Knee osteoarthritis
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I've had pain in one knee, gradually getting worse, for 14 years and had an arthroscopy 12 years ago. I've had 3 X-rays on the knee showing gradual degeneration over the years, the last a year ago. I've had 2 steroid injections since last June, the 2nd of which only gave pain relief for a few…
Techniques for getting in and out of bed etc.
Could there be some information made available giving techniques for getting in and out of bed after hip replacement surgery. And also the car. Knowing things like this can greatly help with recovery. And for after the six week milestone when the person feels ready getting in and out of the bath.
Should I be Suffering In Silence?
Ive been having pain in my right ankle for the past 8+ years. I had an ankle operation in 2017 & reattachment of my ligament. Surgeon identified early arthritis and some bone damage/degradation. Ever since I've been self medicating to take away the pain and mostly limiting the impact on my ankle. Working from home helps as…
Post surgery physio THR
Hi there. I just wanted to know how you'd all dealt with the little physio exercises they discharge you with after hip replacement. My hip was so bad it had less than 20% strength and virtually zero flexibility. I'm currently 6 days post op. 54 years old and was very physically fit before arthritis took me down in march,…
Pain 4 months after hip arthroscopy
Hey everyone. I wanted to post on here because I'm looking for specific advice and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for online. So any and all responses are welcome. Bit of back story: About 4 months ago, I had revision hip arthroscopy surgery. The first surgery I had fixed my cam and pincer impingement, and this…
Full Rehab Journey After Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
This is a raw, personal account of the my rehab journey following a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing operation on May 23rd, 2024. Initially, I was going to do a weekly update but what scuppered that idea was when my consultant, brilliant that he is, told me two things while my legs were still numb from the anaesthetic. The first…
Post Trapeziectomy Hand Therapy
Hi All I hope this is permitted, I have attached here the PDF document my brilliant hand therapist gave me in 2020 which I stuck to religiously and it works. @Zuccho77 following our chats on your threads you might like to try these. I hope others find it useful. Please ignore the notes in the margins - recovery isn't a one…
Finding a good physiotherapist
Hi, I exercise following the versus arthritis videos with Jay, however I would like to find someone like him (or him!) to check which exercises I should / should not do / when, and ask questions about pain points flare ups etc. Where do I find physios specialised in arthritis? In London and also dare I ask abroad as I…
First appointment with a physio
Hi, I have fairly severe arthritis in my knees and ankles. I also have mild arthritis in my wrists. I have my first appointment with a physio tomorrow but it is only by phone. In order to make the most of my time, does anyone have an suggestions about what I should say/ask? Also who would you ask for a referral to an OT?…
I cancelled my hip replacement
I want to shout it from the rooftops. After only one week of calm, gentle, yet very powerful, somatic exercises I'm walking pain free and have increased my hip flexibility by 45 degrees! I've climbed into my 4x4 by stepping into it, rather than pulling myself in backwards for the first time in over a year. I'm sitting…
New member recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis
Hi everyone So I was diagnosed with coeliac disease just after my 60th birthday last year. I’ve just turned 61 and have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my lower back, hips and knee - left side more affected than the right. Just a few months ago - September - I was on a walking holiday in Scotland, climbing to see the…
Domiciliary physiotherapy services in London, UK
Hey folks, I'm a 33-year-old male with haemophilia A and osteoarthritis of the right knee. The knee has been locked at about 90 degrees for 6+ months, and remains painful. My left ankle was fused 7 months ago but hasn't had its rehab because of the knee problem I just mentioned. I'll be having a total knee replacement…
Take another look at physiotherapy
I was diagnosed with chronic advanced osteoarthritis (RA ruled out) in multiple joints about a year ago. My surgeons suggestions, that I have a staged replacement schedule, first my hips followed by my knees. This was a little overwhelming and I cancelled my first hip replacement to give myself more time to adjust and see…
My journey to (hopefully) being diagnosed
I am starting physio after several months of being unable to go due to it not fitting with my day off and not being able to get shift swaps/change of day off. My GP ended up putting an urgent referral through to get me to see the physio via my local hospital (I was originally going to see the one at my GP practice). I have…
I Hate Physio!!
Physio, I've decided, is the arthritic equivalent of chemo. Yeah I know it's nothing like as bad, but there are several similarities, such as a lot of suffering for something that won't even cure you by itself anyway. I hate Physio, I really do. I've far better things to do with my life than lying on my side pretending to…
Hi All I have just recently joined the forum and hope someone has some answers. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the right hip about 15 years ago but until a few weeks ago it was really causing me many problems and I was able to carry on my life as normal but since I tripped and fell a few weeks ago that has changed…