Finding a good physiotherapist

gioia Member Posts: 1


I exercise following the versus arthritis videos with Jay, however I would like to find someone like him (or him!) to check which exercises I should / should not do / when, and ask questions about pain points flare ups etc.

Where do I find physios specialised in arthritis?

In London and also dare I ask abroad as I travel for work (while I still can?)



  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 857

    Hello @gioia welcome to the online community

    It is great that you are following Jay's exercise video. Many of us find them really useful.

    Have you asked your GP for a referral to a physiotherapist? Most practices have a physio attached to their surgery. Alternately you could click on the "In your Area" on the top tool bar and find out the nearest VA group and I expect they might be able to help you. As for abroad , I imagine relying on your video link to Lets Move is likely to be your best bet.

    There is also a Chartered Society of Physiotherapy who may be able to help you.

    Let us know how you get on and do browse round the community further and join in with us again.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 110

    My GP referred me to the muscular-skeletal team at the local hospital here in Cardiff and they are brilliant. You do need to keep up the exercises to see the benefit. Where we lived before, in Ipswich, we had a GP physio but she wasn't very good and the GP referred me to a oesteopath who was great but it did cost.

    Leon (and his mum) are brilliant and his exercises are much the same as a physio will give you - I think he is a qualified physio. I found his exercises very helpful. The hospital physio also suggests using the Versus Arthritis videos.

    Good luck. The secret is to keep moving - or you'll atrophy.