wound heals.
Take care.
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Thanks @swimmer60 That means a lot to me. I'm really scared, but not more than when I was approaching my pregnancy due date. 😁
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Day 24
@swimmer60 - you've just brought memories back for me - it was so miserable, struggling to get out of bed in the night and then my hip giving way, and sometimes falling on the floor. I actually didn't notice I didn't have pain waking up from surgery because I seemed to be so numb and weak, but a few days later when the numbness wore off and my muscles strengthened it was a revelation. And yes, the muscle ache lets me know how much exercise is enough and how much is too much.
@Nurina - I remember feeling similar, but at least I only had me to look after when I got home this time!
Last night I was picked up by friends and taken to their house for a meal and lovely chat, it was so nice to be out and a little bit of normal in my life again. I found I couldn't get comfortable when I went to bed and felt a little sore. This morning when I found last night's paracetamol I realised why. At least I know it is still working. So back on them and a nice little walk in the cold sun today. Completed almost 7,000 steps today and feeling okay so some more progress being made.
Take care all, xx
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well done everyone. I managed 2000 steps. The best thing with my new knee. It won't give way no more falls. No more pain. Getting easier
Take care everyone x
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Day 25
@Chris1 Brilliant to hear your steps are getting easier. And also no more giving way and falls and pain. It took me a while to realise the same with my hip and to actually believe it. I think I was so numb and weak the first few days I really wasn't sure but it's great now to feel progress and to be able to do more already than pre-op.
Today I walked to pick up a parcel at my most local pick-up point which was almost a mile there and back. It's been months since I could do that - the independence is great. My muscles actually felt a little sore when I got home but a sit-down and quick nap soon sorted it. I'm now averaging around 6000-7000 steps daily and completely happy with that and feel very lucky.
Take care everyone, xx
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@Janlyn It's amazing to see you are doing these little things we miss when we can barely walk. Picking up a parcel walking one mile...nobody else could understand this happiness. Are you using your crutches?
I've just received a call from my consultant to give the go-ahead as planned on Friday. He said he understands why I'm freaking out but for him, it's a routine. He has done more than 1000 hip replacements and he has a success of 98%. After this, shouldn't I feel better?
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Day 26
@Nurina I agree no one else could understand the happiness of the little things we used to take for granted. Although I am using my crutches I'm not really relying on them. I don't use them around the house and touch the floor lightly with them now when I'm out, rather than leaning on them as I used to do.
It's great you've got the go ahead for Friday and your surgeon has such a good success rate. It's perfectly understandable you feel nervous though - I remember I was the same. I think the pain made it all worse too and I really couldn't believe I would be relatively pain free. I will say that looking back I had quite a lot of numbness and weakness in my operated leg for the first few days but at the time even that was such an improvement I didn't really recognise it.
Another walk of around a mile today and no aches afterwards. I even started to clear a little bit of rubbish out of my garage when I got back and had a look at my garden to plan what needs doing as everything has been neglected for the past year. It's nice that every day is just that tiny bit lighter and Spring seems close - I feel lucky I've had my op now and the warmer, brighter weather ahead to enjoy.
Take care all, xx
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