Help coping with a knee flare

Chery102 Member Posts: 7
edited 21. May 2024, 08:53 in Young people's community

Hi all

I was diagnosed with JIA at 18months old, which transitioned into rheumatoid arthritis I'm now 36 and really struggling with a right knee flare, in alot of discomfort, limited movement in that knee. I have a guided ultrasound cortisone injection boomed for 29th May which I've been waiting months for.

My emotions are all over the place due to pain and discomfort and difficulty walking due to the flare.

Currently taking salfasalazine due to trying to conceive.

Tried hot and cold compress nothing seems to be elevating the pain/swelling.

Aanyone been in a similar situations be great if you could reach out, any advice ?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    Hi @Chery102

    I'm so glad to hear you are having a guided cortisone jab booked in on 29th I really hope that will help your sore knee.

    In the meantime What I tend to do if I am 'proper flaring' like you are is to do my range of movement exercises to try to stop things seizing up too much.

    Have you got some I wonder I expect you have but just in case here are some gentle knee exercises

    The only other thing I do is to try to distract myself if I can.

    Best of luck for next week.


  • Chery102
    Chery102 Member Posts: 7

    Hi Ellen

    This is really helpful and I will defo give them a go to try and help with relief and stiffness.

    Yes draining of knee fluid and then a cortisone injection always works really well for me I must say so that can't come soon enough!!

    It's just coping in the meantime that's the struggle as it's been flared for quite some time had steriod tablets but soon as they finished I flared again. So defo getting me down now. Destruction techniques are always good and u can dwell on how crappy your feeling if not.

    Thank you so much for reaching out really appreciate it

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,921

    I hope you'll let us know how you get on on 29th @Chery102 I'm pretty sure it will really help hopefully for a good while.

    Exactly what I say about distraction honestly the mind is a powerful thing.

    Take care and good luck🤞


  • Chery102
    Chery102 Member Posts: 7

    I will indeed let you know how I get on. Nice being able to connect with others suffering with RA as can feel very lonely otherwise.